

"What?" Kai asked Lianne when he noticed her looking at him with a smile on her face.

"Oh, nothing," Lianne replied, getting up. She reached to take his bowl but he took hers instead, stacking it and placing the cutlery into it and then took the mugs.

"You cooked, so I should do the washing up," Kai told her.

Lianne didn't protest and let him be as she took a dishcloth and started wiping the table after spraying it with a cleanser. Once she was done, she went to the sofa and pressing the release knob, she pushed the backrest down.

The three seater sofa was actually a sofa bed: the 'Viva Houz Helena premium quality sofa bed 3 seater sofa'.

The top layer of the entire sofa was akin to a huge quilt-like padded cushion, which served as a comfortable mattress. The cushions could be used as pillows but Lianne felt it was not suitable enough.

Going over to the cabinet in the living room, she opened the door and took out two pillows and a light duvet. As she turned, she bumped into a solid wall and found it to be Kai.

He took the items from her with a slight frown. He looked at the opened up sofa bed and dumped the items he carried on it and said unhappily, "I'm sleeping here?"

The duck pout was out again.

Lianne laughed and couldn't help but pinch those protruding lips, "Yes."

"You lied to me," he mumbled through, "You said you'd sleep with me."

"I will be," Lianne said, "See, two pillows."

His frown lessened a bit and Lianne let go of his lips. In retrospect, she couldn't believe she had the courage to do that. Guess that meant she was getting very comfortable with him already?

Heck, she's sleeping with him so wasn't that only expected?

Sometimes Lianne can't understand herself either.

Rather, she found that her thoughts and her actions tend to be a bit haywire when it comes to Kai.

Her normal, reserved self would have never agreed to Kai's request but agree to it, she did. Worse, she had answered before her brain kicked in.

Lianne had a feeling that there would be many moments like this, too.

Such a dangerous man.

Seeing that beautiful face staring intently at her also made her heart palpitate and her ability to think getting affected. She seriously needs to toughen herself.

But the more that darn face was close to her, the more she couldn't think properly.

What happened?

She was much stronger when they first met.

"Why here and not your bedroom?" Kai asked, breaking Lianne out of her thoughts.

Ooops. She did it again.

Did he notice her absent-mindedness when her thoughts started to wander about? Lianne was sure he did, but the fact that he wasn't making a fuss about it meant he didn't mind.

Or rather, he understood.

Did he read up on Aspergers?

He must have but reading up about it and truly comprehending and putting into practice what he read were two totally different things.

Kai noticed Lianne's attention seem to wander off again and he tilted his head.

Just what was it that was making her so distracted?

He knew that Aspergers do have an attention problem, but unlike attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), the problem lay in having *too* much focus on one thing. A one track mind, so to speak.

So even with him in front of her, once her mind starts thinking of something, she would focus on that and not on him.

He didn't take it personally, but a smirk came on his face.

What would she do if he kissed her when she's so focused like this?

Would her focus shift to him, or would she continue back onto what she had been thinking so hard about?

He knew that when Aspergers got into this state of mind, they would need constant reminders to break them out of it and focus on something else. In short, they needed a fixed schedule and an alarm to indicate when a certain task needed to be performed.

It wasn't perfect, but would work in most cases.

His earlier question did break her train of thought but she went back to it so he knew she needed a stronger 'reminder'.

That's all he was doing, really.

Just helping her get back her attention to him.

With that thought, he kissed her. He placed one hand behind her head and the other around her waist, bringing her closer to him.

This was one thing he would never get tired of doing.

Being able to do this gave him such happiness. Considering that he actually just managed to get her first kiss this night itself, he certainly seem to be making up for all those times he had 'missed his chance'.

Lianne caught her breath the moment Kai started kissing her.

How many times has it been already that he managed to steal a kiss?

It was her own fault for getting so distracted by this dangerous man.

While Lianne was scolding herself, she couldn't help but get all weak as Kai continued the kiss. She did, however, pushed against his chest after returning his kiss for a while. If she didn't, she had a feeling he may not stop anytime soon.

Kai reluctantly let her go and she said softly to him, "Go bathe and change."

"Okay," Kai replied, giving her one last peck before he left.

Lianne watched his back as he entered the bathroom, then lay down on the sofa bed, while patting her chest. She licked her lips and bit on the bottom lip, remembering the feeling and the sensations of his kiss.

Perhaps this was a bad idea after all.

Then she thought of how haggard and tired he looked.

She shook her head and got up, laying the pillows on the sofa bed and spreading the duvet on it.

Just thinking about lying here, with him, made her all nervous again. Tonight, it will be a huge test for the both of them.

I think the test is more taxing on Kai though. Hahahaha!

Thank you for the votes and comments.

Stay safe everyone! <3

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