

Jo came down for her lunches and only Jane, Joker and Ken are in the dinning table. All of them looks gloomy, but still greet her.

Jo: "What's wrong?"

Joker: "We lost Mike."

Jo: "Who?"

Margaret: "Remember a young man who whistle at boss when both of you came out of his office the first time you visited?"

Jo: "Yes."

Ken: "Thanks to him that boss is alright."

Jo's hand went to cover her mouth. And tears began to drop. Margaret went to here and hold her. Jo is worry for Peter's safety and grateful towards Mike for saving him.

Jo: "Can I visit...?"

Margaret: "No, the office is in the locked down at the moment. Executing the strike back. And it is happening now." Jo's wet eyes looked at Margaret. She's concerns about Peter, but she got no choice but to wait for Peter to come back home.

Jo went back to her room to want to continue writing out the plan she has in mind, but, her mind was in chaotic now. So, she went to freshen herself. She feels better after the bath and sit down onto the bed and began to write out the plan.

Meanwhile at the office, Peter was pacing in his office. Before him, his 25 men who in charge if different plans are waiting for his command.

Peter: "Plan 1 and 2 execute now. 3 days to have his company stocks and his company listing totally out of the exchange house.

In charge 1 and 2 reply "Yes boss."

Peter: "Plan 3, have him dethrone from his position of President of the Company 3 days time after plan 1 and 2, and have him kick out of the company by the board of directors and shareholders."

In charge 3 replys "Yes boss."

Peter: "Plan 4, immediately prevent the bank from any loan to him or his company."

In charge 4 replys "Yes boss."

Peter: "Plan 5, prepare for the acquisition of the company after he left the company. And put Mike's brother Simon as President of the Company. He's a PhD in Business Administration and with the income he's going to receive will be sufficient to feed his family. Bring Simon to me after securing him.

In charge 5 replys "Yes boss."

Peter: "The rest wait until plan 1 to 5 being executed. Plan 5 as soon as possible give me the data of the aftermath.

In charge 5 "Yes boss."

Peter: "I want to cut his wealth off from him first. His a person who takes highly of his wealth. Plan 6, find out how much wealth he has. including his investments. You have the list with you. Until now we have not completely grasps a total data. Use your expertise. Hope that the next time we have this meeting, full data will be ready.

In charge 6 "Yes boss."

Peter: "Ok. meeting adjourned."

All left his office and started in action for plan 1 to 5. The teams involve quickly move to their positions. Peter was exhausted and rest on the couch. He falls into sleep immediately for he has not been able to have a good sleep since the arrival of the 10. Though theres alot of movements outside, it can't affect Peter. He has lock his room after the group left him.

Jo fell into a nightmare and woke up with perspiring. She immediately call Peter, but he didn't answer. She keeps on trying and at the same time she's very anxious. For the next half hour, she's begin to panick. She was crying and keep on dialing Peter's phone number.

Jane happens to pass by her room and heard crying sound, she immediately bust into her room thinking that she is in danger. Jo looks up at the busted door and drop her phone. Jane was relieved to see that she's alone and not hurt.

Jane: "Are you alright Miss Wei?"

Jane shake her head and ran to Jane and hug her crying. Jane found her shaking with cold sweat.

Jane: "Tell me what's wrong?"

Jo: "I... I...!" She's stammering. "Pe... Pe... pho....phone... no....."

Jane: "You mean boss did not answer your call?" Jo nodded vigorously.

Jane: "When in lock down, no phone can be on. LOCK means the whole place will be locked away from people except those who are involved are able to enter with a code which will be given to them daily. DOWN means all phone will not be answered and they will be either turn off or silent mode.

Jo cool down after hearing the explanation, but still worried for Peter. At this moment, Joker came to Jo's room. He saw Jo wet face and red eyes. He knocks on the room door. Jane turns around.

Joker: "They are executing plan 1 to 5 now. Those involved in these plans are in action now. Therefore, Miss Wei, boss will not be contacting you until these 5 plans are done. Boss will occasionally give you message through us. He wants you not to worry."

Jo: "Why not talk to me directly?"

Jane: "During LOCK DOWN, the only communication is through MORSE CODE."

Jo: "Please tell him that I'm fine and tell him to take good care. I'm here waiting for him."

Joker: "Yes Miss Wei. I will convey your message." Joker walks back to his room.

In the office, plan 1 to 5 are in the process. Due to that, Z company's price index began to fall the next morning. There was chaos in Z company trying to salvage the price index. By the end of trading time, the price has drop to only $15, which is half of their opening price. The directors, shareholders and the enemy were having their headache and all are trying to think of ways to prevent it from depreciate further.

In charge 6 approach Peter at 8pm to give him the data of the enemy's wealth and investment which he hacked into the bank systems to obtain. Peter looks at the data and discuss with In charge 6 what can be done to the investments that are making profits.

In charge 6: "We need to know at what point his overall investment will be at a lost and till which point his wealth is able to sustain it."

Peter: "Look into it and let me know asap."

In charge 6: "Yes boss."

Peter went to freshen up and have his late dinner. Everything is working according to the plans.

The next day, the exchange house was even in more chaos. The opening price for Z company begins with $12. And it began to fall and rise. Z company purchase more in hope to push up the price. The enemy put in £1200000 and the rest of them put in their share with a total of 15 million pounds into the company's share. They thought that they are able to sustain it. But the price keeps on falling. At the end of the trading, the price has reached only $3. The shareholders and board of directors lost everything they have. The only person not affected is the enemy, though he lost quiet a sum.

Tomorrow is the final round of battle for the company. All the people of the company are worries that the company will go bust. And three quarters of the company employees were absent for they went for jobs interview. Peter was happy with the result so far.

Finally, morning came, The final trading day before weekend comes. The opening price begins with $1.50 and by noon lunch time, it has no value. In the exchange house history, never has such incident. Therefore, the exchange house informed Z company that they no longer listed in the exchange house.

Thus, Z company is totally bust.

Furthermore, on the first day of the falling of the price, the enemy has been dethrone by the board of directors. Therefore, plan 1 and 2 are a success.

Next chapter