
Creation of the Cards

Rei Katsuragi was an average high schooler. He enjoyed hanging out with his friends and playing games. He had a good relationship with his family and hadn't had any major set backs in his life. Yet despite his decent life, Rei wasn't content. He found his life to be rather boring and mundane when compared to what he believed it could be. He knew though that It was nothing more then a pipe dream and he would be stuck in this boring life forever.

That was until that day.

It had been a normal day for Rei. He woke up, went to school, played sports with his friends after school before eventually reading some manga on the train ride home.

After getting off the train and walking the rest of the way home. He noticed the sun was beginning to set and had been thinking about what his mother might cook for dinner when he almost walked into the road while the light was still red.

Chiding himself for his possible fatal error, he waited for the light to turn green silently.

That was when he saw her.

She was beautiful to say the least.

Long pale blue hair, large mesmerizing blue eyes. She was wearing weird clothes similar to what he had seen cosplayers wearing, however the clothes seemed to suit her perfectly as they enhanced her natural features.

Having been captivated by her looks, it took a second before Rei realized that she had walked out into the middle of the road with a sports car heading right towards her. Acting on instinct, Rei ran out and wrapped his arms tightly around the girl before throwing them both to the side. The sports car driver seemed to have finally noticed them as he swerved out of the way only to hit a tree a little ways down.

Looking down at the girl in his arms, Rei checked to see if she was bleeding anywhere before releasing a sigh of relief. Noticing her staring at his face, Rei couldn't help but to blush slightly as he spoke in an attempt to ease the awkwardness.

Rei: "Are you alright?"

Yumi: "You saved me…"

Not expecting that type of response, Rei was once again feeling awkward. Noticing that they were still lying in the middle of the road, with him laying on top of her, Rei quickly stood up as he extended his hand in order to help her up.

Seeing the girl reach out to grasp his hand, Rei felt like it was his lucky day. Not only did he have the chance to act like a hero saving the beautiful girl, but that girl was insanely cute. 'I'll ask for her number after this for sure.'

Those were Rei's last thoughts before he noticed his arm being ripped off by the small and delicate looking girl.

Yumi: "Ahh?! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I forgot to limit my strength! Here, here let me put it back…ehh? Why wont it go back in? Ehhhh???!!!"

As Rei died due to the blunt force trauma of his arm being smashed into his ribcage, the last thing he remembered was releasing an imaginary sweat drop at the beast in a little girl costume's antics.

Waking up groggily, Rei's first thought was 'Am…I…still alive…?'

Looking around, he noticed that he was inside of a void like space with nothing but emptiness surrounding him.

Rei: "I see…so this is the afterlife."

Talking to himself, Rei was startled when he received an answer from behind him.

Yumi: "No its not silly! Why do you make my realm seem so cruel! Yumi…*sniffle*…worked so hard to make it…*sniffle*"

Looking behind him, Rei noticed that the beast that killed him was there. Yet for some reason when he heard her sniffles, rather then the desire to run away, he felt the need to comfort her…

Rei: "Screw that! You killed me!"

Startled by his sudden shout Yumi reeled back as her cries intensified.

Yumi: "Waaaa! Yumi didn't mean too! Yumi sworry!"

Rei: "What are you four?!"

Being told that she was only four years old, Yumi suddenly changed as her eyes took on a frosty look that seemed to pierce through Rei's very soul.

Yumi: "I…am…not…a…baby!"

'Uwaaa…what is this creature?' Thought Rei in his mind while outside he was nodding profusely in an attempt to calm the beast.

Deciding that he needed to better understand the situation, Rei began to ask the beast…girl…questions.

Rei: "So…where are we and who are you?"

Having whipped her tears, Yumi answered his questions as she knew it was her fault he died.

Yumi: "We are in the realm that I created. I brought your soul over when you…died…and recreated your physical body."

She said with a proud look on her face.

Rei: "…and who are you exactly? Some kind of god or something?"


Hearing her suddenly start laughing caused Rei to grow confused as he thought, 'is that funny for some reason?'

