

Jin screamed as he got extremely shocked looking at himself wearing only a boxer in a stranger room. Almost fully naked. The guy who slept next to him woke up out of shock after hearing to Jin's high note screaming.

"What the hell is going on?" the man without any clothes on, asked.

Jin stared at the man for so long. He didn't recognize him. How come he slept with a stranger on the same bed? He tried to recall any memory. But couldn't. Jin pulled the blanket from the bed trying to cover his body, prompted a question, "Who are you?".

The man laughed and stroked his messy hair, "Why? You don't remember me, Jin? I'm Steve".

"Steve?" Jin asked.

"Yeah, Steve. Remember?" replied Steve.

Jin shook his head. He really didn't recognise him. Steve got out of the bed and grabbed the signed shirt he placed on the table last night. While grabbing the shirt, something dropping on the floor. Steve collected and said, "Oh, it's here. Your door card. Found it". He showed the card to Jin. Suddenly someone knocked on the door.

"Seokjin hyung. Is that you?" someone called from the outside of the room. Steve opened the door and found Hoseok, Yoongi and Taehyung in front of his room.

"Oh my God, BTS knocked on my door! Hi, guys!" Steve excitedly shaking his hands with them.

Hoseok got shocked that the one who opened the door wasn't Jin. Yoongi felt extremely strange. He never failed to recognize his brother's voice. He is a producer. He would never fail to recognize Jin's voice. He really sure the screaming voice they heard just now was Jin.

"Oh. Sorry. Wrong room," Hoseok apologized to Steve immediately.

While Hoseok saying sorry to Steve, Taehyung looked around and scanned inside the room. His eyes stopped at a physique that was so familiar to him. It's Jin. He saw Jin inside the room roaming around to find something.

"Oh? Isn't that Jin-i hyung? Jin hyung!" Taehyung called him. Jin who tried to find his pyjama stopped and looked at the door. He found his BTS brothers in front of the door. "Taehyung-a," answered Jin short. Glad seeing them coming to rescue him.

All three of them quickly step in inside the room. They're shocked looking at Jin without any clothes inside a stranger room. Yoongi looked at Steve sharp. Hoseok hurriedly came to Jin and asked whether he is fine. Taehyung, on the other hand, looking for Jin's clothes around the bed and bathroom.

"What's going on here?" Yoongi sounded pissed. He's not feeling good after seeing such an unpleasant sight.

"Okay. No need to worry. Last night I saved him at the corridor as he went unconscious. Right, Jin? I couldn't find any room card with him until just now I found it fallen from this shirt. Don't worry I took care of him last night and he is now fine," Steve answered while showing the shirt. He showed the signed shirt to them and the selfie they took together. Steve explained everything that happened last night. Jin became defensive but he couldn't argue much. All he said was he really couldn't remember anything.

Yoongi still feeling unsatisfied because he found it ridiculous. He prompted another question to Steve, "Then, why you didn't knock our door? I'm pretty sure you know all our rooms. You can at least called receptionist or called our manager to ask for help".

"I'm sorry. I was panicked. I really want to help him without troubling anyone. It was too late in the night. Everyone already sleeping," Steve explained.

"Who said everyone already sleeping? I only slept 2 hours after dinner and woke up early to do music. By the time he unconscious, I already woke up. You should knock my door and call me," Yoongi argued and slightly raised his voice, unable to control his emotion. Hoseok found Yoongi started boiling up pulled Yoongi away and give eye contact to Taehyung who peeped from the bathroom to reduce the tension.

Taehyung came out from the bathroom handed the pyjama to Jin. There was no problem with the pant, only the shirt has a vomit smell. While Jin wearing his pant, Taehyung talked to Steve.

"I don't know whether you are right or wrong, but all of us are extremely worried and sensitive to the incident. Thank you for taking care of my brother. Please don't let this issue out," said Taehyung calmly. Jin who is still confused became mad. He glanced to Steve while heading out from the room following Taehyung.

