

I walked back to my room and Mi-Young was still up waiting for me.

"Hurry up boyfriend. I'm getting cold!" She called out to me.

I still had that silly smile on my face as I got into bed with Mi-Young. I pulled her into my arms just like how Hyung held me earlier. She had a huge smile on her face as she slowly closed her eyes. I closed my eyes too and soon fell asleep.

It's Saturday morning. My lazy day. I didn't want to get up, but the bright sunlight from the window was screaming 'wake up Hani.' I eventually got up. I rubbed my eyes and slowly made my way to the bathroom to wash up and brush my teeth. I grabbed a black puma hoodie along with black puma jogger pants. I jumped on top of Mi-Young and started to flop like a fish on land to wake her up.

"Wakey wakey girlfriend. Let's go play today. I'm bored."

"Let me sleep for 5 more minutes..."

"Get up sleepy head. Let's go do something," I started to flop again.

"Okay fine! Let me get ready first."

"I'll be downstairs waiting for you."

I run downstairs and into the kitchen to find breakfast for us. I look through the counters and cabinets. I found some bread and jam.

Toast it is. We can always grab food on the way.

As I turn around, I saw a wet-haired Jimin Hyung walking towards me while sliding his hand through his hair and ruffling through them as if he was trying to dry his hair.

How could I forget that Hyung came back to Korea last night?!

I facepalmed and cursed at myself.

"Hyung! Good morning. Did you sleep we-"

Memories of last night flashed through my head. My heart started increasing again as I remembered how he held me last night. My face started burning up.

"Uhh... Did you sleep well last night?" I finally manage to ask.

He stopped in his track and stared at me. It looked like he was blushing. His eyes widen when he saw me and he started stuttering like a mess to me.

"Uhhh.. Yeah. I um.. I was.. um.. I was so jetlagged that I uh... fell asleep the moment I lie down."

Relief washed all over my body. He doesn't remember anything that happened that last night.

"Did you want to hang out with Mi-Young and I today? We can show you around Korea. It's been a while since you've been back."

"Sure. It's not like I have anything planned either."

I made toast for the three of us while Hyung and I waited for Mi-Young to get ready.

*2 hours later*

"Does she usually take this long to get ready?" Hyung asked.

I laughed and just simply nodded. Soon after Mi-Young came running down the stairs.

"Boyfriend! I'm ready!" She screamed once she reached the bottom of the stairs. I brought her toast to her as Hyung and I walked towards her.

"Boyfriend?" Hyung raised an eyebrow and asked confused.

"Oh, morning Jimin Oppa. Are you going to tag along with us too?" Mi-Young asked as she quickly picked up her toast and ate it.

"Yes I am, but umm... who's your boyfriend?" Hyung asked again.

Mi-Young giggled as she hooked arms with me.

"Didn't Hani tell you? She's my boyfriend," Mi-Young replied while wiggling her eyebrows with a huge grin on her face.

Hyung's reaction was priceless. His small eyes grew so wide, I didn't know they could open that big. I couldn't help but laugh out loud at him. Actually, both Mi-Young and I laughed out loudly.

"It's only when we're out in public and guys are trying to get with Mi-Young. I agreed to be her boyfriend to get guys off her back," I finally told Hyung the truth.

"Ohhhhhhhh... Haha.. I thought... uhhhh.... Nevermind. Let's not go there," he quickly wore his shoes and went outside first. He must be embarrassed. Hyung was so adorable, thinking that I was really Mi-Young's boyfriend.

"Jimin Oppa is so cute. I can see why you like him so much Hani," Mi-Young interrupted my thoughts.

Yes, I do like Jimin Hyung. Actually, I'm in love with Hyung. But there was no way I was going to admit it. I'm going to keep my feelings hidden. He wouldn't love someone like me. Not today. Not ever.

"I don't like him Mi-Young! Pfffffttttt!! Why would you say that?" I force out an awkward laugh.

"So, you're saying that you don't like Jimin Oppa? In all the years that you two have been talking and keeping in touch? Not even the tiniest bit of feeling?"

"Jimin Hyung is like a brother to me. I don't think I would want to ruin that bond with Hyung," I lied while responding to her question.

"So....... Is it okay if I like Jimin Oppa then?"

My heart dropped. I stared at her with eyes wide opened. I was left in shock.

