
Fake Boyfriend

It's been a week since I last heard from Mi-Young. Ever since that movie night. I wonder what she has been up to. I've called and texted her but her only response was 'I'm busy.'

I tried hard to act as normal as I could around Hyung. Even though I was hurting, I didn't want to lose him as a friend. I needed Mi-Young. It will be less awkward between Hyung and I if she was here with us. I could continue on helping the two get together too. Like I said, I'm a confused and stubborn person.

I walked down the stairs to find my mom setting up the table for breakfast and my dad sitting at the table reading the newspaper with his cup of coffee.

"Hani, go wake up Jimin and tell him to come eat breakfast," my mother called out to me.

My eyes opened wide.

What are you trying to do to me, mom?!

"But mom.."

"Hurry, before the food gets cold."

"Ughh. Okay fine!" As I dragged my feet towards the guest room.

I hesitated to knock on his door. I put my hands up to knock but quickly put it back down and started pacing back and forth outside his room.

Why the hell am I so nervous. I need to act normal around Hyung.

I stopped pacing and took a few deep breaths. I put my hands up and was about to knock when the door suddenly open. We both had a shocked expression on our faces and I quickly put my hands back down.

"Mom wanted me to come get you to eat breakfast," I said as fast as I could.

"Oh, uhh.. okay..." He replied.

I turned as swiftly as possible and tried to walk away but ended up tripping over myself and I started to fall backward. I closed my eyes and was ready hit the ground but instead, I felt a pair of hands holding me. I opened my eyes and saw Hyung looking back at me as he held me in his arms. We stood still like that for a few seconds before I got up from his embrace.

"Thanks, Hyung.." I shyly replied to him and continued back towards the breakfast table.

He followed me and sat across from me. I couldn't look at him after the incident earlier. I said to act normal and yet I'm acting like a clumsy idiot. I bit my lip at the thought of him holding me and what happened last week. I tightly closed my eyes shut.

"Hani, are you okay?" My mom questioned me as my eyes flutter open.

"Huh? I'm okay mom. I'm just a bit tired still. That's all."

After breakfast, I ran back up into my room wanting to hide forever in there from Hyung. I stood with my back against the door. I can hear him making his way back to his room. When his door shut closed, I sighed in relief and finally let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding in.

*A few hours later*

What is this girl so busy with that she is not calling her boyfriend at all? I miss her.

My phone rang and I looked at who was calling me. It was Mi-Young. I quickly answered her call.

"Hi, girlfriend! I've missed you. You've been ignoring your boyfriend for too long. What's going on with you?" I ask her over the phone.

"Hani, please help me. I-I don't know what to do anymore," I hear her crying on the line.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying Mi-Youngie?"

"I-I need your help. Please help me."

"Where are you?"

"I'm over by the park that's near your house.."

I got up as fast as I could and went to the park. I ran around like crazy until I spotted Mi-Young sitting by a tree. I rushed towards her.

"Mi-Youngie, what happened?"

"Hani, I don't know what to do anymore," she cries and she pulled me down to sit next to her. She held me and starts sobbing into my shoulder. I've never seen her like this before. What could have caused her to have such a break down like this?

"It's okay Mi-Youngie, tell me. I'll do whatever I can to help you."

She cried a bit more before calming down. She finally began to tell me her story.

"The reason why I never dated anyone was because I already have a fiancé. I figured since my parents already have this arranged marriage for me since I was young, there was no point in dating and falling in love," she started to cry again while continuing her story.

"I have never thought of liking anyone before, but.. but... ever since I met Jimin Oppa, I just couldn't help but like him..."

My heart sank at her confession.

"When we went out to the movies last week, my fiancé's close friend saw me together with Jimin Oppa and that's why I told him I had to go home. I didn't want anything to happen to Jimin Oppa. I don't know if his friend told my fiancé yet or not. I don't know what to do anymore. I like Jimin Oppa so much Hani," she bawled again into my shoulder.

I cried along with her. I didn't know she was suffering so much alone like this. Why didn't she tell me before? She always seemed so cheerful and happy. Now, I know why she never wanted to go home or talk about her family. She was going to be forced to marry someone she doesn't even love. She pulled away from the hug and resumed.

"I stood up against my parents and told them I liked another man. They locked me up for this whole week. That's why I haven't seen you two at all."

I pulled her in for another hug. I gently rubbed her back trying to soothe her.

"How did you get out then?" I curiously asked her.

"I made a deal with my parents. If I could get my fiancé to break off the wedding, then they will allow me to freely date whomever I want. They didn't want the burden and blaming for the wedding being canceled because of their daughter."

As I listened on, an idea entered my head. A really wicked idea. An idea so awful, but I was willing to do it. For Mi-Young and Jimin Hyung.

"Mi-Youngie, what is your fiance's name?"

"Hoseok, Jung Hoseok."


I called Jimin Hyung to meet up with me at the playground. I had a favor to ask of him.

"Hi, Hani. Wh-what's up?" He nervously asked me when he arrived.

"Hyung, I have something to ask you for help with," I replied anticipating his answers.

"What is it?"

"C-can you.... can you please become Mi-Youngie's boyfriend?"

He looked surprised.

"What are you talking about? Why would I become her boyfriend? I thought you were already her boyfriend."

"I can't be her boyfriend anymore. She needs a real guy. I'm still just a girl dressed as a boy after all. Please? Just until you go back to the states."

I explained Mi-Youngie's situation to Hyung. I told him that she wanted out of the marriage. She didn't want to marry someone she didn't love which is half of the truth. I left out the part that she liked Hyung.

"Please help get her fiancé to leave her. Just pretend that you and Mi-Young are dating so he will break off the wedding," I begged him.

"Is this... is this what you really want me to do?"

There was a hint of sadness in his soft voice when those words came out of his mouth. I wanted to scream and tell the world how much I didn't want him to do it. How much I loved him.

"Yes, this is what I want," I stubbornly said to Hyung.

This was all just an excuse. He really didn't need to be Mi-Young's fake boyfriend. I only came up with this idea so Mi-Young will be able to spend more time with Hyung. They can slowly build their fake relationship into a real one, while I'm........

I'm going to seduce Jung Hoseok.

To Be Continued...

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