



A cute pair of little ears started to perk up in a bush as a little boy with silver hair tried to look out of the towns Gate . Wiggling his tail he started thinking how to escape.

'My life is so peaceful that its kinda boring , I want to go out and experience the world but then I wont be able to feel the quietness and peacefulness anymore if I go out of the gates . ...' He said in his mind .Thinking real hard he tried to wiggle his tail even more as he close his eyes and fold his arms while propping his chin .

'Maybe I shouldnt do this , or maybe I should.I dont have anything to learn from school anyway maybe I should go out exploring but its still quite risky .Should I or I shouldn't . Should I or I shouldn't ' while thinking and thinking over and over again .The little kid in hiding felt shivers all over his body making all of his hair stand out as a bug bit his tail making him pout and angry making him throw the bug to the guard .

"AHHH " the guard yelled as he looked at the direction where the bug that bit him came from . He saw a pair of white ears twitching and twitching that perk up in the bush .

"Harith are you skipping class again ? " Said the guard as he took Harith from his neck and stared at him . Opening his big and cute eyes Harith pouted at Mr. Guard , making his ears that was perking up before now perking down .Putting Harith down , the guard started to listen to the little boys explanation.

" Mis.. Mis....Mister Guard , the school have nothing to teach to me and plus I've already attained my diploma in an advance class but they are still making me go to school . The dean said it was okay even if I skip class as long as I help in regulating the magic in the town .Tha..tha..thats why I skipped " Harith said as he look down and fidget with his fingers .

Sighing the guard looked at Harith and started to scratch his head "Well i guess you're right but even so you shouldn't throw bugs at anyone " . "Im sorry " After that Harith was tasked to help in cooking fishes in the school cafeteria as a punishment and as long as the bell doesn't alarm he cant eat any off them since lunch time is still not around .

After the day was done Harith have gone home puffing his cheeks with an upset look in his face. 'Now I really have decided Im really going to leave this town and travel .Its boring here and punishment are so cruel ' after he had made up his mind Harith started to pack and prepare for his adventure .'Tonight Im going to leave this town and know how the outside world is quite intriguing '

Setting his foot outside of the town Harith started to wonder into the woods as he saw different and strange plants that smelled so weird . Walking and walking Harith have finally reach the edge of the province and looking over the river he saw a thick jungle full of vines but he did not see the monsters that lurk in those vines as Dawn started to approach.

As red sky started to emerge Harith crossed the river and found his way into a weird looking shape tree and decided to take a nap before exploring the jungle more after he wakes up. The little kitten fall quickly into sleep as he stretch his aching limbs and catch his zzzz . A creature appears behind the tree with mohawk hair and green skin , the big headed creature started to look at Harith's bag full of fish , the creature decide to have some loot on this little kitten . Taking the bag and little Harith with him the goblin started to walk away from the weird tree , arriving in his camp and spreading the fish .They tied Harith on a stick and put fire under him and they started to grill him .

Awoken by the sudden hotness and smell of cook fish Harith stared at the goblins whose grilling him . "Are you the one who's cooking fish ? " he asked .Looking around he found his bag empty and burned , while the goblins started to eat his fish ."HEY THAT'S MINE " said Harith as his cute face started to become red.

A surge of anger came over him but even so he's still kept his calm and he started to look at the psychos who devour his fish ."Who told you those fish are for you to eat ?" a cold voice emerge from Harith as he broke the rope that was tied to him and standing in the fire that was grilling him before all the goblins started to tremble in fear .But even so they grabbed their axe and prepare to cut down Harith. But Harith slay them without a hitch and to escape the other monster approaching he started to dash far away from them , lossing sight of them Harith cant afford to stop as he continued walking .

After traveling for quite sometime , feeling nauseous Harith tried to lay down in a giant rock and tried to stretch his arms as he want to go on a nap .Laying down he felt something growling making his fluffy tail's hair to go up .


Quickly flashing away With Very very low on mana Harith started to run until he's been cornered .

"HELP UWAAAAAAAAA" Harith cried as he kept trying to dodge only to exhaust his heal .

OUT OF HEAL , NO FLICKER AND OUT OFF MANA. Nothings much worse than this kind of a thing , when your stuck in a forest and have no options but to run and scream . But since he's been cornered he have no choice but to scream .

"Uwaaaaaaaaaa somebody " Large droplets of tears started to fall from Harith's cute and big eyes and it was at this time that the cute little kitten have finally found his savior .

"Finally found you DEMON "

"GROUND SPLITTER!!!" The man said as he leaps forward the raging demon , his blonde hair swaying in the wind as he leaps making the demon slow down , making it stumble and gave the man an opening to strike . "FISSION WAVE !!" he said as powerful waves came firing forward the demon one by one , giving it a gigantic damage .And as it try to escape and run , the man's blue eyes started to flicker as he used pursuit and he teleported next to the demon and finishing him at last . 'No one can escape me ' he said to himself.

This is my first ever story that i have written and i am still learning of how to write properly but i hope all you'd like this .



I apologize in advance but English is not my first language thats why there might be a lot of grammar errors but i will still try to clean and fix them .

thank you very much

have a good day and Enjoy

BlackCrow_Thundercreators' thoughts
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