
Japan in shock

today at 12:00 AM (midnight) A mass satellite error occurred Warning Satellites 1-100 offline as a massive light began to cover japan and...Poof Japan was not on earth anymore but in a new world called Beginning (representing the start of life or the beginning of it)! The Japanese government issued a statement"At this moment of time a blue light covering our country was detected and we lost all satellite and underground connections to the world please remain in doors during this time." The prime minister Eugeo said many manga and Anime fans (light novels as well) took photographs and posted them on Japan's underground internet connections there was none to the outside world of what was earth. Japan decided to get the Japanese Aerospace company to check on the satellites attempting to connect.....Failure no connection found please reboot the system.....Reboot Successful mark 23 Hubble ready for launch acess to lunch needs verification by the prime minister verification accepted by EUGEO PRIME MINISTER (Japan still has those coms stations) 10....9...8..7...6..5...4...3...2.....1........0 Lunch successful Time to orbit 2 hours Warning atmospheric composition is...95% known 5% unknown gasses! 2hrs later satellite in position sending photos of earth (they still dont know they are on a another planet) wait...A scientist said they looked down on their new home THATS NOT EARTH WHY ARE THERE 5 CONTINENTS the continents found a plus sign with a central continent Japan was hanging off the cost of the northern one. Airport in Tokyo has received a landing request from AL-4252 director of airport has accepted the landing you may land however you may not depart from japan. Roger that however why cant we depart? asked the pilot the director said even i dont know however this has to be done. JSDF army base WE ARE IN A UNKNOWN PLACE WITH NO IDEAL HOW MAY IT BE SPACE NAZIS OR SOMETHING ELSE HOWEVER REMAIN STRONG AND MOST OF ALL BELIEVE IN YOUR COMRADES! The general shouted 2nd air division you are to man up and survey the area prospectors you get on the work ship Auroa And begin to test the ocean and this world of materials! SIR YES SIR THEY REPLIED IN UNISON the prime minister of agriculture said he needs to become self sufficient on food as our N1 Objective currently we supply 90% of our food (in this world Japan didnt completely give up self produced food) we could begin to ration food to the non-Japanese! Said the agriculture prime minster However the department of health was Agence that plan as it could cause heath problems and start unnecessary Hate towards us The prime minister of japan said MEETING ADJOURNED!

Japan WHERE ARE YOU JSDF ROLL OUT hmm is magic real find out next time on drangon-oh no thats copyrighted nooooooo!

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