
The After party?!?!

It was getting close to 11:30 before Peter and Natasha finally stopped talking to each other. The party seemed to be forgotten as they lounged out in the chilly night air. They didn't talk about anything too personal, being deeply guarded people, but they made it work.

Peter added a joke in every now and then to their conversation trying to hear that illusive laugh again, while Natasha stopped herself over and over from breaking her calm façade. It was almost like the time they spent in the park, well except it was night and they had a lot more time to chat.

It was nice.

Peter didn't know that cap's super liquor was so strong though. It had been close to 2 hours since he had come out and he still was feeling the effects. It wasn't much, he just felt a slight buzz in his mind when he tried to think about anything too deeply.

At the same time, he thought he was a little bit more confident. Don't get him wrong he was very confident these days, not having to hide behind his nerdy façade at school he was more outgoing like his spider-man persona.

But he just felt...more open.

He of course still kept his balance; nothing could trip him up or make him nauseous so the drink didn't affect him that way. Though it was at this time Peter finally called it a night.

Though one would think the party could go a lot longer than 12, the fact of the matter was that everyone from the institute had left 30 minutes ago as they still had lessons in the morning, and the party had wrapped up in the background.

Peter thought the two of them might have been interrupted at some point during their nearly 2-hour talk, but everyone seemed to leave them alone. Looking back into the pent house the lights had been dimmed and only 1 or 2 of the Avengers were still there, that being Bruce and Clint.

Getting up and saying his good night to Natasha Peter slowly made his way back inside and down to his floor. If he had looked behind, he might have seen the disappointed look Natasha wore as he walked inside, he would have also seen the teasing glint in Clints' after he entered the elevator.

Getting to his room, he opened the door and walked over to the bed, taking off his shirt on the way.

"Hello Peter."

"Holy Jimminy Christmas!"

Having not sensed the other person in the room, as she was not a threat he physically jumped in the air and turned to the seductive figure that just walked out of his bathroom. Felicia walked out of the bathroom swaying her hips side to side in a hypnotic method that only women somehow seemed to master.

Gliding past Peter with long strides he just stood in place shaking his head. 'Why was she in his room?' As if to answer his question she spoke up as she sat down on the bed.

"So, you finally made it to the after party."

"After party?"

It was as he questioned those words that he finally caught sight of what she was wearing. Or more precisely what she wasn't wearing. Felicia was wearing what seemed to be only a luxurious silver bathrobe.

That was it!

Peter's eyes instantly locked onto the exposed skin that was peeking from her thigh as well as her glistening white peeks that almost spilled out. His face became red as he turned his head away quickly. Easily catching his look Felicia gave a predatory smile as she shifted her body, exposing even more.

"Yes, the After party, just for us~."

Now some may think that Peter is dense, and admittedly in the past he has been dense. Especially with Gwen. But he had been around the block before and he knew exactly where this was going. He had flirted with her on numerous occasions and she wasn't shy in expressing that she liked him.

But damn woman this was aggressive!

For the moment he was lost for words, his mouth wide in gape surprise. He looked at the woman before him, her brunet hair was smooth and flawless, her skin without a blemish. In a few years when she was older, she would have super model looks, scratch that she already had super model looks, it would only increase 10-fold by then.

…..And she was inviting him right now, to...

He would be a fool to refuse, he already felt the tightness in his pants.


His mind flashed for a second 2 red heads appearing in his mind as well as one dark raven haired woman, especially the one he had just spent the evening with. The one he was trying to make laugh just minutes prior.

But then the times he had spent with felicia popped into his mind. She was the one that had pulled him out of his slump, the one that wouldn't take no for an answer until he was better, got his life back on track.


Felicia let out a long breath as she saw the indecision in his eyes. Though it wasn't unexpected, it still hurt in its own way.

"Ahh, I knew this would happen."

Peter was surprised by his words for a second, and even a little shocked, but seeing her down expression, knowing that he had hurt her feelings he could only let his shoulders drop.


There was raw emotion in his voice as her name came out. He wasn't sure what he should say, wasn't sure what he could say in that moment, so he defaulted to the usual.

"...I'm sorry."

Felicia just shook her head and patted the bed next to her. With a bit of trepidation Peter moved over and sat down beside her. They sat that way for a few seconds before Felicia spoke again, turning Peter to look at her, her hand rested on his shoulder.

"Look, Peter. I knew this would happen..."

Before she could even finish Peter looked like he was about to say something, but Felicia stopped him. Her finger rested on his lips in a shushing gesture and a solemn that said to be quite right now while she spoke.

"...As I was saying I knew this would happen Peter. I'm not blind and... I know you." She once again let out a sigh but continued to stare into his eyes.

"You're a good guy Peter, raised in a nice family, you've got hang-up's..... but I know you like me..."

At this she stopped and looked at him, Peter could only nod his head at her words. It was true he liked her but at the same time....

"...At the same time, I know you like other women..."

… And there was the truth of the matter.

He had begun to get close to multiple women over the last few months, and it wasn't just Natasha he was thinking of. He had gotten close to Laura, even taking her to the fair today which was basically a date, at the same time he had just reconnected with Jean and he was also feeling things for her.

Shuri flashed into his shambled mind for a second but was quickly pushed to the side as he looked apologetically at Felicia before him. He liked her, he really, really liked her but was it fair to her? Could he like her, as she seemed to like him?

At this moment he was too split in his attention, too indecisive.

Felicia could see the gears working in his mind and generally knew what he was thinking. It wasn't an easy decision to come out with her feelings for Peter tonight, but after what happened months ago, after having planned the night out so meticulously, she would go through with the plan, she would get her feelings across and let the dice fall where they may.