At the corridor, they can hear Hoseok calling someone in front of Yoongi room. Jin headed towards his room alone, while Taehyung talked to Hoseok. In his room, he threw his RJ pyjama on the floor and looking for his handphone. It's already passed 12 PM. They supposed to move from the hotel at 9AM. He also had more than 100 missed calls and text messages. He didn't read any because he had so many things running in his head.

The staff entered his room to uninstall the cameras inside the room. Jin collected the RJ pyjama that he threw and put it inside a laundry bag. He then put the laundry bag inside his luggage. Jin immediately went to the bathroom and took a bath. He let the water run through his body and take his mind away.

After he took the shower, he prepared his luggage, and read the message from Sejin. Seems like Sejin was too worried about him. He called Sejin. Sejin told him that everyone was waiting for him in Yoongi room. He dropped the call and heading towards Yoongi's room.

He knocked on the door. The first person he saw was Sejin. Sejin invited him in. He looked around the room. He saw Jimin, Yoongi and Jungkook looking down and zoning out. Namjoon stared outside the glass window. Taehyung and Hoseok were the only two who looked at him as he went in. He can feel the tension of the air in the room. Jin immediately expressed his apologies, but Sejin cut him fast.

"Let's not talk about this now. We're extremely late right now. Since everyone is here, we need to move now. We will talk about that in L.A. Go check your things, everyone. Don't leave any stuff behind," said Sejin.

Everyone said yes and followed Sejin from behind. Jimin patted Jin's shoulder as they moving out of the room.

BTS split into 2 cars. Sejin, Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook went in the first car, while Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon and Jimin went in the second car.

In the first car, Sejin told them to listen to Namjoon. He said that it doesn't matter whether Namjoon is older or younger than anyone, he is the leader of the team, they should listen to him. Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook listened to Sejin without much response. They know, one missing member in a foreign country can create a lot of trouble. Plus, their popularity is insane in the US. They need to take care of each other well.

Meanwhile, in the second car, no one started any conversation which made the situation become awkward. Jin, who felt guilty apologise to them to avoid the awkward feeling. Jimin who sat next to Jin said, "It's okay, hyung. Next time when I offered you to sleep in my room, just sleep".

"Yeah, I should listen to you. Sorry, Jimin-a" said Jin. He felt bad for causing trouble.

"I'm the one who should be sorry. I'm the one who called you into my room. It was started because of me. I should just eat and sleep alone," Jimin blamed himself.

"No, I'm the one who bought the beers into your room. Don't blame yourself," said Jin. He felt bad seeing Jimin blaming himself.

Suddenly Namjoon who sat at the front joined the conversation, "You both are wrong. I told you both not to drink anymore. None of you listens to me," Namjoon sighed.

"Sorry, Namjoon-a. I'm really sorry," said Jin. As a leader, Namjoon must be really worried.

"Yes, we are really sorry hyung for troubling you," said Jimin.

Namjoon turned around and looked at Jin, "Hyung, do you know how worried we are this morning?".

Jin looked at Namjoon, waiting for him to continue.

"We supposed to eat breakfast at 7am. Everyone already went down. Jimin said he knocked your door before he went down but you didn't open. So we thought you're still sleeping, but it was weird. Even Jungkook and Taehyung who usually hard to wake up already came down to eat. We called you but you didn't answer. Sejin hyung and Suga hyung ate before us, so they went upstairs to find you. They knocked again but you really didn't open the door. They thought something bad happened. Suga hyung called us saying you didn't open the door and something might happen last night. We didn't even finish our food and came to your room," Namjoon stopped when Yoongi who sat behind him suddenly raised his hand and waved in front Namjoon's face to cut the story.

"You can stop now. I don't want to hear it," said Yoongi slowly.

"Why? He should know about this," replied Namjoon.

"Why you don't what me to know, Yoongi-ya?" asked Jin.

"It's not like you want to listen. You just want to know, but you don't want to listen," replied Yoongi.

"What makes you think like that? I know I'm the one who makes the trouble, but it's not that I don't feel sorry to you guys," Jin defending himself.

