
A bunch of teens


In the Principal's Chamber

"All of you came. Please be seated." Principal said (Addressing to all the teachers)

and continued

" Mr. Shukla why don't you tell us what issues are with "Teacher and Parents meeting" last Saturday. "

"Yes sir. In that meeting parents mentioned about senior boys crossing the boundaries of the campus."

" So. Shukla ji which house is your current responsibilty ?"

" SSB Sir "

" And who is the teacher incharge of MGB house?"

" Me sir " Mr. Rana nodded

"hmm. Do you people aware what have been found by Rajesh( Sweeper of the hostel ) yesterday. Let me tell you, Approx hundreds of ciggeratte buds and Approx fifty empty tubes of dendrite." he continued

" So Mr. Rana and Mr. Shukla I guess you people are not so serious about your responsibilities. If this kind of things leaked in media do you people have any Idea how badly it will effect our school's reputation."

both teacher nodded in shame.

"I wants you two to take responsibilty of your respective houses. and bring me those students directly to my office who indulges in those melacious acts."

On the stairecass of LBP house Pratyush smocking a ciggeratte. Its clear by his face that something making him anxious.

"There you are Romeo." Kashyap from behind pitted on his back. and besitted right next to him.

"What happened you looked tense." Kashyap asked by holding the cigarette passed by Pratyush.

"I'm confused from where to begin. I am lost of words."

"Don't beat around the bush. Say it frankly."

"Well she ditched me."

The joyfull face of Kashyap turned in hate and anger towards her.

"I knew it. that bitch was never loyal to anyone."

"Don't talk like that to her"

"Shut the fuck up. I warned you before, Didn't I ?"

Pratyush kept quite..

"Hey Pratyush. Everyon looking for you two, We have a game with Class X." Tanajeet interupts..

"You guys go ahead. I will be on the field in five minutes."

"Don't make me to come back again"


"This world often seems like a market place to me. There is an unwritten rule, To acquire the things one wants to accomodate with them, One must pay the price it ask. Its not in terms of currency everytime, sometimes humans had to pay much precious things. For some it might be one's happiness or one's relationships they carefully preserved in their heart. My life is no different I paid a heavy price of all my happiness to protect my morality. Why do I have to carry this tons of miserable feelings, Why can't I wash away my feelings for her. I can't blame Pratyush for the agony I am in, It was me who unnecessarily hide all sort of feelings for her. That day when Pratyush asked her out I wanted to cry, shout,scream and do all sort of things a maniac does. But all I did just kept quite. The only thing ; an introvert like me can do at that situation. Impulsive reminder of the fact she is now belongs to one of the closest friend of mine ; is simply unbearable."

" Hey, Dip dinner time. will you come with me or should I have to ask a junior to carry your meal? " Anubhav asked

Dipankar put back his diary on his backpack.

Put up a smile and said " So sweet of you dear.. that will not be necessary. I will come with you."

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