

LUO YAN appeared at the plaza of Goldcrest City.  It's a bit of like a miracle, but he was currently alone right now.  Yes, Luo Jin was not with him.  He told him that he would meet up with Su Yuqi to do some task.  When he asked him what kind of task they were doing, because the two had been doing task together for the past two days – since last Saturday when Su Yuqi messaged Luo Jin.  And his brother just became dodgy and told him that it's some kind of chain task.

Luo Yan was of course skeptical about it.  But he didn't interrogate Luo Jin about this supposed 'task'.  He personally thought that it's better that his younger brother was now playing on his own, separate from him.  It's not good if he continued to be attached to his hip every time they play the game.  How could he enjoy the game when he was always someone's tail?  At least now, Luo Jin was finally doing his own thing.  

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