
The Black God of Dominance

Author: bloodthorn
Ongoing · 142.2K Views
  • 61 Chs
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  • NO.200+

A boy named James Arcoin finds a part of his lineage and uncovers more of what he is while fulfilling a vow he made after being bullied by the royal families of his kingdom for years.

Chapter 1Ch. 1 The Beginning of the Dynasty of Dragons

1319, Imeus the author of his king.

Where should I start?

The first war, the long war, came from two brothers who were gods, disputing who should marry the red goddess, Gina , who died by the hands of the brothers for the right of her hand. Even though they both had killed the woman they had loved, they said that they were innocent and it was their brothers jealousy that had killed her.

Both of them then gathered their "heavenly" forces to fight proving that they themselves were innocent. After a thousand millinium, they were sloughtered by Ethicus, a new God who from the remains of the brothers, created Jassier, the first world.

After this, he found the essence of the red goddess and created the race of "Elders", the firstborn of creation, as he then slept for a millinium.

During this time, the "Elders" created their own creatures as they called themselves "gods", and then created a divine ladder in which they and their own races could climb to new heights in power and life.

But then Ethicus awoke, and finding that his own creation had forgotten him as they were now as powerful as he was, he in his anger, created two races to wipe out the Elders, which the first was the Demon kind, and the second, Dragons, thus creating The "Bloodied" War, where both sides fought to a standstill.

Thus, the king of the Elders, Jaddus, created a pact with Ethicus as the demons would rule the land underneath, the humans, ( creatures of the Elders) would rule the land above, the Dragons, the sky's, and lastly, the gods, the heavens.


The Kingdom of the world, Egurius, famed for its rich history which had started in the year 319, became known for its successful businesses in many areas as it became the capital of the three races, humankind, demon kind, and the dragon kind. For three hundred years Egurius prospered and then fell to the Dragons after the Red War, a war among the demon's and dragon's nobility.

Though the Dragons won, it came with the price of extinction, thus only twenty were left of a thousand of their own kind.

During the Red War, the humans became stronger after the blessing of the Elders, which bestowed on the humans a couple bloodlines, thus making them adopt to the new Era. Thus, a new kingdom made of the humans was called the Holy Red Empire, and brought nine families to power which all of them had their own Bloodline power from their gods, along with their "crowned" king, Edmund Grace.

After establishing thier own country, Edmund took a wife of a neighboring country, ruled by the Black Blood Empire, called Eladis, and bore a son named Albert who took the lady Arista Baysought from one of the noble families as his wife. After a hundred years, three of the noble families, Archiss, Damme, and the Guildduss' revolted as they were found to have forbidden, forgotten demonic magic, that they had added to their own bloodline, creating a new war, and country which the three named The Great Third Kingdom.


A boy with brown hair and eyes sat on the grass, looking up at the sky. He was the first and only son of his family, The Arcoins, the least known noble family of the Holy Red Empire. As they were known in the past to be equal or greater to the emperor's own family, his great grandfather Draycus Arcoin died killing the Demon King Askirath, the third King.

But that was the past; because after his great grandfather killed the Demon, they disappeared from the world, completely erased. After that, the boy's grandfather and father both lost in the power as well as status, declining the family from the pinnacle of nobility to what the other royal families considered to be trash.

This is why he was bullied by the other royal Noble families, as he was forced to clothe and feed the other boys. Not to mention, he was forced by the other royal families to live in the servant's quarters. Swearing that he would get his rightful place back, he learned as much as he could, so that one day he could escape and rebuild his family's name.

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Table of Contents
Volume 1