
A New Age Begins

It had been 2 weeks for Peter since Laura's Birthday, to say it was an awkward 2 weeks would be an understatement. While Peter could admit it wasn't all bad, Felicia and Laura had both been a lot closer after what happened, what really saddened him was Natasha.

Though Peter may be dense at times, he wasn't that dense when it came to Natasha's feelings, he really wished he was like some type of Japanese Harem Protagonists, but did those stories ever really turn out that well?

Peter shook his head as it wandered, the real problem over the two weeks was how cold and cut off Natasha had been. With her acting colder than usual, yes that was a thing, Clint had also been giving him the cold shoulder after the first high-five. It made a whole lot of sense as they were partners and possible best friends.

Peter felt a sigh come to his lips but held down the urge, it wouldn't change anything, a waste of breath really in his opinion.

Not only that, he himself hadn't been sleeping well.

It was only the night after that he had 'that' nightmare.

Though was it really a nightmare?

He really wished he could forget it, make it go away like he did before. But he couldn't do that this time, not anymore.

Most days the other Avengers would see Peter walk around the tower with bags under his eyes, his sleep troubled and restless.

There was a slight idea in the back of his mind, the teenager within that shouted spending a night with Laura or Felicia, maybe even both might have helped, but unlike that birthday night, he couldn't bring himself to do such a thing again.

Not with Natasha still weighing on his mind.

So, for now he had to make due. Thankfully for him but at the same time saddening, the other were once again off on a Hydra Raid, he coined the term himself.

They said it was the last base, their main operation that they were hitting, did it raise his anxiety by three-fold, yes, yes it did. Could he do anything about it? No, no he couldn't.

Well, he could, but of course he would have to reveal that he was Spider-Man. Felicia and Laura already knew, so it was no big deal on that front and if Peter were honest, if the other found out it probably wouldn't change anything, though it might possibly tick off Natasha. But he would cross that bridge when he came to it.

There was no concrete or logical reason why he kept it secret anymore. If he didn't, he could go on the Raid's with the others, make sure everyone was safe when he wasn't there. Honestly there were more positives than negatives for him to do such a thing.

But there was that voice, the ever-present voice that always whispered in his mind to keep his identity a secret. He wished it would shut up, saying the names of all those he had already lost, generally all the people that knew his secret. Every time the voice appeared, all the good reasons for him to spill the beans looked pale in comparison.

Was it irrational fear. Yes. Would he tell the Avengers his secret anytime soon. No, no he wouldn't.

*Sigh* Finally the breath of air escaped his lips even though he tried to keep it at bay. Peter rolled his eyes at himself, 'So damn melodramatic these days hey Pete', Deciding not to continue with the monologue or needless worry, or Peter hoped it was needless worry, he stretched his arms getting a small crick in his back from staying in bed for so long.

A small twinge of pain came from his back shoulder as he had over rotated the cuff, but definitely a light or negligible injury for all he was concerned. Since he got the new suit, he had taken no real injury or damage outside of the one fight with the 'Grim Reaper'. He would always slightly chuckle in his mind when he remembered the name.

All and all, life was weird, relaxing, lazy and good. Sure he had some problems and definitely ones that he wanted to fix as soon as possible, especially with Natasha. But it was the best his life had been in a long, long time.

If he were a stupider man, he might have tempted fate and said or thought something along the lines of, 'what could possible go wrong'.

He wasn't that stupid…..well not anymore.


(Sakovia, Novi Grad, Strucker's Hydra base)

She reached out for his hand and he reached back. His hair was white, her own a blood colour. She didn't remember her name, she only knew of herself as the 'witch', thats what the others called her. They called her...brother... yes her brother... Quick Silver.

'Was it because of the hair?'

She wasn't too sure. She wasn't sure why she was here, or why the ground was shaking.

All she had to know was to follow orders. When they told her to do something, she had to do it. Same as her brother.

He was the closest to her, they spent all their time together.

Even during the pain... he was there.

She didn't like thinking of the pain. It happened any time she thought to ask a question, so she stopped doing that.

Stopped thinking.

All she had to do was follow orders.

But... she couldn't harm her brother....

She wouldn't!

No amount of pain could make her do that.

She had to protect him....



He was all she had.


And he protected her.


They protected each other.

There was a threat outside, something 'they' couldn't deal with.

It would be their turn soon.

The Witch would protect her brother and kill the enemy.


Hey so this is the beginning of the Ultron Saga. Wow it took me a while to get here, but I have been wanting to get here for a while, aka why there have been a few times skips. After last chapter everything is set up, I did not want to drag it out anymore.

This will be the culmination of everything I have written before it... well almost everything.

Also, sorry if the chapter is a bit small, but the next part is a chapter of its own and I thought this would be the best place to cut off.

Update 5/11/22

Releasing this chapter for you guys now, there won't be another for a while.

My surgery that was happening Monday has been cancelled because I got Covid at the start of the week. I was and am still pissed about this. I still won't be doing any releases on pat reon for the rest of the month, because I now have my exams next week and have to sort out my life.

Zevren out.

Next chapter