Yoongi turned to him and looked at his eyes, "I don't see any point telling you every single thing that happened just now when you don't even listen to us. We stopped you last night but you still overdose with alcohol. You don't even listen to us. Damage has done. Why do you want to know more now? After all, you are not going to listen," said Yoongi, slightly raised his voice.

Jimin touched Yoongi's hand and talked to Yoongi slowly, "Don't be like this hyung". Jimin trying to calm Yoongi's emotion and avoid him from being rude to Jin. Yoongi turned his head to the window and looked outside.

"Ya Min Yoon Gi, I don't understand why you think I will ignore what you said. This is all about me right? I also feel bad about this. I don't mean to argue with you, but it doesn't mean I don't feel anything when you guys don't even eat properly because of me. Just tell me what I need to know," Jin said in frustration, but no one said anything to him.

Jin became a bit pissed. He turned at Jimin and asked, "Jimin-a, tell me everything that happened before you found me".

Jimin looked at Yoongi and Namjoon. He took a deep breath. He touched Jin's tight and tell him slowly, "After we came to your room after breakfast, everyone calling you. Since you didn't answer, Namjoon hyung suggested calling receptionist to open the door. While Namjoon hyung went down, Yoongi hyung tried to break the door out of frustration. Thank God the receptionist came fast. We entered your room but you weren't in the room. We found your wallet and mobile phone in your room. We don't think you would go anywhere further without a wallet, passport and phone. The staff checked the installed cameras inside your room, we found out you never returned after you came out with beers on your hand to my room. Everyone got really shocked. Taehyung asked the hotel staff whether we can get the hotel's CCTV, but it requires a lot of procedure," said Jimin.

Namjoon continued, "Jimin told us both of you drank again after we sent both of you into your room. We pretty sure something happened while you returned from Jimin's room. Suga hyung got extremely mad that both of you went for the second round. Jimin got scolded by Suga hyung. We made a decision to split into two. Yoongi hyung, Hobi and Taehyung stayed just in case you return and they searched around the floor too. The rest of us searched you around the hotel and asked around whether anyone saw you. But we need to keep it low too. We don't want to attract a lot of attention. Since people here recognised us, it was hard to search you," said Namjoon.

Jimin added, "I heard Yoongi hyung was the one who recognised your screaming voice immediately. He was the furthest one from that room but he knew where the voice coming from". Jimin trying to give credit to Yoongi. But Yoongi stays cold without saying anything.

Seokjin glanced to Yoongi. He feels thankful to Yoongi after understood the situation, "Now I understand why he became so emotional today. I'm sorry Yoongi-ya," said Jin.

Yoongi responded, "You should say sorry to everyone. Not just me. They're really worried about you".

"You're right," Jin responded. He looked down, admitting his fault.

"Do you know that if we really couldn't find you, we will make a police report?" Jimin added.

Seokjin's eyes became bigger as he surprised. "Really? Then it will cause more trouble," Jin said while looking outside the room.

Everyone became quiet. After a few minutes, Yoongi suddenly asked a question.

"I really don't understand. Why that guy had to bring you into his room and even help you took off the pyjama. Is it really necessary to even took off your pant?" said Yoongi.

"I still couldn't recall any memory in his room," said Jin. He frustrated that he couldn't remember anything.

"I am more failed to understand you, Jin hyung. You usually have good alcohol tolerance. What's going on last night?" Yoongi asked again.

"I told you I really don't know what happened last night," Jin told him again. He repeating the same answer once again.

"The guy is so suspicious. I think I saw him somewhere before," said Yoongi.

Jimin also feels curious, "That guy said he is an ARMY. So it is possible for him to really want to save Jin hyung".

"But if you think again, no matter how shocked you are, you will ask other people to help in that kind of situation. You don't know how serious someone's condition when he suddenly collapsed. He is not a doctor. Jin hyung could be killed due to overdose last night," Yoongi commented.

