

hay! kid why did you call me a monster?

hay stop.

let me go you monster. shut up I am not a monster I am human like you.....

what? but you don't look like a human.

I know but I am a human. I just look like that way because of that place.

what? why... how.

Do you not realise that you are not in the human land this is hell.

what? this is hell.

yes. You will be look like me in a month.

why why did I do wrong? what did I do to deserve this? why.....

don't cry kid.

Ok....by the way sir what happen after I turned into a monster like you.

when you become a monster then after 2 months you will be Eaton by that place.

O then I have only 3 months.

yes. And I have 1.5 month.

Ok hay monster.

I am not a monster.

Ok Ok so what is your name then?

My name is Bill.

Ok mister Bill, this is look like a prison. Am I right?

yes. so what?

that's means there is a way to escape.

maybe but I don't think so.

Mister Bill do you know a weird place. Maybe that is the key to escape.

yeah there is a place that few with books.

Is that truth mister Bill?


Can you take me to the place mister Bill?

Yeah sure but can you please stop calling me mister Bill. just call me bill Ok.

Ok Bill..................... hay kid?


what is your name by the way.

O my name is Sam.

Ok Sam why do you want to escape from Hell?

ha? I actually don't want to end up like that and I have some question to ask the God.

What?!!😥😥😥 Is that so.



after few hours

hay Sam we are here.

O thank you bill.

It's ok.

so let's enter that weird library.

yeah sure.

wow that is to beat and I think there is thousands of book.

yeah I know. Let see that book. what? I can't understand that language.hay Sam.

what what is it .

Just look here.

ha? let's see what that is an ancient language.

what can you read Sam .


how can you read that language.

O actually my mother was a archaeology. And she know all ancient language.

O ok then how long it takes to finish.

I don't know many be a month if I don't stop reading then.

O then don't worry you don't have a body you are a soul and so can work nonstop. So let's do this Sam .

Ok let's do this.

After a month

now It is the time to escape this hell.

yeah let's do this Sam. Ok and I only have 16 days.

yeah I know.... So let's do this.

ok Sam .

first we have to go south - East.

Next chapter