
Chapter 7 "Bothered"

Tessa POV

I woke up at 8 am yesterday was exhausting to be honest, but i sleep well last night but my body is kinda sore and my feet are killing me, i go in the bathroom a took a shower i remeber that we have a surprise visit to our model this day and i dont have too much work today i think this day is for me to have a lot of sleep later, i got out from the shower i wear my ripped black jeans and my silky white longsleeves i put a vans shoes today so that i can take a break from wearing high heels i brush my hair and blow dry it i put some make up my everyday make up look, i get my things and put it in my bag i put my bag like a sling bag and walk downstairs the house is quiet i go to the dining area and i saw my family eating together i joined them

"Good Morning Dear." My mum greeted me with a smile and i smiled back

"Good morning mum." I greeted her "Good morning Heith and Tae." I looked at them

"Good Morning Noona." Tae greeted beside me and hug me tightly

"Good morning sis." Heith greeted and i smile at him

"Where's Dad?" I asked mum

"He have a meeting today at the H.Inc and after that they will fly to Brazil for a business trip." She told us and we nodded

"Well, Heith, You and Tae will go to the Hospital today and have his check up." I said and he nodded

"We already have an appoinment sis." he said and i nodded

"That's good." I said "I will be home early today." I told my mum and she looked at me

"Why?" She asked me

"I dont have any work right now and i can sleep deeply today after work." I told her

"That's good for you, you should take rest more so that you wont get sick and and you need to lend some time to meet someone you know?, you're in the right age to have your own family dear, we want to see you get married and have your babies running around our garden." My mum told me

I just look at my food quietly and thought about what my mum said, I'm 32 years old and i dont have someone with me, I'm getting old maybe im too busy to my work? That i dont see my own happiness? I always put my work first? You know i still want to feel the love of someone except from my family, friends and siblings, i should put my happiness now i think? I should put my self first at this time, im getting older but i dont know what to do? I was snapped out from my thoughts and come back to reality.

"Noona, you dont have any boyfriend?" Tae asked and i laughed at him

"Noona is too busy at her work thats why she dont have any 'Boyfriend'." Heith said and emphasize the word 'Boyfriend' on my face and i also laughed at him

"You should find a boyfriend Noona you're getting old and you deserved to be loved." Tae said "I will play with your babies in the future Noona." Tae added and i laughed

"I think Noona will have a difficulty finding a boyfriend." I told him and he looked at me seriously

"I can be yoir boyfriend Noona or Heith we love you thisssss muchhhh!~" Tae told me with a big heart gesture from his hand and i giggled

"Ahhhhh you know Dad, Heith and You are my Boyfriends." I said and boop his nose

"Yeah we are Noona's official boyfriends." Heith said and laughed at us

You know even though i dont have any boyfriend my life is not that boring because of this two, they're such a cutie patotie im so lucky to have this two as my younger brothers, after we had our breakfast Heith approach me and kiss me on the cheek i looked at him in shock

"Bye sis we will go to the doctor now, i love you sis." Heith told me and i smiled at him sweetly Tae run towards us

"Wait for meeeeeeee!~" He shouts and i giggled at his action "Oh Hi Noona, Bye Noona, Love you have a great day." He said and kiss me on the cheek and run towards Heith

I shake my head and get my phone i look for Hoseok and Jin's name on my phone when i saw their names i made a group text

'Hi, Good Morning Let's meet at the J's coffee shop near our work let's have breakfast its my treat hehe see you😘 -T💙' when i send it to Jin and Hoseok, Hoseok replied to me

'Yeeeeeyyy!!! Free breakfast!!! See u😘' Hoseok replied and i smiled

I walk out of the house and hop in my car well i use my car today i need some alone time today, its been months since i use my Jeep Wrangler and drove to the coffee shop i think i need to plan something for myself i need some vacation, i need to focus on myself as long as i have time i should make myself happy now right? I should put myself first before its too late... Maybe when i try to put myself first everything will follow right? I didnt realize that the coffee shop is near i park infront of the coffee shop and hop out the car i walk inside the coffee shop, the coffee shop is not that crowded i like the relaxing music takes over the place i sit on the sofa and close my eyes for a bit, there's a lot going on in my mind i dont know what to put first, what would be my priority, should i follow my heart or my mind? My heart said that i should take a break from all of this but my mind said that i need to work, i sighed and i feel someone sitted next to me so i open my eyes and look who is it.

