
Ministries, Classes and the Fun Forest

" Hallway, Hallway, Hallway, slightly suspicious hallway, hallway, door that leads to another hallway. Huh, you'd think that a school that housed students would have more then just hallways. "

Richard comments randomly.

The three have been walking around the school for a while now, the idea seemed and was fun at first, however, it was quick to turn boring and dull.

" Even Bandit's getting bored of the never ending hallways and stairs. Just look at him! " Louis says as he lifts up the niffler in his palm to give them a closer look.

" His Dying of this never ending hallways and the boring magical school with no fun! At least in the forest we get to make more friends and play with them. Remind me again why we're doing this Annie? "

The girl in question was also getting bored after turns and turns only to find stairs and halls.

Sighing in defeat she decides to throw in the towel and head off to bed until they heard a noise all to suddenly. " meow " The three froze in their spots.

' Did we - I don't know....happen to lose track of time wondering these endlessly boring halls? please say no. ' Louis asks his cousins telepathically through a wandless spell he made, ' hate to burst your bubble of hope, but yeah ' Richard replied all to soon for Louis.

' I thought we had more time! Was it the turning stairs or the dull doors and bricks that made us lose track? ' Annie asked ' I'm going to be for dull doors and bricks ' she glared at Richard ' What? you asked a question. I just answered it. ' He retorted.

Deciding it's safest they apparate out off the hallway and back into the common room, they glared at Louis as he was currently the only one able to do it. Getting the message, he nodded his head and signaled them to ready themselves.

closing their eyes and reopening them again, they found themselves back in the Gryffindor common room safe and in one piece, to their relief. " That was close! And it's a good thing to. Imagine what could have happened if we got caught? " Annie states.

" Nothing really, we are still invisible after all, and only Princeton's can see each other even when invisible. That and the fact that every method of invisibility finding fails for us hahaha " Louis heartily laughs at his statement.

Though It is true that all methods of tracking, locating of both Muggle and wizard ways in bringing invisibility users to light, do not and fail to work on Princeton's. Others have tried to obtain the skill, but none will ever be successful, one must be a true Princeton after all.

And that only happens when you are either born into the family, or acceptance into the family through marriage. One cannot simply declare themselve as a Princeton for nothing will happen, and one cannot use the blood of a Princeton to become one.

Few have tried, all have failed. Thus, Ceasing all activities of figuring out the Princeton family.

And considering the fact that the Princeton's were getting annoyed with them, leading to them storming into the ministry of magic headquarters and threatening them to cease all activities or a ministry of magic wouldn't exist long enough to face another day.

No similar incidents ever happened after, as the family were in a league of their own, and seeing as how the Princeton's had never been seen to burst in rage before and tear down the walls and defenses of a highly guarded area, showed all wizards how strong and scary of a force they can be when provoked one to many times.

The incident brought the family name into a bad light, making the family begun annoyed and agitated with the press and anything that had the ministry of magic involved at all.

Shortly after the press mysteriously stopped all news related to the family without any rhyme or reason, and so did the ministry with involving themselves in anything that involves the family one way or another.

The family had grown in may ways, all having a story to each of it and rising to power with having no intention to for their laziness is and always will be a key factor when any work that was forced to them, had to be done.

Getting into bed and having a good night's sleep was the easy part. The hard part was Richard getting Louis out of his Suitcase to head down for breakfast.

The boy had woken up before the sun had, and had the urge to read and be with his animal friends that resided in the suitcase.

A few books and some bonding and playing with his forest friends later, Louis had his head buried in a book, halfway through it when he heard Richard calling for him to get out of his suitcase and follow him for dinner.

Knowing that his intentions were good and not bad, but how Richard found out what kind of suitcase his was is another thing all together. Louis begrudgingly dragged himself out of his seat and up the stairs to exit the suitcase and meet up with Richard.

" You just hate me don't you? " He says out of defeat. " You know I do, " Richard jokes back and laughs, " That and we have to get down to the common and meet with Annie for breakfast. You know how she gets when she's hungry " They both shiver at the thought.

