
Comments of chapter undefined of I was Born the Unloved Twin

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Hey...This is a random thought but...does Amar possess magic? I think he does because his father is in a league of his own, someone whom even the Ventrellas cannot afford to offend (ok, they maybe able to 'afford' but if the transaction basis is through some other means....maybe they might incur heavy losses in not just monetary terms but also manpower...aka the insane tyrant might declare war...not to mention once in some chapter you mentioned Amar's green has golden specks blended into them...is it smth he inherited from Aishwarya or an indicator of some dormant ability...though even w/o abilities he's still quite OP since which 6 yr old can take down abt 1/3rd of Shadow guards assigned by the young Ventrella duke...N though I might hv missed some spoilers here n there but what's Aishwarya's backstory?She... doesn't seem like someone to hv developed Stockholm Syndrome n fell in love with such an insane person. Did she follow that man in hopes of finding some clues to his weaknesses, to actually take him down by acting as an undercover mistress to him amongst the sea of concubines within his harem??...or is it smth else?...the way Grandpa Ron, Gable, Maria n Freddy mentioned her existence...it's as if they knew her from a long time n knew that either by hook or crook they would never be able to change her decision from undertaking that life-threatening 'mission'.N even if she did do so why let her child bare the consequences of her own actions? No, why in the first place did she hv Amar?Was it because she became a favoured concubine of his n later had to bare her son?...N also during the time when he reminisced abt when his 'abbu' took him to the festival.....was it at that time Aishwarya got killed n he fell into the hands of those no good pair of siblings or was it somewhere later on? But why would he kill her...did he recognise him as a spy n wanted to stop her movements?...But given a man of his power he should hv noticed these subtle movements but he also might not hv since a kept woman of the harem is nothing but a pet, a mere means of his enjoyment n he must hv underestimated a woman's capabilities. Not to mention Amar does take after a lot of their bad qualities...it can be seen through his twisted behaviour...I just hope with the assistance from both Lucas n Rosalia he changes for the better...

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I think Aishwarya was originally tasked against the father but then she got captured by him instead. I do think she fell into stockholm syndrome and did "love" the father thus she stayed. What made her try to escape is probably after she had her son and her love for her son outweighs the "love" for her captive. I think she died trying to escape with her son. The father traps all his kids so I think he got really upset when his favored concubine is trying to run with his perhaps most talented child. From a flashback of Amar's, it doesn't seem as though his mother was treated badly. She was given the finest of things and even fruit that aren't usual where they're from. She didn't seem to be upset at the father either.

shanasakai:I see ....I didn't know that prev if anything abt compatibility was hinted...maybe I missed it I guess since I didn't properly keep up or more like skimmed through the novel somewhere around ch.68 onwards I guess...though later on I read the Freddy n Maria antics n Hoody arc thoroughly so maybe the hints you mentioned must hv been somewhere around ch.70-80....Also I might hv missed some spoilers in the comment section since prev I used to keep up with this one on another site(wasn't aware it was on WN...not to mention it back then I had deleted my account so I used to read it elsewhere 😅)...n that's a great conjecture...it's clear that he was being bred as something of a perfect heir, I guess...

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Oh my my. Uniforms are certainly cute, just not on me. Sobs. Got wrecked by the feels train again. Meng's memories never fail to make me smile and then cry. My ghost ship!!! That varsity boy reminded me of the stupid prince. Hmmm, he is tolerable when he's obedient. Better break off the engagement though. For Rosa's sake. I'm really glad that we're seeing more scenes with Maria. It gives us much more interesting information about her. Rosa/Meng is really an airhead. Yikes. I pity the prince. He's the typical 'I bully the girl I like' type but Rosa doesn't even care. She's too tired for that and collecting sweets for her minions take priority. I mean if even J.J had a hard time getting Meng to show her dere side, I doubt anyone else can come close to that. At the end chaos ensues. The kids are here. Btw is it even safe for Lukas to be here? I wonder what will happen if he meets the queen. Thanks for the chapter author sama

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Thank you for the chapter!! Ahhhhhh the Jung Joon and Meng fluff T-T these short stories of them tgt make me smile but at the same time it's so sad I really wonder how Jung Joon took it when Meng died. Also it's so funny how rosa just bullies the prince DBSPN man the prince at the end is just like nooo rosa don't die QwQ. Lastly RIP amar and lukas someone pls save them from maria

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Omg I thought Rosa was dense but somehow Meng is even more so. Using prince Erik to actually write JJ? 100% approval😂😂😂❤️. About money, I think Rosa should change her approach tho. Instead of pleasing papa,act cute in front of Maria and ron,I'm sure they would just make it rain jewels if Rosa did that,lol. Heng fei😭😭😭😭. Thank you for this wonderful chapter author mom❤️❤️❤️❤️




Should Prince Erik and Lukas even be around each other? What if Lukas gets caught by the royal family. What are the dynamics there?

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I keep thinking about the political aspect of it. Like who needs whom in this situation. Its obvious that the royals dont really put much stock in their treatment to the inlaws or at most maria. In the end who needs this marriage to succeded the most? Freddy doesnt expect for the marriage to pull through either he has plans to annul it or expects rosa to somehow wiggle her way out of it. So maybe its not just freddy who expects the marriage to be annulled? Maybe its just a farce. Or a power play to establish dominance, maybe the royals are trying to get rosas family land. If the royals needed rosas fam. They might have been treated nicer , politer anything to give the insunation that they were regarded highly. If the fam. Rebuffed them they might be snub like this instance. ( maybe they did when plans dont go as expected., idk but i look forward to that reasoning) If Rosa's family needed the royals, maybe how they act wont change but maybe they might press rosa to the prince? Idk. How they would act thb. Needed as in dire need of help instead of opening trade, allies ship. Needed as they might submit to one or the other because they are in dire need of help either monetary means or other. ( i wanted to clarify because i might have not been clear. ) However it seems that they started off in a seemingly equal footing??????????😵😵 On another note : ghost ship still sails.🐣❤ & rosa is in loads of trouble because she showed gap moe 👀❗

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I know that the author hates the prince but I feel that this should not prevent us from knowing him more or knowing something about the background, I feel that every time it appears it is basically "you killed me in my past life, I ignore you and I avoid you bye xd", As compared to the other characters, he feels one-dimensional, irrelevant and that he has no possibility of being something else, when in his other life it seemed that the character was one of the most affected in Rosalía's life. I adore the characters and how their relationships evolve, how we discover new facets of Rosalia and her parents when they are together, like Lily, despite being a little girl, is already showing her qualities, how is the life of Amar and Lucas and how they face his past, Ronald's past and his relationship with Gabble, Meng's life and his problems, but the prince ... he's just there, I can't hate or love him, I don't know the "present" prince Obviously I am a nobody who is just a reader and my opinion should not influence the author's decision, is just an opinion. I love the novel (although sometimes I do not understand certain details because my English is bad xD) and I look forward to the next chapters. PD: How Amar and Lucas ended there? xD Especially Lucas, he being well... you know.

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Prince Erik? More like you wanted more J.J 😉

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Maria is a force of nature! Loved the bit at the end with the minions and Maria. As well as both sisters' reactions to them!

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I want a JJ!

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If your not careful your gonna start writing high fantasy length chapters lol

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I am really excited for the next update! It was such an amazing chapters! Thanks for updating.




Oh poor prince mochi!