Mi-Youngie likes Jimin Hyung..??


"Hurry up slowpokes," Hyung called out to us.

"I'll take that as a yes," Mi-Young said with a smile as she quickly put on her shoes and followed Hyung outside.

I couldn't believe what just happened. Mi-Young likes Hyung...

Should I tell her the truth? That I'm in love with Hyung too?

Tears were building up in my eyes. I bit my trembling lips to keep from full out wailing. I couldn't do anything about it since I was the one who lied about not liking Hyung first. How am I going to tell her now? I wiped away my tears and I put on my shoes and followed after the two.


***Jimin's POV***

I woke up and the first thing I thought of was Hani. It took me a while to calm down my heart last night before I eventually fell asleep.

How am I going to face her today?

My heart was starting to beat fast again at the memory of last night.

She's my friend so why am I feeling this way?

I got out of bed and went to take a shower. I needed to cool down because my whole body was starting to heat up thinking about her in the same bed with me last night. After the shower, I grabbed a white t-shirt and black pants. I dried my hair as best as I could. I made my way out of the guest room and into the kitchen. I saw some movements in the kitchen. Someone else was up already. Was it Mrs. Kim?

"Hyung! Good morning. Did you sleep we-"

I stopped once I realized it was Hani. Wow! Even in the morning, she looks beautiful.


Damn you heart. Stop beating so darn fast.

She was starting to turn red and shy all of a sudden.

"Uhhh... Did you sleep well last night?" She finally asked.

I need to act like I don't know what happened last night.

"Uhhh.. Yeah. I um.. I was.. um.. I was so jetlagged that I uh... fell asleep the moment I lie down," I lied to her while my face was burning up.

She asked if I wanted to go hang out with her and Mi-Young today. I was really hoping it would just be Hani and me but still agreed to go with them.

Hani and I waited for Mi-Young to get ready. That girl is taking an awfully long time. Once she was ready, she ran down the stairs and called out for her boyfriend. I was slightly confused. Who could be her boyfriend? It certainly wasn't me.

"Boyfriend?" I asked the two.

My eyes widen as Mi-Young told me Hani was her boyfriend.

Then why did she kiss me last night... Was I just dreaming then?

"It's only when we're out in public and guys are trying to get with Mi-Young. I agreed to be her boyfriend to get guys off her back."

"Ohhhhhhhh... Haha.. I thought... uhhhh.... Nevermind. Let's not go there."

Jimin, you really have no jams. How could I have thought that those two were really together?

I wore my shoes and went outside first. I didn't want either of them to see how red I was from embarrassment. It was taking them quite a long time to just put on their shoes. I walked back towards the door. I was about to open the door when I hear Mi-Young and Hani talking.

"So, you're saying that you don't like Jimin Oppa? In all the years that you two have been talking and keeping in touch? Not even the tiniest bit of feeling?"

My heart was anticipating her answer. It was jumping crazily inside my ribcage.

If she says she likes me, should I try and make it work between us?

I smiled at the thought that entered my head as I bit my lip.

"Jimin is like a brother to me. I don't think I would want to ruin that bond with Hyung."

My smile slowly faded.

Why did it hurt to hear those words from her?

I didn't want to listen to anymore so I walked away from the door. I suddenly didn't feel like going anymore. I wanted to crawl back into bed and just not do anything, but I already agreed to go. I can't back out now so I called out to them.

"Hurry up slow pokes."


Mi-Young and I let Hyung try all the food that he has missed so much in Korea. He ate so much street food. I swear, where does all that food go? He's so amazingly fit.

"Oppa try this one!"

Mi-Young was feeding Hyung and, of course, he didn't reject her. Who would reject being fed by a beautiful girl like Mi-Young? The slight throbbing pain in my heart was not helping me as I watched. I asked the grandma that was selling the fish cakes for a bottle of water. I paid for the water and quickly opened it up and drank it hoping that the coldness of the water hitting the back of my throat would help ease the heated pain in my heart. It didn't...

I watched the two feed one another as they laughed and giggled walking ahead. It's not like Hyung will ever like me back anyway. He doesn't see me as a girl. He made it clear to my when he asked me to call him Hyung. My two best friends in the whole entire world. I should be happy for them.

I smiled painfully to myself as an idea pops into my head.

I'll help you two fall in love.

To Be Continued...

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