

LET'S back track to 20 minutes ago. 

When Luo Yan realized that it was most likely mermaids who were responsible for the hypnotic and beautiful song, his mind quickly reviewed the famous lore about them.  One, they lured sailors to their death by using their beautiful voices.  And two, the ship these sailors were sailing usually ended up in a shipwreck. 

Since he heard the sound of people falling to the sea, he understood that this was the mermaids luring the players to the sea.  So, in this way, the players replaced sailors.  If you went with that logic, then wouldn't the next one be this ship capsizing?

Thinking of that possibility, he immediately looked for the ship's wheelhouse.  Because if there was a chance that the ship would capsize, then that meant that the one controlling the steering wheel were also enchanted by the mermaids' voice. 

Next chapter