"That's true," said Namjoon. He added, "Logically speaking, why he wants to bear any possibility to be blamed if something happened to you. You are not a normal person, you are a public figure".

Jimin agreed to that point. He also started to feel suspicious about the guy. "If I was him, I also don't want to keep you on my bed. It wasn't comfortable for two guys to sleep on the same bed even if you are a fanboy," said Jimin.

"I really want to blame that guy, but you are not entirely right either, hyung," said Yoongi. Jin kept silent. He doesn't know what to respond in this kind of situation. He wanted to stay at the positive side and forget about it, but the members keep making his mind analysing the whole things, thinking about it endlessly, and felt like they keep pointing his wrong to make him felt more guilty. Yes, he's wrong, but he believed everything is resolved now as he's safe.

Yoongi added, "You shouldn't take more alcohol in the first place. You are the one who created this opportunity to that guy, so he took advantage of you".

Jin responded tiredly, "If only I remember everything last night, I must know what went wrong last night".

Yoongi continued, "That's why I told you, you shouldn't drink. You can just eat and drink soda with Jimin. Why did you need to bring more alcohol? It was just two of you".

Jin defending himself again as he remembered leaving Jimin's room, "I remembered I tried to open every door and I think I found my room because the door opened, but I didn't remember what happened after that".

"Hyung, did you remember the photo you took with him," asked Yoongi.

"No, I don't remember. It must have happened after that," answered Jin.

"So the problem now is still alcohol. Then why did you left your phone in your room?" asked Yoongi again.

"I think I must be accidentally left the phone while took the beer, "Jin assumed.

"Again, the problem is alcohol," said Yoongi.

Jin irritated as he noticed Yoongi kept blaming him by mentioning about alcohol. He asked, "Why are you keep blaming alcohol? What do you feel unsatisfied now actually?".

Yoongi replied, "Because it's really drinking problem no matter how many times I looked at the situation".

"What if I am actually a victim? Will you keep blaming me?" asked Jin.

Yoongi felt attacked, he said, "You are already potential victim now. As I said, you're the one who created the opportunity to that guy, so apart of this issue, you were to be blamed".

"How could you say that to me?" asked Jin as Yoongi's rudeness heating his body. He felt bad but he didn't want to be blamed again. He tried to control his emotion.

"Why? It's not that I said something wrong. You really need to accept the fact that your drinking habit makes you like this," Yoongi replied.

Jimin noticed the tension threaten the peace again, said to Yoongi, "Hyung why are saying like that to him. Calm down".

Jin annoyed with Yoongi. "Are you unsatisfied with me or what? I already know I'm the one who did mistakes. Do you really need to say something like this?" said Jin madly.

"Wait. Why do you become so sensitive right now? The one who should be mad is me," said Yoongi.

"You keep on making me looked bad. I know I'm wrong. I may be lenient to you, but I got hurt if you talk to me like that," said Jin.

"What are you saying? Did I yell at you? I'm just stating the fact. Why do you think I want to hurt your feelings? Keep aside your ego. I know that you feeling bad to us. But the damage has done," Yoongi appeared strong. He started feeling irritating with Jin's sensitivity.

"Ego? Damage? Wow, seriously Min Yoon Gi? You are getting too much!" Jin getting mad. Namjoon and Jimin tried to stop them but they continue arguing.

"Are you still drunk, hyung? Why make things harsher? You are the one who creates trouble, why got angry at me? Do you know how worried I am today because of you," Yoongi frustrated with Jin. He started venting his anger.

Jin cannot hold his heart anymore as he got hurt with Yoongi's words, "So you are saying now that I am drunk and purposely want to fight with you? Okay, you want to keep blaming me right? So what's so good about you?". Namjoon and Jimin don't know what should they do. They want to reduce the heat, but their conversation is getting hotter. But they glad that at least, the war did not involve physical.

Yoongi angrily said, "Are you stupid or what? When did I say I want to fight with you? Don't simply make an assumption without understanding the context. You really got my nerves now".

Next chapter