
Life, Love, Food

Deja woke up in the morning, she checked on Onyx she was still asleep. Deja got changed into her work clothes. She walked into the kitchen.

"I have no food, how do I have no food? I never went shopping." She mentally slapped herself. She looked in all the cabinets. She internally cried she was so hungry.

"I don't have enough time to run to the grocery store before Drake gets here." She thought to herself. She was gonna starve to death before lunch. She found a vending machine down on one of the floors, she got a bag of pretzels. She was gonna wait for Drake outside but it was raining.

"Of course it rains when I don't want it to." She mumbled to herself. She stood under the eve of the room out of the rain and waited for him. He drove up and she ran out and got into his car.

"Good morning Drake!" She buckled herself up.

"Good morning Ms. Deja." He drove away from the apartment.

"You can call me Deja I don't mind, you're forcing me to call you Drake so it seems only right." She looked at him and smiled. He glanced at her. "Darn your cuteness." He thought to himself.

"Fine, I'll do it...only if you call me...Lord Drake!" He chuckled, she wouldn't call him that she was too naive.

"O'k Lord Drake!" She burst out laughing in triumph.

Drake was beaten at his own game, he laughed in defeat.

"You better not call me that in front of anyone or else I will fire you.'' He had such a serious face now.

"Well, you sure are a buzz kill." She looked out the window they were passing by the city park. Drake stopped at a red light, he glanced at Deja she was looking out of the window at the park. "How did I not know about this park I've lived here only a few months and didn't know about this." Deja thought to herself. They drove to the underground parking. They got out and walked over to the elevator. Drake and Deja got in and rode the elevator up. Drake broke the silence.

"I have hired a new employee and I want you to go meet him in the lobby he gonna be working with Brandon so take him up to Brandon's office he has white hair." The elevator doors opened to Drake's office floor he stepped off.

"O'k whatever you say, Drake bye." She waved as the elevator door closed. Drake waved back. He entered his office.

"I wonder if she likes steak?" He pondered.

Deja rode the elevator down to the lobby, she got off she looked around for a guy with white hair, she spotted him he was the tallest guy in the building also he was the only one being swarmed by girl coworkers. She approached him.

He had his back turned to her. She spoke.

"Hello sir I'm Mr. Drake's assistant and I'm here to show you, Mr. Brandon." He turned around and smiled at her. She was amazed at his handsomeness he had deep blue eyes and snow white hair he was super tall and looked like he worked out. The girls around him dispersed when they saw her.

"Why are there so many good looking men in this town, what is this some romance novel or anime I am in." She thought to herself.

"Why hello there Ms. Deja it good to meet you I am Soren." He shook her hand. He smelled the same scent that he had on that girl on the street. "So this must be the famed Dragondrein I've heard so much about.....Why is she pretty?" He thought to himself.

"Good to meet you Mr.Soren I am here to show you where you will be working." She smiled and turned around. "His hand felt so cold to the touch....hhmm.....I wonder?" She got in the elevator with him. She pressed the elevator button to go up.

They rode up in silence. *Ding* The elevator stopped and the doors opened. They got out, she opened the door to Brandon's office and lead him in.

"This is Brandon." She looked at Brandon, he walked over and introduced himself. Deja just stood there waiting for Brandon to tell her what to do.

"Deja can you go file all of the papers on my desk while I get Mr.Soren started on his work." He led Soren to another room where the other employees worked on paperwork.

Deja went into Brandon's office and grabbed the stack of papers, she carried them over to the filing room and started filing them, after an hour she found Brandon and asked for more work. When lunch break came she waited down in the lobby for Drake, she was standing against the wall, when Soren approached her.

"Hello there Ms.Deja, are you gonna get lunch?" He seemed gave her a smile.

"Oh I'm just waiting for a friend is all." She smiled she wanted to get some food so bad she was starving everything looked like a steak.

"So what is your job around here?" He leaned against the wall and put his hands in his pocketses.

"Well I'm the Mr.Drake's assistant and also I file paperwork." She wanted to go eat so bad, her stomach felt like it was eating its self.

"So your the CEO's assistant that must be an interesting job." He glanced at Deja she was staring at the floor.

"Wait Drake's the CEO of this company? I didn't know that I just thought he was the boss of this building." She was confused why did a CEO of a huge company hire her she was insignificant compared to him in the business world...or was she something in his eyes.