Yumi: "No silly Rei, hehehe, I'm from the Divine Realm which is full of super~ powerful people! My mom is one of the strongest of course!"

Seeing how proud she was made Rei also feel like whoever this girls mother is must be someone powerful. After all her daughter could rip peoples arms off without even trying.

Rei: "How do you know my name…and why am I here exactly? Couldn't you have just left me there to die and called it a day?"

After Rei finished asking he noticed that Yumi's happy go lucky face slowly turned into a serious one as she spoke solemnly.

Yumi: "What kind of person do you take me as? There is no way I would just leave you there when it was clearly my fault. The reason I've brought you here is because I have absolute authority within this realm. This means that if you have any desires I can fulfill them here without receiving backlash from the Laws which govern the realms. It's the least I can do as an apology. As for how I know your name, its because I 'read' your soul while transferring it over here so I've seen most of your memories."

Seeing how honest and forthright she was caused Rei to doubt which personality of hers was the real one. She was childish and bubbly one second while the next she could be cold hearted and ruthless. Her personality seemed to change depending on her mood which led Rei to have the desire to stay far away from her. However, it also held true that by that very same reason, he found her to be very unique and he was attracted to all of her quirks while desiring to discover everything about her.

Rei: "Any desires huh?"

Seeing her nod, Rei began to think about what he wanted…

He wasn't anything special in his past life, just an average kid with an average life. Sure it wasn't a bad life, not at all. It just all felt bland when he compared it to the worlds that he sees in manga or games.

Having come to a decision, Rei opened his eyes and locked gazes with Yumi. Staring deeply into her crystal blue eyes, he exclaimed with a determined expression.

Rei: "I desire a path to the top. This 'Divine Realm' you speak of sounds fun, and there are many places I want to try going to. That is my desire."

Smiling gently at him, Yumi asked the question which would change his life forever.

Yumi: "So? How do you wish to climb to the top?"

Rei: "I want you to create me a deck of unique cards. Each card is able to bind and store one person or thing inside of a pocket dimension within the card. The person or thing that is bound by the card is loyal and cannot harm me. Neither can they break free from the cards binding unless I allow it. There also must not be a limit as to who or what I can bind. When I bind something with intelligence, I gain a portion of their powers or abilities as well as memories."

Yumi: "Okay! Yumi will make it for you!"

Back to her childish personality, Yumi stretched out her hands as power began to congregate in front of her. After what felt like forever, the glow from her powers began to dim and in its place appeared a pristine white deck of cards. The front of the cards were blank, while on the back was a picture of a golden tree, decorated with blood red flowers.

Yumi: "Hehe did Yumi do good? Praise Yumi!"

Taking the cards into his hands with wide eyes, Rei was slightly startled when they entered inside of his palm. Feeling a burning sensation on the backside of his hand, Rei noticed a strange tattoo appeared. It closely resembled the tree that had been on the cards which lead Rei to believed they were connected.

Yumi: "You just need to concentrate on that mark and the cards will appear."

She said, now back to a more 'normal' personality.

Doing as she advised, Rei wasn't surprised when the cards once more appeared in his hands.

Picking up the topmost card, Rei thumbed it before deciding to test them out.

Thinking in his mind Rei said, 'Capture…Target: Yumi…'

As soon as he gave the mental command, the card he was thumbing suddenly began to glow brightly as on its front side, a picture of a adorable girl with pale blue hair appeared. At the top center of the card seven golden stars could be seen while at the bottom was a box which listed information. Above that box in bold letters read, 'Yumivell Askari'.

Inside of the box, this is what was written.

Yumivell Askari: Four-Tailed Divine Arctic Kitsune


A half breed born from the union between a Devil and Arctic Kitsune.

Due to her Devil blood she possesses the [Chaotic] racial trait derived from [Envy] causing severe personality shifts.

Due to her Arctic Kitsune blood being predominant she possess multiple racial traits such as, [Ice Mastery], [Fire Mastery], [Space/Time Mastery], [Illusionist], [Beast Transformation (Half + Complete)], [Absolute Yin Constitution], [Divine Body].

