
The Best Actor Award

Tanaga went straight to the floor of the Human Resource Department.  Once he arrived on the floor, he ran to where the elevator was.  On the way to the elevator, he ran across many employees and bumped into one accidentally.  "Pardon me!" He said before continuing to where he was heading.

These employees didn't know who is Tanaga because he had never seen him in person before.  His brows raised, and he scowled.  He didn't like the idea of Tanaga bumping into him and only saying 'pardon me' then took off. 

He began acting high and mighty and started shouting and began scolding Tanaga.  "What the ... Hey!" Said the employee at once following Tanaga's direction.

Tanaga, on the other hand, didn't care that he was going after him while yelling for the whole department to hear. All he cares about was to catch Ashley before she could get out of the elevator.

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