
Territories. Warning graphic writing.

Deja woke up at 7:00 the next morning.

She cooked some breakfast. Onyx got up and ate while they were eating she asked.

"Do you still have Aqius?" She shoved some more pancakes in her mouth.

"Yeah, I would never get rid of that thing it was my mothers."

"Can I see I haven't seen it in forever." She finished her food.

"Yeah." Deja walked over to her closet and brought back a

scabbard it was beautiful it was light blue with shark teeth incrested on it. She pulled the sword out. The grip was made of pearls and the pommel was a blue crystal, the blade was made of a water dragon claw it was straight its length was 4 feet long, its width was 3 inches. And could cut through anything. And could only be held by a water dragon.

"It's so cool I love it I just wish I could hold it." She said in disappointment.

"Yeah I wish you had a sword like mine but for your type.'' She put the scabbard on her back.

"Where are you going?" Onyx was cleaning off the table.

"Out in the Dark Forest why do you think I'm bringing this."

She pointed to her sword on her back.

"O'k have fun don't get killed."

"I'll try not to bye." She left.

She got to the forest at 10:00 it was a little further than the place were her and Onyx hunted but it was a big forest that stretched for miles in any direction.

She went in and walked for an hour before something happened.

She was just walking when a dragon landed in front of her.

"This is my territory I'm gonna kill....wait your kinda cute I'm gonna keep you and show you to my friends." He said with a laugh.

"Please don't! I'm just a little girl please just leave me alone."

She looked so scared. Onyx always said she was the best actress she had ever see.

"Hehehe not a chance." He was about to grab her with his claw but....*slice*.

"MY CLAAAW!!!" He roared in pain. She had cut it off in one slice.

"You don't touch me." She wiped her sword off on a cloth.

"YOUR DEAD NOW!" He roared and sounded the alarm.

She could hear other dragons approaching.

She was ready to fight she hadn't felt like this in a while.

Fire rained down from above her she dodged it just in time.

"This Is gonna be good." She smiled.

The dragon landed he and the wounded one roared at her they were both earth dragons.

They made the first move. One swung at her with its tail and one breathed fire. She dodged the fire but got hit by the tail.

She was flung 20 feet back right into a tree and impaled by a branch. They thought it was over just like that but they were wrong. She moved and grabbed the branch from her stomach and broke it off. She fell off the tree onto the ground. She got up and had a smile on her face.

"Now don't hold back on me." The dragons where stunned how was she alive? She was impaled she has a giant hole in her stomach. She rushed at them with her sword in hand.

They swiped at her with there claws she blocked them.

One tried to swipe at her injury but she evaded his attack.

They backed off and both breathed fire on her she dodged it.

Before they knew anything she cut the head off one of them with one swipe. His head tumbled to the ground mouth still open. His body dropped. The other dragon tried to fly away but she cut his wing and he fell to the ground.

"I didn't mean it I'll leave you alone please just let me live."

He looked at her with pure terror in his eyes.

"Fine but if you come after me again ill kill you." She turned around and started to walk away. She looked back and saw his tail coming strat for her....*Slice* His head slide off

neck and his body slouched over and blood was everywhere.

"I'm sorry brothers you brought this on yourselves."

She reached in her pocket for her rag but found some old ring with writing on it it said, One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

She heard whispering in her head.

"Looks like an old piece of junk." She tossed it away.

She got her rag out and wiped off her sword and put it away.

"Well, this has been exiting better finish my walk."

She looked down at her clothes her abs were showing.

''Now I need a new set of clothes great.''

Her wound was healed by the time she wiped the blood off her sword.

It was almost dark by the time she got home. She walked in and Onyx wasn't home.

"Oh yeah, She's at a movie forgot."

She went into her room and got changed and threw away her old clothes.

"I'm so tired, way too much work for one day. She flops on her bed and falls asleep.

She is awoken by the smell of smoke....."fire!"

To be continued.

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