
Planning for Vengence is Everything

" Okay, now that everything's in the clear for now. We should head back to our dorm rooms. " Richard suggests, dragging Louis by the arm to the direction of Hogwarts.

" But what about Meister?! " Louis exclaims in desperation as he attempts to escape his cousins grasp.

" You and I both know he'll live pass his injury. Now come on, we're way past curfew at this point, the only ones supposed to be here, is Draco and golden boy passed out like a light over there. "

Louis didn't even have a chance to retaliate when Annie accompanied Richard in dragging their cousin back to their dorm rooms, leaving Draco once they said their farewells.

It wasn't long after the three Princetons left when Hagrid entered the scene with Fang in tow, how they only just arrived at the scene of the crime was a mystery even to Draco.

Hagrid's eyes swept over the area before they landed on the passed out Harry Potter laid back against a tree, and Draco standing some distance away slightly sweating.

" Wha' 'append 'ere? " The half giant exclaims in worry as he rushes over to Harry. Draco brisk walks to where the two were before filling him in in what has happened, mostly.

" We were walking through the forest like you told us too. When we suddenly heard a neighing In the distance. Potter over here decided to come over here to figure out what happened.

I followed him because I had no choice.

When we arrived, we saw a cloaked figure hunched over the unicorn about to do something horrible. But then Potter put his hand to his scar and screamed in pain and passed out.

I, not wanting to die at such a young age, cast a spell and scared the cloaked person away.

Why a fully grown person was running away from a eleven-close to twelve years old boy is a mystery to me. Any other questions? " Draco finishes as he takes a large breath after his long rant.

Though Hagrid was skeptic at the young Malfoy's answer, he was the only there and awake the whole time the accident occurred so he had to take his word for it.

Shaking his head, Hagrid scoops up the passed out boy in his arms and turns to the direction of the school with Fang close behind " Its 'ine 'ye no need 'teh say no 'ore, come on let's 'ead back to 'ogwarts. "

When the three entered Hogwarts - after dropping Fang off at Hagrid's hut - Draco heads back to the Slytherin dormitory while Hagrid drops off Harry at madam Pomfrey's for a check up.

After being assured that Harry was physically okay, Hagrid heads back to his hut and went to sleep with a heavy heart.

Draco on the other hand, went to sleep with a curious mind due to the day's events and what he did to professor Quirrell in a moment of willpower, or stupidity really, the man was a teacher for Merlins sake, he was incredibly luckily to have come out unscathed after what he did.

With his mind running non-stop like a horse during a race, Draco had to force himself to sleep or he'd have a difficult time staying awake during his lessons tomorrow.

When day light came and Richard started getting ready for the day, he realised someone staring creepily at him from behind.

It wasn't like he could ignore the person's gaze on him, considering the fact that it felt like they were planning to peer into his soul based on how hard they were staring at him, it gave him goosebumps to say the least.

' Where's Louie at a time like this? I really need someone to distract me - or him right about now. ' And as he wished, Louie came stumbling into the dorm room dripping wet.

" Richie, I got soaked so I'll be late for breakfast. Don't bother waiting up on me and take Bandit with you please, he gets unnecessarily angry when he has no food. "

Fetching himself some dry clothes and a towel to bring with him to the shower, Louis was too occupied to notice the other two roommates in the room he had completely forgotten.

Thus, when he turned his full attention back to Richard, it was only then did he take note of the other two boys in the room. " Ah. " Was all he managed to say before blasting out the door and to the shower room.

Many things were going through Richard's mind, all of which were plans of getting his revenge back on Louis who had left him to face the two weirdos in the room.

" Do you mind? There's something called privacy ya know? " He finally blurts out, unable to stand the two staring into his soul the moment he woke up.

When the Harry and Ron finally left, Richard hastily scooped up Bandit and his books and zoomed straight toward the dining hall.

Deciding it'd be best if he was invisible for the entire day due to how uncomfortable the stares Harry and Ron gave him were, explains why there was a gap in between Neville and Annie at the table.

Neville was discussing about his findings with more uses of the herbology plants he became strongly fascinated in with Ricahrd.

while Annie just sat at the side lines and watched the two share their thoughts on why it would be useful or harmful to include them in potions.

Harry and Ron were observing the two Princetons while Hermoine was on the verge of slapping the two up their heads for being rude enough to stare.

It was only when they felt a cold breeze pass them by, made them stop staring. " Did you even realise that the two of them were out roommates? "

Ron asks Hermoine in disbelief " I didn't even know we had any other roommates truth be told. " Harry adds in, a tad bit dumbfounded at the realisation.

" Honestly you two, can you not stick your nose in where it shouldn't be? " It was clear that Hermoine was getting annoyed with them due to what's been happening lately.

" I'm going for classes today. " Louis told the two who in turn dropped what they were doing in surprise.

" Are you serious? Are you sick? Did you get possessed or hypnotized without your acknowledgement? Was it Aliens?... "

Questions after questions were bombarded by the two cousins based on the fact that their Louis, the one they've known since they were practically in diapers, was going to classes Willingly.

Emphasis on willingly. It would be like asking a cat to stop marking lampposts and trees with their urine.

" I'm fine okay? I just have a feeling that I should be staying in school today is all. " Nothing was said after that, after all, when Louis has a feeling it's always right.

• • •

When classes had ended that day, Louis parted with Annie and Richard and went off to the DADA classroom where the feeling he had was strongest.

Turning invisible and entering the room once he made sure the coast was clear, the reason why was simple. Professor Quirrell was out for the moment leaving his office empty and giving the perfect opportunity to snoop around.

' It appears my feeling was right once again, and who in their right kind keeps an itinerary for their evil schemes? What is this guy? A five year old? ' Thoughts aside, the neatly scheduled schemes was all the evidence Louis needs.

Taking out his wand and casting a simple duplication spell, Louis places everything back to where he found them and left the scene as like when he arrived.

' All that's left to do now is wait for exams to pass and ' bye bye Lord Volde-no-nose. ' ' Satisfied with his progress, Louis returns to doing his daily routines happily.

Wishing you A belated Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!!?

tree_sayscreators' thoughts
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