Drawing his attention once more, her hand resting on his cheek, her eyes were soft but still carried a trace of hunger.

"Honestly, I don't care about that right now Peter. We came here tonight to have bucking wild sex and I don't think we'll be leaving this room until it happens."

Peter was gob smacked once again, jaw slack at her words. There was a smirk on her lips as her hand trailed down his cheek to caress his trim chest.

"I'm not looking for a decision today, Pete, multiple people have this interesting arrangement called FWB. I think you know what that is, as well as where this is going... for now." Peter nodded his head dumbly as he began to realize that there was no way out of what he had walked into.

But then again why would he want a way out?

His mind had already started to drift off in a certain direction.

"You're sweet Peter, I know you can't decide right now about a proper relationship, but until then I think we can keep things casual."

Finally, her hand stopped, resting over his groin, her eyes starring deeply into his own. Suddenly she shifted her body closer, his own tensing up. Quietly, ever so quietly she whispered into his ear.

"To tell you the truth I've wanted to do this for years and also...."

Felicia leaned back and went in for the kill, kissing Peter deeply for the next few seconds, before coming back for air.

"... As I said we're not giving you a choice."

Maybe it was the slight buzz he still felt, maybe he finally gave into his baser desires, maybe he just wanted to do what he had also thought about more than once over the years. Peter's hand moved to the middle of Felicia's back and pulled her into another kiss.

Using his superior strength, it wasn't hard for Peter to effortlessly turn them over so that he was leaning above her, her bathrobe scattering to the sides, giving him an unobstructed view of her body and unrestricted access.

He was right, she was wearing nothing else underneath. Felicia herself wore a satisfied and sultry smile as she stared up, looking into his blazing and wanting eyes, her hands nimbly unbuckling his pants.

Peter gave her another kiss as this went on, before trailing down to her cheek and then her neck. It was just as he was beginning to make it to her chest that some of her words registered. Pulling back for a second he wanted to clarify.

"Wait... we?"

Felicia's smile turned mischievous in a second as her hands clamped around his back keeping him in place.

"I was wondering when you would notice that."


With the sound of claws retracting as well as the sound of dry wall being loosened; a quiet black-haired beauty fell down from above, where she had always been hiding, impacting his back.

With his super strength Peter didn't budge but he was surprised, at the same time he could tell, 'she' also didn't have anything on!!!


Felicia pulled him back down for another kiss before explaining, her hands roaming his chiseled chest.

"After the incident in the mall, Laura came to confront me about you being Spider-man, it seems your suit isn't exactly scent proof."

Peter's eyebrows almost shot through his hair line at the words. 'Wait she smelled my scent at the mall? But isn't the suit air tight, wait that's only in specific circumstances. OH you idiot Peter! Wait...'

"She's knew I was spider-man since then?!"


Laura's voice was quite as she laid on his back, her scent drifting down to him. Hearing a quick intake of air and feeling Laura's slim hands start to move down his back, quickly taking and discarding his pants, Peter was only slightly panicking.

"Laura, you also like me..."


Peter honestly didn't know what to make of the situation as he was now buck-naked with Felicia below him and Laura nuzzling into his back. His mind just couldn't process all the new information as well as the confirmation that Laura also liked him.

Felicia gave him another kiss, as Laura's hands continued to roam.

"She and I had a little chat and came to this certain conclusion.... well, until you finally make a decision that is. Seeing as it's her birthday it does seem fitting..."

Peter easily read between the lines, almost numb to the shocks he'd received.

"You organized this whole party just for this moment?"

Her smile only got that much brighter, though Peter thought it looked a little sinister.

"Got it in one Pete, some men only dream about this."

Peter wanted to say something, maybe think on the situation a bit more, but he took in a shuddering breath as he felt 2 dainty hands close around his member. Seeing what she thought was his adorably red face in front of her, Felicia went in for another kiss, before gently biting his ear and whispering.

"Don't worry, we'll be gentle with your first time~"

Feeling a small bite from Larua on his shoulder in the background and seeing the satisfied look in Felicia's, Peter finally couldn't take it anymore. It was just like when she teased him and he lost control of the situation, all he had to do was fight back!

Peter regained his calm and threw Felicia an amused looked even as he reached full mast, Laura's dexterous hands going to work below.

"First time? This isn't my first time."

This did slow down Felicia's ministrations as she looked back up at him in shock.

"What?... Wait was it, Gwen?"

His smirk only got that much wider as he heard her genuine surprise and positioned himself at her entrance, which he noted was already pretty wet.

"Nope it was a certain Silver haired woman I met one day."


Felicia wanted to concentrate on his words more, but she had already felt him at her entrance. Her heart beat sped up, her breath quick and heavy as she pressed herself against his marble like chest. Before she could think on it more, 'IT', finally entered.

Felicia's mind would completely forget about his words as the night began.

Beds would strain, marks would appear on the walls and somehow the roof and it would be a night neither women would forget.


Hey guys so this was a little hard to write, this is a harem novel and the one thing hard about starting a Harem is actually making it believable. I hope this chapter has been satisfactory in the beginning of said harem and shows you how I'm going to develop it.

I don't think I rushed it and gave semi-believable actions from the characters. Having it be a 3-some was also strategically done, as if he had just done it with Felicia, it would have just made more drama appear if another Woman tried to step up to the plate, as it were, later. I didn't want this drama so 3-some it was.

Though of course there will be drama, I mean how do you think Natasha will react when she finds out....

Finally, sorry boys there will be no 18+ chapter of what happens. I could probably wright it, but don't want to go down that rout. As long-time readers should know I don't have any 18+ scenes in my novels.

Either way hope you enjoyed Zevren out!

Commissioned for: Jonathan Kurtzman

Thanks for the support!

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