
When I go back to Barton's, Don't come looking for me.

David accompanied his daughter for a few more days in the office and home. Sky had to force him to leave the office to her.

"Dad, I'm fine. Why are you still worried?" Sky asked when they were in the office.

"You stupid lass, if not me, who will have to worry about you? and this my company, How dare you send me off?" David snorted.

"Of course, this is your company. How about I arrange some work for you?" Sky raised her brows and grinned.

"You think I don't know what's cooking in your mind. I will not work. Don't even think I will let you flee." David glared at his daughter.

"Who wants to flee! I just don't want you to roam around the world like a spoiled rich brat." After finishing, Sky realized she said like chiding the spoiled rich kid and broke into laughter.

"You wretched lass, you are just envious of me. How about I look after the company for a few months, you go around the world?"

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