
Chapter 14: Bonding.

"Nii-san, let's go shopping," Aria said while clinging on Raito's right shoulder.

"Hm?" Raito was surprised first but then immediately agreed as this is going to be the first time they are going out for a few months.

It's been few months since the Summoning Thing happened and Raito can now summon a group of snakes but not that much, his Chakra also grown to Mid Jounin Level, his Summons the, Chubachuchu also increased their overall strength, it seems that whenever the 3 killed someone or something they would get exp, pretty cheat, right? So Raito asked the System if his theory was right and the System confirmed it, whenever a summoned Kills someone, they would share the Exp of that someone.

Raito was first envy about that cheat but remembering they are his summon and that benefits him, he didn't care anymore.

His Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Shurikenjutsu, Genjutsu, and Kenjutsu also improved drastically as his training partner is the Jounin Level Ninja and that was Dog who became now Anbu Level Ninja. {Anbu Level is the next rank of Jounin.}

The other 3 Chunin also become Special Jounin Level Ninja.


"Hurry! Nii-san! Hurry!" Aria said while running towards an Ice Cream Shop.

"Wait, wait, My Little Princess," Raito changed the way he called Aria to Little Princess from Little Sister. {When did he called Aria a Little Sister?} {If you don't know when then You don't know, that's it}


Aria who didn't look at her way was accidentally bumped into a person.

"Ah, sorry, sorry," Raito immediately run faster towards her and slightly did a bow to the person who's Aria just bumped.

"No, it's okay," Said the Person but Raito felt malice coming from her but not towards them but towards the Little Peeping Tom that was on the roof of a house.

"Then, please excuse us," Raito immediately excused themselves, he lightly grabbed Aria's right hand then headed towards the Owner of the shop who is shaking in fear.

'Esdeath, the rumored the Strongest Person in the whole Country,' Raito's thought. Raito ordered one of his Summoned newly Special Jounin to search for more information about [Tengy Users] and more especially [Tengu]. He eagerly wants to get a Byakugan. Even though Raito can just ask his Little Princess Aria, and she would immediately do what he wants but that's not making him happy, not, no no, not really, seriously.

'Shall I kill her now to take her [Tengu]?' Raito asked himself but decided not to as right now is their Day Off Day.

"Mister, 2 Cup of Ice Cream please," Aria ordered to the owner, Aria slightly changed from her previous behavior, now she became kinder towards her Family, especially, Raito and more aggressive towards the strangers, but she doesn't do the Torture thing anymore and that made Raito sighed in relief.

"Y-yes! Plea-please, wait a moment!" The Owner of the Bar was at first startled then hurriedly entered the Shop to get 2 cups of Ice Cream.

"Nii-san, I'm sure the Ice of this Shop is good," Aria said while holding Raito's right hand with both hands.

"Trust my instinct!" Aria added as she raised her chest like a proud man.

"Right, Right, My Little Princess is always correct," Raito said with a smile on his face while ruffling the hair of his Little Princess.

"Hihihi!" Aria giggled like a child would do.

"Here's your Order!" The Owner of the Shop came out from the store with a 2 cup of Ice Cream, 1 Cup on each of his hands.

"Thank you," Raito was the one who took the Ice Cream from the Shop Owner as he didn't like another man near his Little Princess, his Sis-con tendencies is kicking again.

"Here," Raito handed one of the Cup of Ice Cream to his Little Princess Aria.

"Thank you, Nii-san," Aria said as she took the Cup of Ice Cream that Raito was handing to her.

"Hm?" Raito felt the presence of the Peeping Little Cat Tom was gone but her emotions were pretty complicated, in other words, she is extremely angry and extremely regret. Angry that she couldn't attack Esdeath because of her Instinct telling her that she don't and regret for the same reason.

Raito remembered that he said something like, 'if ever I see a Member of your Little Group, I will definitely kill that person' something like that but today is their day off and right now he is feeling extremely good so he made a sigh using his breathing, yup, breathing, Raito made a signal using breathing as he thinks that signaling using breathing is pretty sneaky.

Raito took a deep breath then looked at a particular direction then a person who was in the direction where Raito are staring left the vicinity, he entered an alley and disappeared in the darkness.

"Nii-san, let's go there," Aria said as she didn't take any answer from Raito as she dragged him towards a specific shop to buy new things and foods.


After hours of shopping or whatever you call it, the 2 returned to their house, they were greeted by Guards with Guns on their hands, the Guards Eyes looks lifeless while greeting them, they are the Special Elite Guards trained by a Newly Special Jounin to become guards to the House. They are trained to kill and to serve only. They only serve for Raito and Raito only, and Raito ordered them to guard the Mansion, in this world, the People here also have Chakra but they doesn't know about them much more use them.

So Raito thought of a plan,

He ordered a Newly Special Jounin to 'train' some people, mostly commoners, to become an aspiring shinobi, although the people in this world have Chakra in their bodies, it is much smaller than in the Naruto world, the Elite Trained Ninja Guards can't do many Ninjutsus but their Taijutsu, Shurikenjutsu, etc, except Genjutsu and Ninjutsu, are can be improved.

It's been 2 months since they trained Elite Trained Ninja Guards but their Teacher is a Newly Special Jounin and more importantly, he is an Anbu that means he has more knowledge and experiences of killing and teaching things so the Elite Trained Ninja Guards improved drastically albeit they can't take a normal genin but that's okay as they just trained for 2 months.

In the training, they also used Genjutsu to make the Elite Trained Ninja Guards become more loyal towards Raito to the point where they would die without hesitation for him.

After nodding towards the Elite Trained Ninja Guards, Raito and Aria entered their House to rest.

Meanwhile, Leone is currently being followed by a Newly Special Jounin, even though Leone has a great instinct but the person following her is stronger and more stealthy than her so she doesn't feel anything wrong.

Right now, Leone is heading back towards their base.

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