
Chapter 228: Talking To Wang Fu Ya.

After Wang Ha Na left, Yu Qi entered to the greenhouse again. She continued her works in the office. Settling her work in the office, she went out. She inspected her employees' work again. 

If she saw something was wrong in the process of taking care of the plants, she immediately approached them and taught them the right way. 

The employees already became her fanboy. If Long Hui saw this scene, he probably became jealous of Yu Qi's popularity. That was not something she wanted Long Hui to look to. 

The day passed very quick. The morning became afternoon and the afternoon became evening. The employees started to left the greenhouse. Yu Qi also left. Not to forget, Aoi had followed her from behind. 

Aoi wanted to go home quickly so he could eat something. His master was so cruel. He did not care if his master wanted to die but he wanted to eat. However, his master completely forgot about her lunch. And worse, she forgot about his lunch.

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