Nodding his head fast knowing what would await them if they were to face a hungry Annie whom missed breakfast was the last thing they wanted. Throwing on his robe, messily ruffling his hair to untangle any knots and saying a quick goodbye to bandit and the rest, he proceeded to run out of the boys dorm and into the common room where both twins were.

" Took you long enough! " Annie exclaims to Louis frustrated.

After breakfast, the three begin heading to class with their books shrunken down courtesy of Louis and his spell. Potions class with the Slytherin's were a delight to have, considering the fact that Snape began the lesson by teasing Harry for being the schools instant celebrity.

Louis was invisible the whole time, hence why Snape forgot about his presence completely. " It appears the dramatic ghastly queen is professor Snapes favourite student by far. "

" You don't say Richie, was it the rewarding of points constantly, or the fact that he only took points off Gryffindor for every wrong thing that was done mostly by golden boy? " Louis remarked, though happy that his nickname for Draco boy stuck.

" But it is a miracle that we didn't lose more than 100 points at the end of classes, I was betting on that. You on the other hand Louie, I can't even fathom Why'd you want to be invisible the entire time! Are you going to remain invisible throughout the whole year? " Annie remarks to the still invisible boy.

" If that is possible then yes I would very much like to be invisible. " " Then what about your animals? Surely they can't see you. " She retorts " No, but they can smell me " Richard can only try to avoid the two by walking as fast as he can towards their next class.

" Though I appreciate the long break before flying classes begin, since I had a chance to read a nice book. Remind me again why we have this class? "

" Because dear Louie, if we don't take this class, and when I mean we - I specifically mean you - what do you think will happen when mom and dad find out? " Annie questions her cousin

" You wouldn't dare! " The boy said as he glared his eye toward his younger cousin, " Try me. " Annie grins evilly at him.

" Shush! class is about to start, and I would prefer to get this over and done with so I can resume my research. " Richard informs the two, " I see that you still have not found the solution to it Richie, are you sure you don't need my help? " Louis asks.

" As a matter of fact Louie, I've just about figured it out! Soon we'll be able to see farther than the eagles eye with the flick of a wand! NO potions needed at all! " Hearing the great news, makes a grin spread across Louis' face " I can't wait! "

At the sound of the bell indicating that their break was over and flying lessons was about to begin, a woman with short messy blonde hair, dressed in a robe and wore gloves had a whistle around her neck.

" Alright everyone! We haven't got all day! I'm Madam Hooch, and I'll be your teacher for flying lessons, find yourselves a broom and stand next to it. " Following her instructions, everyone stood next to a broom.

There were two rows of brooms that divided the class evenly by house. Gryffindor on the right, Slytherin on the left with Madam Hooch in the middle to oversee the class. Before further instructions were given, Louis happened to hear an annoying voice that drowned out all other noises in the vicinity.

" I've been taking flying lessons with the broom my father gifted me for years. No one is more experience and skills than me when it comes to flying a broom. "

Louis who is now reluctantly visible due to the fact that he wouldn't be able to fly and that Annie threatened him, blurted out " Remind me again why we're having lessons with the pale boy and his group of people with wands shoved too far up their- "

" Okay let me stop you there before you finish that sentence and start a war between the two houses alright? " Richard being the sensible one stops him before things could take a turn for the worse, the boy then nods his head in understanding.

" On the count of my whistle, you will give your broom the command and say "up" " At the sound of the Whistle blowing, a chorus of 'ups' rang throughout the field.

Harry had his broom up on his first try without much hassle. Draco, the ghost of a pale boy, only managed to get his broom up on the second, turning his face sour finding out that he was not the first to succeed.

Louis on the other hand, had his broom fly straight into his hand without saying a word and just by looking. ' Well that makes my life a whole lot easier seeing as I wont have to needlessly shout out a ridiculous command. ' Louis remarks.

' Thank you my friend. ' As if replying to his feelings of gratitude for the broom, the end of the broom moved in a form of ' You are welcome '.

