
The cave behind the palace

Bai Yun stood up looked around to see that he was in a large dark cavern. Bai Yun pulled out a light stone from his storage ring, but it barely lit up the cavern. Thankfully due to his cultivation, he was able to see well even in this dark room.

Bai Yun was standing there looking around the cave when he heard a rumble coming from behind him. He turned around to see a couple of small rocks falling from a small crack in the cavern wall. Bai Yun figured that he must have fallen into the cave from there.

Bai Yun then looked over himself. In the tumble he just took, he had been bruised quite badly. He wasn't hurt too badly, most of his injuries were only small abrasions. The only thing was that all of his clothes were now bloody. With his current cultivation, it would heal quickly though. But more concerning was the lack of qi. In order to quickly finish off the terracotta statue, he had used two sword drawings. As a result, he had completely used up his qi.

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