*Due to being a Virgin, [Chaotic] and [Divine Body] racial trait have effected other traits. (Negatively)*

*Due to being a Virgin, [Absolute Yin Constitution] racial trait has effected other traits. (Positively)*

Ranking: Seven Stars

Strength - 5/10

Endurance - 6/10

Agility - 7/10

Dexterity - 7/10

Magic - 7/10

Favorability - 7/10


After reading her card, Rei looked at Yumi was an amazed expression only to notice that she was looking at a tattoo that had formed near her collar with a dazed look.

Although he felt it was slightly cruel to have tricked her, Rei didn't let the guilt last for to long as he knew that it was necessary to obtain what he trully desired, an exciting life surrounding by women he desired.

He knew that if he had told her of his desire she would have most likely berated him or denied his request, so he instead went with the next best thing. A way to obtain all of the girls he wanted in a roundabout way, starting with the adorable girl in front of him whom he had fallen in love with at first sight.

'Alright lets test out the cards shall we?'

Rei: "Yumi, come here."

Snapping out of her daze, Yumi looked at Rei with a confused look before it turned into a casual expression as she began walking forwards until she was right in front of Rei.

Yumi: "Yes?"

Rei: "Give me a hug."

Testing it a little more, Rei give a command which again after a slight pause, Yumi stretched her arms out and gave Rei a tight hug while smiling contently.

Yumi: "You smell good…"

'Hmm…I need to test it more, I've almost understood it.'

Rei: "Take off your clothes."

Yumi: "Ehhh?! Why would Yumi do that?"

Not answering her, Rei waited for a second before realizing nothing was going to happen.

'Okay, I get it now. The cards 'command' feature must work passively. Meaning all it does is enhance their willingness to follow orders rather then forcefully make them execute orders. I'm sure I can make them do something if I forced it, however, it may cost their loyalty. This means that if its something Yumi herself doesn't want to do, then even if I order her using the cards, she wont do it unless I force her. I can still attempt to influence her without the cards of course, but the cards are mainly meant for battle it seems rather then passive enhancements. She is unable to hurt me and is loyal towards me meaning I can 'command' her to do things so long as they don't go against her limits or desires. It kind of reminds me of Servants from the Fate series.'

Deciding to view it as a cross between the Fate series and Pokémon, Rei began to test out the storage feature of the cards.

'Store. Target: Yumi'

Alongside his command, Yumi disappeared.

'I wonder if I can also enter?'

While thinking of himself entering the card as well, he noticed the surroundings change as he was now located in a large bedroom which could only be described using one word, feminine.

Looking around the pink colored room with large stuffed animals strewn about Rei finally found Yumi within a pill of fluffy stuffed teddy bears, laughing and having a ball.

Walking over towards her, Rei called out.

Rei: "Yumi."

Hearing Rei's voice, Yumi stopped laughing as she locked gazes with him before her face once more lit up.

Yumi: "Rei! Look, look, this place is just like my room back home, hehe. Come join me!"

Being tugged by his harm, Rei fell into the mound of stuffed animals. Yet he was just glad that his arm wasn't ripped off this time.

Deciding to humor the childish girl, Rei and Yumi played with one another for a while before Rei began to grow bored.

Spotting a bathroom off to the side, Rei turned towards Yumi and spoke calmly.

Rei: "Yumi, you should go take a bath before bed. I'll take one after you're done."

Yumi: "Ehhh?? Yumi don't like baths…She wants to play more with Rei…"

Seeing her adorable appearance caused Rei to smile as he spoke with an even softer tone.

Rei: "We can play later, for now listen to what I say okay?"

Yumi: "…Fine…"

Although reluctant, Yumi agreed as she went off to the bathroom to take a bath.

Hearing sounds of water splashing, and cheers of laughter Rei knew that Yumi was most likely playing around in the bath.

He couldn't help but think about how childish she was despite her appearance being that of a teenager. The fact only made him feel guiltier about what he was about to do.

Next chapter