
What Is Love?

Ashley held grandma Hanada's two hands that were holding her cheek. She looked straight at the older woman's eyes before she spoke.  

"Grandma, I must confess to you that I started to feel something for Tanaga. However, I'm not entirely sure if it is what they call love because I never in my life been in love before.

"I thought about this feeling very hard, just maybe because of the kindness he has shown to my family and me...  That's why I feel like this for him.  However, I had quickly wakened up from my deep thinking when I saw them kissing earlier.  I realized that he still has a feeling for his girlfriend."

"What?! What are you talking about... Girlfriend?  Kindly repeat what you said? Are you sure they are kissing?  My grandson has no girlfriend that I know of, are you talking about that... Nevermind!"

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