
Miss Hi

Following Ron's gaze when Silvia saw who it was, she could not help but roll her eyes.

" Who is the bitch?" Janet asked.

Silvia chuckled and said," She is Kevin's ex."

" Is she still into him?" Ron asked.

" I don't know but she was the one who left him." Silvia said.

Janet raised her eyebrows and asked," So Kevin is still into her or-?"

" No he isn't." Silvia said.

Janet sighed and said," Ah thank God."

" Sil she is coming towards you." Ron said.

Janet chuckled and said," Sil bitchy mode on?"

Silvia nodded her head and said," Uh huh."

Just then Emily arrived and said," Hey Silvia right?"

" Yes but who are you?" Silvia asked.

Emily forced a smile and said," Oh may be you did now recognise me but I am Emily hmm remember we met in the washroom?"

Pretending to think for quite sometime, Silvia nodded her head and said," Ahhh the Hi girl from the washroom." Turning towards Janet, Silvia said," You know Jan she came all the way to the washroom just to 'Hi' me that day. Ah I was so touched that day."

Janet smiled and said," That is so sweet. Ah don't tell me you came inside just to 'Hi' her again?"

Emily clenched her hands into a fist and said," I wanted to get a facial and hair spa but it's packed. I saw that you have a reservation under your name. So can you just-"

" Oh you want to me let you take the appointment?" Silvia said.

Emily nodded her head and said," Yes."

Silvia smiled and said," Ah I wish I could but I don't want to."

Emily gritted her teeth and said," It's my wedding after ten days and it's not like you have a wedding so you can always came over next time and do whatever you want to."

" Hmmm let me think." Silvia said.

Pausing for quite sometime, Silvia said," No I've to go on a date later tonight."

" With Kevin?" Emily asked.

Silvia nodded her head and said," Yes."

Emily smiled and said," Kevin won't mind even if you go on a date with him in your pj's. So you don't have to stress over it. When Kevin and I were-"

Cutting her off, Silvia said," Hmm What did you say? When Kevin and you WERE dating. But you aren't dating now right? So there is no point talking about it."

" And your wedding is after ten days while Sil has to go on a date tonight. So why don't you take an appointment for tomorrow?" Janet said.

" I haven't done my shopping yet and-"

" Now now Miss Hi that is your problem. Why will our Sil compromise for you? It isn't like you are a VIP or something like that." Ron said.

Faking a smile, Emily said," Okay then. I'll take my leave now. Please tell Kevin that-"

" I'll tell Kevin that you said Hi." Silvia said.

Emily smiled and said," Have a good day."

" Have a good wedding." Janet said.

Gritting her teeth, Emily left the salon with a gloomy expression.

" She is trouble. You should be careful Sil." Janet said.

Ron chuckled and said," Your husband is Mr hottie so he is bound to have little chicks running around him."

Silvia sighed and said," Hmm But I don't really care about these things. Now it will depend upon Kevin how he will react to these things. Now if he really wants to react and give them attention, there is nothing that I can do."

" Hmm now lets not think about this and relax." Ron said.


Austin Mansion.

Sitting on the dinning table along with uncle Herpi and Aunt Julie, Kevin was quietly eating his food.

" It's good that you are getting married. Silvia is a really nice girl." Uncle Herpi said.

Kevin nodded his head and said," I know."

" About the company. Did you tell Silvia about it?" Uncle Herpi asked.

Kevin shook his head and said," No I didn't and I don't wanna tell her this and freak her out."

" She needs to know. She has to prepare herself because after you take over the company then-"

Kevin shook his head and said," Silvia likes leading a peaceful life and I don't wanna mess up things for her. I know there will be restrictions later on but till then let her do whatever she wants."

Aunt Julie smiled and said," Kevin is right. Let's not restrict that poor child so soon."

Uncle Herpi sighed and said," Hmm but after you take over the company, I want you both to shift somewhere safe and you also have to assign bodyguards for Silvia."

Kevin nodded his head and said," I know."

" Now since you both don't want a wedding it's fine but later we will have to throw a very big party and invite all our business partners and few other important people. I won't listen to both of you at all." Uncle Herpi said.

" I'll ask Silvia about this and then let you know." Kevin said.

" Where are you planning to take her for a honeymoon?" Julie asked.

" I told Silvia to pick a place. Wherever she wants to go, I'll take her." Kevin said.

Uncle Herpi frowned and said," If Silvia will decide everything, what will you do?"

Taking a sip from the wine, Kevin said," I'll just do what she wants me to."

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