This is a story that follows the lives of Phoebe Kuruga and William Spade. Two impeccable detectives of Precinct 236 in the heart of Felicity City, NY. This duo specializes in homicide cases handed to them by Chief Kendrick Klein. Recently, more bizarre cases rise to the surface as the statute of limitations draws near on three particular cases. With the help of forensic scientist Rhea , the duo will overcome the dark mysteries of the last decade.
William bolted down the alleyway, his footsteps heavy on the concrete ground. His target ahead of him made a sharp turn and disappeared from William's sight. He cursed under his breath as he quickened his pace. "I can't let him get away." Once he turned at the corner, William stopped in his tracks. A gun was pointed straight at his forehead. 'When did he get a gun?' "You move a muscle, you die," the man said with a wicked grin. William's eyes hardened to a glare, staring into the man's soul. The man involuntarily took a step back as he felt a wave of fear consume his body. 'Here's my chance' He disarmed the criminal , taking the gun from him in a matter of seconds. He held the gun to the man's head. "On your knees. Now," William demanded. "Phoebe, I could use some help with apprehending him," William said into his earpiece.
Phoebe who had been taking it easy filing her nails as she leaned on a wall near the alley. "Do you really need my help? Can't you do anything without me?" She teased as she pushed up off the wall and jogged to his last known position. She looked around the corner to find them as she imagined. "Bravo! I knew you would catch him alive."Phoebe chuckled reaching to her hip to grab her handcuffs. She grabbed the guy's right wrist and pulled it behind his back.
"Not only did you run but you also have a weapon that I believe is unregistered. If you try anything else Willy over there will blow your head off." She grabbed his left wrist and pulled it behind his back cuffing him. She placed her hand on the man's shoulder for safe keeping.
"Care to finish up Willy?"
The criminal looked dead into William's eyes before spitting into his face. William's lips pursed together as his grip tighten on the hilt of the gun. William used his free hand to wipe the drops of liquid from his face before leveling the gun to the man's knee. He closed his finger on the trigger, sending a bullet into the man's kneecap. The criminal let out a cry of pain as he fell to the ground withered in agony. William stared at the man, saying nothing, showing no emotion but disdain.
Phoebe removed her hand when the guy fell. She placed her palm on her face dragging it up the side of her face running her fingers through her blonde hair. She looked at the criminal rolling around in pain so she hit him in his leg enough to make him squeal
"I told you not to try anything..." She groaned knowing that the worse the situation got, the more paperwork she had to do. Phoebe let out a big sigh and looked at William and his expression. She pulled out a sanitized wipe from her pocket "William! Are you trying to make my job harder? You just added another 6 pages of paperwork to a 2 page turn in! " Give me the gun!" She held out her hand for it with the wipe between her fingers
William acquiesced to Phoebe's demands, putting the gun into the cloth that was held between her fingers. "I'll do the report for you," William offered. While most would say the report was the worst part of the job, William would actually find writing the report to be relaxing. It gave him something to do, something to occupy his time with. He didn't mind if he had to stay up all night to finish it; he would actually prefer if he didn't get any sleep that night. For some reason, this man hated to do the things that keeps him, or any other human being, alive and functioning. William hadn't eaten anything nor had a blink of sleep for the past five days while they were working on this case. Although his actions didn't show the full extent of his condition, his physical body screamed for rest and food.
Phoebe sighed again and took the gun from out of the cloth. "Sanitize your face, this guy is filthy and his saliva touched you." She placed the cloth in his hand and the gun on an empty slot of her holster "I'll take care of the paperwork and you take care of your body." She walked over to the criminal that was wounded and crouched down next to him "Your not still bitching over this knee wound are you? Come on! Get on your feet" Phoebe started to pull the guy to his feet as He struggled groaning and whining with standing on his wounded leg which sounded so dramatic to Phoebe's ears. "Willy get the car lets get rid of this drama queen"
Phoebe made sure to keep a firm grip on his arm supporting him.
William took the cloth from Phoebe and wiped the remaining spit from his cheek and glasses before putting the piece of material into the pocket of his jacket. He'll return the cloth to her once he had properly cleaned it.