
I'm Silva

"I will eat at college. You eat first." Arlo said as he drove the car.

Sky enjoyed two sandwiches and held the third one near Arlo, "I'm not a piggy."

Arlo chuckled, "You could have chosen a different animal." Then he took a bite.

As he finished two sandwiches, Sky finished drinking milk and passed him a water bottle. "You should have brought coffee for yourself. Water is cold."

'Oh Then why did you drink milk completely?' Arlo thought to himself and sighed.

They reached ten minutes to nine to the campus and went towards the office where she would be writing the paper.

Arlo who left in hurry with her didn't really notice her. "Why didn't you bring your jacket?"

"It's not that cold." Sky said in nerviness.

'Dumb girl, it's not always about cold.' Since it was college time, many were walking around them.

"You attract too much attention." Sky said after sensing numerous gazes.

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