Seeing Louis and his interaction and easiness with the broom, Annie and Richard can only sigh in defeat.

" It is a wonder on how his able to connect with brooms, though seeing as how his friends with the entire animal and creature kingdom, is it really a surprise that he can communicate with magical things as well? Even the sorting hat took a liking to him. "

Richard says in defeat, " You are right about Louie and his special and immensely one of a kind talent, literally one of a kind only. But he does have problems in the area of human interaction which we excel more than Louie.

Lets face it we are more business oriented like our parents, but not really, and Louie is more like uncle Justin in terms of the thrill of adventure and the instinct to help and befriend any creature on sight.

Though i suspect that the creature part is magnified a tad bit more than aunt Nat. " Annie states her observation with Richard who nods in agreement.

" We are family, we look out for one another in our own ways, close friends we love in the same way we love and care for each other as well. Whether that oblivious boy notices it is another thing all together.

I just don't want him to end up in something bad he brought upon himself without knowing. " Richard states.

Once everyone had their brooms in hand, and had their forms checked over, they then awaited for their next instructions. Once Madam Hooch was done checking every students forms, she spoke

" On my signal, I want you to mount your brooms and kick off the ground gently at the sound of my whistle. Ready. " Everyone begin mounting their brooms.

Louis noticed a certain boy looking nervous mounting his broom, ' The boy looks like a wreck. I reckon the class won't be smooth sailing as I'd like ' I'm going to stay on the ground to be safe.

At the sound of the whistle everyone kicked off the ground. And though some were wobbly, there was a obvious contrast between two students and the rest.

Harry and Draco to be exact. Draco though wobbly still managed to weave through the air, Harry seemed to have perfect control in the air.

All was smooth sailing until Neville, the boy Louis took notice off, kicked off a tad too hard which led to him spiralling out of control and ended falling on the ground breaking his wrist.

Madam Hooch had too leave the class unattended, ' Really Mam? Leaving a class on their own is by far the worst thing to do. Considering the fact that a drama queen is here and has very noticeable spite with the golden boy. '

" You two have fun, I'm going to go invisible now, want to join? Bandit's joining as well. " They both decline the offer insistent on watching the drama unfold.

Draco took hold of Nevilles remembrall and begin making fun of him for it. The golden boy didn't take it too well and decided to stand up to him. That led to both of them playing a game of chase on brooms, with the remembrall as the prize.

" What brainless imps are these people to encourage a game of chase. At least the bush haired girl's got some common sense "

b Louis states as he watches the chase under the shade of a tree where wild creatures slowly began to approach him, " Hello there, I'm Louis and this is Bandit, " he says lifting up the niffler from his robes.

" want to be friends? " He asks them, which he got nods of their head in response. " Wonderful! Shall we play a game? Bandit and I are quite bored at the moment "

Understanding what he asked them, they nodded their heads again headed back to the dark forest nearby behind the tree he resided, with Louis in tow and Bandit on his shoulder.

Some time after the students were released by Professor McGonagall, Annie and Richard decided to head back to the school with Louis. Only to realise he was not were they last saw him.

" Ann, you don't think he went ahead of us right? " " Don't be ridiculous Richie, Louie doesn't like contact with people- " She was cut off by a laugh from the dark forest.

They both looked at each other before running towards the direction of the sound " I can't believe he went ahead and played with his new friends the second he had! And during the anti-climatic drama as well! " Annie exclaims in frustration.

Arriving at the source of laughter, they saw Louis running around, laughing while being chased by deers, chipmunks and a unicorn. " You guys are weird! It's not my fault I accidentally ate your food without permission! Besides! I already apologised! "

Louis states as he playfully runs with his new friends while Bandit continues to eat the offered food. " Louie? Care to introduce us to your new friends? We're feeling a little left out right now. "

Richard asks him kindly while he and Annie bow slightly towards his friends as a show of respect and understanding of the situation.

Lets Just Pretend That the Training Field is Beside the Forest.

tree_sayscreators' thoughts
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