
Chapter 6 Ji Min

Junkook was horrified. Despite what he said previously about Jin's theory he knew he was just in denial.

He did not want Jin to be right, because if he was it meant that everyone was gone. Their families, friends and cute fans were gone, dead. Even though he had prepared himself to never see his loved ones again when they were imprisoned in the research facility it was still hard to come to terms with.

His thoughts were interrupted by Jin. "Anyways, we can't be sure. I think for now we should try and find the others, after all we're both fine so they should be to."

Junkook agreed with him. Whatever happened cannot be changed, they should focus on what they could do instead.

They had just started searching for the others when they heard "click, click, click" a few metres ahead of them rubble had started to fall as a figure appeared out of the pile of dirt.

Junkook and Jin both ran towards the figure.

What they saw shocked them both into stopping a few steps away from him.

A few steps away from them stood Ji Min but there was something different.

They did not know what it was but he was different. He looked beautiful, not the girly pretty type but more like something otherworldly. The air around him seemed to shimmer, even though he was covered in dirt he did not look like a sorry figure. No, he looked like a deity and made both Junkook and Jin feel compelled to help him no matter what they had to do.

In a second many thoughts ran through and were analysed in Jin's mind. He guessed that this new feeling that suddenly overcame him was not natural. He knew what he thought was crazy but he suspected that it was caused by Ji Min. Just like how he suddenly became a genius, and how Jungkook became inhumanly strong, Ji Min charmed those around him.

Ji Min stared at them with a confused look on his face with his eyebrows were scrunched. Suddenly Jin felt the urge to do whatever he could in his power to solve Ji Min's problem, to keep this deity from suffering anything. Judging by the look of servitude on Jungkook's face he knew he felt the same.

Shit, he had underestimated Ji Min's powers.

He grabbed Jungkook and pulled him back a few more steps away from Ji Min. He gripped his shoulders and gave him a good shake.

"Snap out of it Jungkook, what you're feeling aren't your true feelings!" His eyes glazed over for a moment before clearing up, a look of realization on his face.

Jin took a deep breath and steeled his resolve before turning around to face Ji Min. He no longer looked confused, instead he looked joyful as he stared at him. Jin felt another wave of feelings of devotion overcome him.

He knew he needed to overcome this and almost immediately he felt the wave of feelings had stopped bothering him. They did not disappear, they were still there but they no longer interfered with his judgement. He felt relieved that he could finally think clearly again, as for how he managed to do that it was most likely his mutated power.

He also realized that although Ji Min's power had unlimited potential what they had felt was not necessarily harmful to them other than making them adore Ji Min more.

After confirming their safety he nodded to Jungkook and walked up to Ji Min and pulled his other brother into a hug. Ji Min returned the hug with as much enthusiasm. After they took turns hugging they explained everything to Ji Min.

He was surprisingly more open minded than Jungkook was and was more supportive of Jin's theory. As they were about to continue their search Jungkook stopped them both.

"Wait, someone is coming. Listen." He said. Ji Min and Jin both stopped moving and listened.

It was as if they had entered a new world, they could hear the birds singing miles away and a hair running into its burrow. They felt the powerful life running through the forest, through all the trees and plants, everything was so alive. Even if they could not see what was really going on in their minds eye they could picture it all happening.

They finally heard the sound Jungkook wanted them to hear. It was foot's steps, more than one pair walking not too far from them.

All three of them reacted immediately, getting into their fighting stances.

The foot's steps grew closer and closer until they finally saw them come out from behind a wall.

Standing there in front of them were the very people they were looking for. Min Yoon Gi, Jung Ho Seok, Kim Nam Joon and Kim Tae Hyung.

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