"What are you thinking?" Hoseok asked me

"Nothing." I said and sit properly

"Tessa, i know you for how many years, i know when you're lying, when something is up in your mind and something is bothering you." Hoseok said

"I dont know Hobi, i dont know what is happening." I said and he smirk

"Its been years since you call me Hobi." He said

"I know, im more comfortable calling you Hobi than Hoseok." I told him

"Yeah i know because of our work you call me that." He laugh and i laugh also

"I wish i could choose that easily when it comes to me." I told him and sigh

"You can open up to me whatever is bothering you." He sail and i nodded i open my mouth but i was cutted off by Jin

"Hey guys so do you guys already order something?" Jin asked and we looked at him

"Not yet what do you guys want?" I asked them and they look at the menu

"Woah, theybalready have breakfast meals in the coffee shop, last time we go in here they dont have that in their menu." Jin said and we agree

"We should try it then." Hobi said and i agree

They give what they like to eat and i go to the cashier and said what our order the cashier said that they will serve the our order i nodded and smile at her and i walk back at our table and take a sit.

"So going back to our 1 on 1 conversation." Hobi said and sit properly

"Yahhh im not belong in your conversation?" Jin asked us

"2 on 1 conversation happy Jin?" Hobi said with sarcasm and i laughed a little our coffee arrived

"So what is bothering you this days Tessa?" Hobi asked getting his coffee

"Well my mum brought up that i should rest and have a me time so that i wont get sick." I told them

"Is that it?" Jin asked me and i sighed

"She also said that its time for me to have my own family." I add and Hobi got burned from the hot coffee

"Owwww aishhh, she said that?" He asked touching his lips and i nodded

"Well, you know you're kinda old now Tess i think your mum's right, dont get me wrong." Hobi said and Jin looked at him angrily

"Yahhhh! 32 is not OLD Hoseok, we can still walk and all, aisshhhh old is the one who have white hairs and struggling to walk do you think im like that Hoseok?! Aishhhh!" He nag and we laugh at him

"Okay you're not old Jin." Hobi said and laugh while sipping his coffee

"Well, i've been thinking if i should try to find someone and put myself first but i need to work also i cant leave we have so much work." I said and sigh

"You should try looking for mister right Tess, before its too late, we still want to be uncles you know." Jin said and i choke on my coffee

"Aisshh Yaaaaahhh! Then why you don't have a girlfriend and give us a baby came from your down there." Hobi said and pointed at his thing

"Its not easy to date girls, and go with blind dates you know, i think i will only have a wife from my father's agreement from others using an arrange marriage." Jin sigh and i looked at him

"You will still see the one." Hobi said

Our orders arrived and have a chitchat our breakfast went well and my thoughts from earlier got out of my mind Hobi and Jin never failed me to laugh and take me away from those kind of thoughts, we're finished from eating our breakfast and we got out from the coffee shop, we got to the nearby food chain to buy our models some food so that they wont get sick and hungry it take us half an hour waiting for our order, we didnt only order some breakfast also lunch for them when we got our order we go to my car and put everything in the back, we hop in and i drive to our building, when we arrived our employees help us from carrying the foods and we go to the 8th floor as we enter the floor we enter the practice room and the loud music welcome us, the employees put the foods to the table Hoseok and Jin entered the room first and i followed them i can see them already tired and struggling from the tiredness and soreness we go in front and we look at them we can see their sweats even though they are in aircondition room, they take this seriously their faces are fierce the legs of others are already shaking from to much walking, i look at their leader who is watching them walking he is incharge of this training i signal him to take a final walk and form them in a two lines they give us some microphones and finally they are finished from practicing and the music stop.

