
Chapter 1 part 3

"Nmmm,"the young omega let out a sound of distress after feeling something that was acting as a blockage on the path that he and his father was heading.

"What is it jiminie,?"his father asked, tilting his head to the side, voice masked with concern.

"There's...There's,"Jimin started."There's something that's stopping us,"

A spark of great realization hit his father as if an idea or something even bizarre  came into his head.

"Jimine,that's the exit!I want you to push really hard and come out fRom the other side alright?"

Jimin could only nod in response and started pushing the wooden object right in front of him that acted like a door and let away out.

"Great job ,jimine,"His father praised, hoping to raise the confidence in the younger that was by now completely terrified.Jimin began to crawl out of the meer pathway to the other side where the source of light was getting brighter andbrighter as sounds of screams,profane emotions and cackling of flames were growing louder sending millions of arrows of fear to shoot his heart that was nothing but fragility and pure innocence.

As he tried his best to ignore, the monstrous noises,he slowly got down from the exit followed by his father who struggled to climb out since he was far to big.

"Jimnie, we're both out of the castle.Follow me and stay low.I don't want any of us getting caught"The voice of his beloved father developed into a more serious tone.

Jimin just nodded obediently and followed his father like a timid lost puppy,seeking for protection,shelter and love after getting a hold of his father's soft and yet gentle hand, holding onto it tightly as if his life depended on it.

The two fox blooded royals soon began running at full speed,into the deeper part of the city as the younger witnessed every single unimaginable horrific thing that made its very existence right before his precious fragile and yet virgin eyes; Millions of Houses of were on fire and almost every single building the kingdom were burnt down to the earth with thick smoke clouding the no longer blue skies. Many women and children who tried to escape or hide from this havoc were seen stripped,molested , murdered or even worse raped right in public,for those sick spectators mostly from the wolf kind to see . Bodies mostly consisting a quarter of the fox kind was seen lying lifelessly on the grounds with pools of of  blood beneath them,filling the air with stench ,almost dominating the foul smell of combustion of the of the burnt ashes that  were scattered everywhere

The Strongest of the Men from the fox kind tried their best to fight back, giving every single ounce they got in them , sadly resulting in quick defeat as the wolf kind had the advantage over strength,speed,agility and power.

The war was sudden,uncalled for, unexpected,out of nowhere as the fox kind neither had any soldiers that were strong enough nor a well thought out plan to win over this madness that had just partake.

Jimin couldn't bare to watch any longer nor believe every single thing that happened right before his glassy eyes was in fact the reality that he had to live through.The cruel reality that he had to live through.

Warm Fresh tears began to fall from his cheeks, blurring his vision from the things that he never ever wanted to see or be reminded of ever again.The buildings that he had always been to turned into nothing but ash.The places that he used to have fond memories of with his friends,already gone.His home ,now possibly in ruins.His friends were probably already dead since the war started.It would be a miracle that they would all be the very least alive but the young omega highly doubted that.

He knew that that the undying hope that he once had in  reality was nothing but a lie.A beautiful lie.

(A/n : I'm so sorry that this chapter seemed rushed but trust me,the chapter's gonna be better)

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