
4. Salted fish user say goodbye

~American Barrack~

Big burly man walked to the center of the field, looking at the soldier before him, he said:

" War against the german is inevitable, and so are you, either you die or getting some ptsd shit! this is the truth! you can't deny it! either you die as a hero or live long enough as a survivor to tell your tales to generations after!!..."

Archain: " Dayum! dis' is sum gud shit right here!"

hearing what the instructor said, making his heart beat faster, feeling energized! yet slowly the energy fade away, because after that speech, there seems nothing of much worth of his attention, making his state of mind return to tranquility once again~

after months of being in this world, n'chen (archain) changes is quite great, for example his hair! it has grown 3,3 cm longer than before! making his eyes covered with it! aren't that great! even n'chen always look himself in the mirror, and said: 'yeah, I'm handsome~' and it's been a habit since then.

".... and now you can say goodbye to your family and friends, because from now on you are going to have intensive excercise! we'll meet at noon. Now disband!"

hearing this, N'chen could only smile, on his head however there's many different thought all together.

a small footstep can be heard in front, revealing a petite figure, a girl carrying a flower basket. "brother, this is for you~" she said, revealing a flower in his hand.

"thankyou" N'chen said with a smile.

"yourwelcome" the girl replied.

and N'chen soon returned to his unconfigurable thought.

but soon it's broken by a large figure before him. " I'm gonna miss you, make sure you eat well, sleep well, and all well ness okey!"

" Yes, yes, you too, don't forget to dodge the bullet, else, I don't even want to think about it... ok, Gatot? didn't know that you're such a mother hen, hehehe" N'chen said with a laugh.

even though his bones is as hard as steel, his heart is as soft as a jelly... dayum! it just too.... n'chen just can't say no to it... afraid to broke his heart.. there was once a day where a cat corpse lied on the center of the street, he pick it up and burried it in proper burrial... and he cried one day and one night after it... yes, his heart is just that soft... (" *,*)

even n'chen worried that that if he is suitable to become a soldier... he just hope that he won't get kidnapped by the hydra and became a killing machine, else he would use all kind of scheme to destroy that organization.

it's been a month or so since getting gatot kaca, and it's been hell since then, you know... getting to sweep the floor, wash dishes, cooking, etc. fortunately that guy with strange mustache (gatot) also work himself, like getting some firewood, water, and the like. else n'chen would have tought that his position as a salted fish would have changed!

but after getting that guy, and looking at his gold, left a heartache in itself. 32k gulden just left the world... *ouch* (Q-Q") *sad*

so with a hug and goodbye, the two got separated and live their own life.

with Archain getting back to his safe haven, aaahhhh, the daily life of salted fish user...

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