
Four Years Ago(1)

It's another busy day for Akira, after finishing his lunch, he went straight to Bia's room. He heard from Alex that Bia knew about the pregnancy.

Room 301, there was where you could find Akira during his free time in the hospital, it was Bia's room. He would check Bia's progress or just simply talking to her, even though she had never replied him. Bia would look through him as though his a transparent object. Bia would only respond or only recognise her family and of course Kim because she's her family. She was blocking the world and not allowing anyone to reach her.

After she knew that she was pregnant, she kept blaming herself and said she killed the baby and Grant left her because of that and she forgot that Grant left her before that and we bet that Grant had no clue about the baby. That guy just vanished.

He would talk to her about the weather, the food, the new restaurants, the movies, the books and the latest gossip on the Island that he heard from the nurses, the nurses loved to update him about all the gossips every time he passed by the nurse station. Sometimes he was just staying in her room quietly, being with her made him happy. Yup, you can call him crazy because he's in love with someone who didn't know his existence. He tried to introduce himself multiple times but she ignored him. So he decided to shamelessly talk to her.

Bia was recovering quite fast, after a week in the hospital, she could discharged the next day. She was trying to act strong and brave in front of her family. But once, they were not looking at her, she would switch into a doll. She would sit still at the same place for many hours without moving. When Akira told Alex about it, Alex didn't believe him and not until Akira showed him the video of Bia who was sitting for an hour without moving.

"Oh my, no, no, no, she's not Bia".

"Seriously Alex".

"How come I didn't notice all of this? That bastard, I'll kill him for making my baby sister like this". Alex was kicking the bench, they were in the hospital back garden and people hardly came to the back garden, that was one of the reason Akira brought Alex here.

"Alex, you need to calm down. Bia needs you, stay beside her, don't bother about other things at the moment and don't book any flight to go somewhere".

"Book a flight?"

"I heard when you were talking to Kim".

"You were eavesdropping?"

"I was not and I didn't have too. We were there, in Bia's room. Oh, God.. why is everyone treating me as a wallpaper. First Bia and now you".

"Sorry, sorry Akira.. maybe I was so tired that night and didn't notice you were there ".

"Forget it, back to Bia now. Bia doesn't trust anyone now, she only talks to the people she's closed to. She needs her family more now and please don't leave her alone for too long. Talk to her, bring her out to places she loves, visit people she's familiar with. And you don't have to introduce her to new people because she'll ignore them. Trust me on that".

"She still doesn't want to be your friend, wow.. that is sad man".

"Very funny Alex. She might ignored me now but one day..."

"Stop, I need to discuss with my parents about Bia and thanks a lot Akira".

"Don't mention it Bro".


It's been a month after the accident.

For Bia, the day time was still bearable but night was full of nightmares. She tried so hard to forget about him, their happy times, bad times and the baby. She didn't even know that she had their baby. Why couldn't she feel anything, she didn't have morning sickness, her periods still came for that three months. She didn't have any symptoms. If only she knew, she could take care of her baby but she foolishly ran after Grant. 'I'm an idiot, stupid, stupid'. Bia was cursing herself. 'I'm so sorry baby, sorry, sorry baby', she was crying in her dark room. She would cry until she fell a sleep and she would get up when someone called her name, waking her up from her nightmares and it happened a few times every night for more than a year.

Alex just came back and he heard Bia was screaming that night. He ran to her room and saw their mother was trying to wake her up. Mrs.Rees was hugging Bia.

"Sweetheart, open your eyes darling, mummy is here. Oh Alex, come, come son". Alex went closer to them then took Bia from his mom

"Yes, mom. Bia, it's me..".

Bia was shivering, "Alex...hu hu hu".

"It's okay now, I'll be here darling".

"See, mummy brought some warm water for you", Alex passed the water to Bia.

"Mom, I'll stay with Bia tonight and don't worry I'll take care of her".

"I know son but you need to rest as well.. don't sleep late you two.. night my babies". Mrs.Rees gave them a pat on the head and went back to her room.

"I'm fine Alex, I'll wait for daddy downstairs. He said he made new snacks in the restaurant today. He'll bring some for me. He'll be here soon".

"Okay, you wait downstairs. Ooh, I'm stinky, I need a bath, wait for me, don't eat all the snacks. We'll watch our favourite the movie..",

"Alex don't run so fast, it's dangerous and I'm fine anyway, well.. whatever I better make some popcorn".

Next chapter