

Annyeong~! My story already finished. Mian hamnida, for the cliffhanger in the end!

Thank you very much for supporting and loving my work, Love Yourself: Wonder! Thank you so so much! You don't know how happy I am after finishing my first ever finished story!

And also, please be aware of depression. Many teenagers and adults nowadays experience depression. Being depressed is not only being sad. But also the feeling of hopelessness, self-loathing, anxiety, guilt, isolation and... nothing.

They may look fine on the outside. They may look happy and as if they're worrying about nothing. But deep down, they're hurting and screaming for help. We may have our own problems to face, too. But it's not harmful to help them.

Please, help the depressed because it may increase those suicide cases. Every life matters. Every life counts. Don't let the anger and hate block the way on helping them. Save their lives by making them feel again. Don't be afraid to stand up for them. Because most of the times, doing the right thing, one must stand up for the rest.

It may be hard to approach them, but once they overcome their depression, it'll be worth it to see them be truly happy once again.

We're all beautiful and someone will always love us no matter what. Always remember that.

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