"You didn't know his family is one of the most powerful families in town." He confused, how can you get hired and not know who your boss is. The elevator doors opened and Drake stepped out of the elevator, he spotted Deja leaned against the wall staring down at the ground deep in thought and Soren beside her. He didn't like how close Soren was to Deja.

He walked over to the two of them. Soren looked at Drake.

"Well, I'm gonna go see you later Ms. Deja it was nice talking to you maybe we can hang later.'' "O'k bye." He walked away quickly he could scene Drake's power. Her face turned to joy when she saw. He smiled at her.

"You ready for lunch I am starving." He was in a good mood.

"Your starving all I've been seeing for the last ten minutes is walking steaks everywhere." She was very cheerful. She didn't care who Drake is.

"O'k well let's go eat." While they were eating together Drake got a call from someone. He had to leave.

"I got to go sorry to leave so unexpectedly but it urgent I hope you don't mind but I won't be able to drive you home tonight do you want me to send someone to pick you up?" He put his phone in his pocket.

"No I can walk home you go take care of your stuff ill be fine." She smiled a reassuring smile.

"O'k but you be careful ok bye." He got up from the table.

"I will don't worry bye." She waved bye to him as he left.

While Drake went down the elevator he thought to himself.

"I was gonna take her out to super tonight oh well maybe tomorrow." He was a little worried about her walking home by herself.

Deja was left by herself to eat her meat and veggies. She sighed. She heard a voice beside her.

"I hope this seat isn't taken." He gestured towards the chair beside her.

"Oh no it isn't you can sit down." She started eating her food again.

"Well, what happened to your boyfriend he runs off with someone else?" Deja blushed so hard.

"He's not my b-boyfriend....he is just my boss." She turned her face away. Soren looked amused he leaned his face on his hand.

"How can such a beautiful girl like you be single?" She turned and looked at him. He was looking at her with his deep blue eyes she felt entranced by them somehow. She blushed when he brushed a strand of hair out of her face. She turned away, looking like a tomato.

"Hey don't be shy I don't bit." She giggled a little. He was like the polar opposite of Drake. He was funny and made jokes, Drake, on the other hand, was serious almost all the time not goofy. She liked Soren but Drake just seemed more like her type than this dude.

"Are you sure about that? did you get your shots?" There was silence before they both burst out laughing. Deja finished her food and Soren went to go talk to one of his coworkers. She headed up before Soren did so she didn't have to see him for the rest of the afternoon until everyone got off of work.

She was down in the lobby about to go outside when Soren walked up to her.

"You don't have an umbrella do you I can walk you home if you like?" He was holding an umbrella.

"No I don't but I'll be fine I like rain." She really didn't want this guy she just met to know were she live's.

"O'k don't catch a cold see you tomorrow." He walked outside and opened his umbrella. Deja waved bye.

"So you think you can just swoon all of the good looking men in this building I just don't see how you can be attractive to them you don't even wear makeup." Deja turned around it was one of the girls that were swarming Soren when he was in here this morning.

"Well maybe it's my natural beauty or maybe they just don't like women that copy and paste their eyebrows on." The woman was taken aback by her comment.

"Well, I hope you die alone, you witch." The woman turned around and walked off.

"Well, I hope you're buried with your printer that did your eyebrows." Deja ran out the door before the woman exploded.

When she got home she found groceries on the table and a note which reads as follows.


I picked up groceries for you no wonder you're starving all the time, I'm gonna be late getting back so don't wait for me I'm watching a movie with Terrin. LoVe: Your only friend who gets kidnapped.

PS. Jelly much?

PPS. Get a phone what is this 1814?


Deja was happy for Onyx but she was Jelly much.

Deja went and got dressed and crawled into bed.


Somewhere in a forest somewhere.

"There's a new queen you say well" She picked a bone out of her teeth. "I guess I will have to put her in her place if she tries anything, good work my pawn." She petted the Dragon in front of her.

"I will do anything for my Queen."

"That's good."


Hey guys this will be the last chapter for a while I hope you guys enjoyed this book as much as me but I might come back later and add more to this book but I'm only 14 so i got a life outside of this book bye guys. Happy summer.

love the author. Jan

janpinkdragocreators' thoughts
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