"Hi Good Morning Everyone." Hobi greeted them and they greeted back

"We are here because we want to see you guys practice and congratulate you because your first runway is a very famous runway, everyone there is very famous from fashion and we want to deliver the fashion with great models and we know you can do it." Jin said

"Give yourself a round of applause for your hardwork and all." I told them "Because of your hardwork, we dont want all of you to get hungry and unhealthy, you still need to focus on your health because health is wealth, we bought some breakfast for you guys and also lunch." I said and they all cheer

"You should take a break guys and take some rest for 1 to 2 hours dont force yourselves we still have a lot of time." I told them and i smile to them

"Yeyyy! Everyone! Go and eat!" Hobi said and jump around like a little kid and we laugh at him

"They are really good at modeling and walking they have this passion." Jin said

"Yeah i can see it on their eyes, this is a big deal to them." I said

"Their very first work will start at a very famous runway, they're so lucky they will have exposure as soon as possible, wow!" Hobi said and we agree on him

"What we're gonna do now?" I asked them

"Do we still have some work to do after this surprise visit?" Jin asked Hobi

"Nooooo~ We have time for ourselves and for sleeping." He said

We jumped around like a highschool girl asked out by her crush and we laugh at each other, we're so weird when the three of us are with each other, we can go outside and be like normal people and do things which is not formal and be ourselves, thats what we like out from the formalities and from the eyes of other people who knows us from being rich we also want to be ourselves we can only do that when we're in the car, in our house or in a private property or area of us or their side.

"We should do some sleepover next time at your condo Tessa, your condo is already a hauted condo because you never live in there." Hobi said and i laughed at him

"I already forgot that i have a condo." I told them and they just looked at me

"We should do some planning at your condo, we will do that this coming Saturday." Jin said and i think about it

"Yeah thats a good idea." I said and they jump in excitement

"I cant wait, but i have some things i need to do so i need to go bye guys." Jin said and hugged me and wave his goodbye

"I should go also i need to go to your mum's shop." He said and i nodded he hugged me and waved his goodbye

I sighed and go.out of the room i go to this mini play area and i sit to a round bouncy ball chair and i looked outside the full view window, i can see the buildings and the sky this is a beautiful view i close my eyes and think about the things i need to do now and that makes me bothered all over again i took a deep breath and i hear someone clear his throat i open my eyes quickly and look at my side and i found Jungkook sitted next to me.

"Hey." He greet and i smile

"How are you?" He asked me

"I'm good." I answered

"By the deep breath you took i think you're not good." He said and i look down at my feet

"Anything wrong?" He asked me and i looked at the view again

"When something is bothering you what do you do?" I asked him and he think for a moment

"I work out." He said

"What if you need to choose?" I asked him

"Then think about it deeply." He said

"What if you cant choose?" I asked him and he looked at me

"Well i think when im choosing ,i make it sure that im happy about it, i can see myself from it, because thats what i want." He said and i nodded

"What if i dont know what i want?" I asked

"Well, you think about this side first and when your heart is into it go for it, sometimes i choose my heart because thats what i really want and it makes me hapoy, i only use my mind when the situation get taught, always choose what makes you happy, choose what your heart says." He said

"Hmm, thats right." I said shortly

"Sometimes mind make us confused because our mind wants to forfeit our happiness, our mind is lonely and dont know how to be happy." He said and i sighed

"Yeah." I said and looked at him

"Whatever it is you can get through this, follow what you really feel, that feels right and make no confusion at all." He said and i nodded

"Thank you." I said and hold his hand

Our eyes connect for i dont know how long, i can feel the heat on his hand it goves me goosebumps everywhere, this is an additional to my mind i dont know what is this feeling, it feels weird, it makes my heart go boom boom and slio my hand away and look away from him i cleared my throat this thing needs to end.

"You should go back." I said and he nodded

"Bye." He said and got up

"Thank you Jungkook" I said and he just nodded

He give me some clarification from what he said, i hold my chest, what am i feeling? I asked myself this is and additional thoughts i need to think, but thank to him i think i can decide now, i realize everything from what he said and it gives me a relief, i smile at myself and get up from my seat i walk to the elevator and go down, i want to treat myself now, and live my life to the fullest, YOLO! You only live once, Vacation here we come.

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