
Base Invasion

Serafall spread her featherless wings, in no time Satan's figure made an appearance at the church's entrance.

I, who is watching her closely, say, "There she goes."

After little Levi comes forth, there is no reaction from the people of the Vatican base. Without any obstacles, the staff in Serafall's hand spins swiftly. She points to the end of her staff at the entrance and casts a spell.

From what I see, it's a basic one. The normal fire ball spell but under the Serafall Leviathan, the minute spell which is not worth much to an expert started to give off a terrible feeling.


Like a firework, the fire ball shot forward. From a distance it doesn't look like much but I could feel the temperature rise up a few notches. Suddenly...


"That's my cue!"

Seeing the explosion, that's the signal for me to start. I dash forward, heading towards the entrance where Sona's sister is.

"Take care Se..."

I heard Reya call out, what she said I'm not too sure. The gap between us widened at a speed that was inconceivable by the ordinary man. There was no way for me to hear out what she was saying.

Although I was fast, I calculated that my speed hasn't reached a height to compete with a Satan class devil. Regardless though, I'm running while Serafall flew.

My body leaned forward at an angle while my arms where backed up by my sides. I was racing down hill. I wasn't afraid so there was no reason to hold back, my reflexes were amazing to keep up with the velocity and still I was going even faster.

At my back, two wings were spread out. I made use of my devil wings to increase my movement control.




S.Sesa yelled, (Serafall's has started her reign of terror, Sesa.)

"I know!"


Again I received a power up. Added to the few that I already got from before, I'm not sure if this will be enough to last me for battle. It wouldn't hurt to max it out either.

Another twenty seconds later I'm notified by the 'Mask of Deception'.


I'm already close to the stone fence, it's much taller close up. I chose not to take the route that Satan took. Instead I started to approach the place from the side. I reached the wall nearby the entrance. This way, while Serafall has there attention, no one will notice me.



With my two best passive abilities at my disposal, I should be able to enter the place. It would not be easy, it's either a hundred percent win or not a win at all.

Closing in, the state of the security here is utter chaos. They are fighting a devil that is none other than Satan. She may not look it but she can't be underestimated. I can tell that these guys hadn't even fathomed that they will be up against someone on par with seraphs.

A number of bodies lay on the ground. Some are no longer moving. Some of these poor people are even burning.

"There's one alive." I said sweetly.

Approaching the fallen guard, I find him covered in seared skin. He's not moving but the man is still breathing. Subtly, I use healing magic on the guy. I'm not planning to be a philanthropist, I'm only healing him enough to survive.

I pick him up afterwards and carry him back through to the entrance of the base. The added weight doesn't hinder me at all. Still, I have to put up an act.


With all the danger around me, the Mask of Deception is telling me that something heading my way. Turning my head slightly, I can make out what's coming my way. It's a fire ball.

"Damn you, Devil!" I scream, I side step out of the attacks path. if I was any later I might've been charred like the guy I'm carrying.

I can understand what may have happened. My cursed gears ability is so good that it can bluff a Satan class devil. She must've really thought I was a member of the church aiding a comrade.

"Go go go!"

I hear the words being shouted out. A dozen or so people begin to run by me. Each passing me with agility above the best of athletes in the world.

Bang Bang Bang...

More fire was heading Satan's way. These guys that just arrived are not security. These guys are actual exorcists.

"Go back. Take that man to the infirmary. We'll take care of that stain in God's creation."

"Ye-yes your em-"

"Go go go, good men are dying."

I didn't wait after that. Neither did I want to prolong my stay here. To these guys I look no better than one of the security guards.

I turn my back to the battlefield.


I was just about to run when a loud explosion happened. The air pressure could be felt on my back, pushing me away from the point of the explosion.

A shower of water hit my back thereafter. I asked, "What's this?"

S.Sesa started, (This is-)

Ddraig cut in, (This is holy water.)

(Holy water, water! Hahaha!) laughed S.Sesa.

I wanted to laugh out too but I couldn't. Not when I'm in enemy territory. What if someone thinks I'm possessed and decides to take me out? I can't have that! On the inside I'm laughing alright.

These guys are using holy water. They want to use water against the Ice Queen. I wish I could stick around to watch but I have things to do.

I run inside the church property carrying one guy. The last thing I heard being said was, "Your eminence, Kennedy, the holy water froze over...."

Moving within the interior of the property, I had no idea where the infirmary was stationed. I saw some other injured men being carried as well and I followed them.

While following the others I observed the building. The structure was much different when you're close up. It was very large and had the look of a medieval western castle.

S.Sesa blurted, (How they made a place like this in the middle of nowhere?)

My doppelganger spoke what I had on my mind, unfortunately, I had no answers. Ddraig had none either.

I came to a open hall. The place was currently being used to host the injured. So far only a few had been brought here.

"Here's some water good sir."

A nun brought a cup of water for me, how kind. I downed the glass of water while the priest attended to the patients that came in now. I saw the nun serve water to the other party I came with. They too downed the water without hesitation.

"Ma'am, can I have some more." I asked.

"Oh, oh dear. Of course you can."

The nun returned to me and filled my cup to the top. The cup in hand raised up to my lips and again I downed the transparent liquid.

It was good water. Holy water that is! From the point of me nearing this area, my devil sense was tingling like crazy. It even went beyond that when I received the holy water. Luckily, I'm just human pretending to be a devil. I can even pretend to be something else.

'This must be a precautionary measure,' I thought.

"It must be hard out there," asked the nun.

"It is, it was just a small period of time that took place and so much had happened. It's an embarrassment out there." I replied. It really was, how could I explain to this nun that the Vatican is being trashed by a magical girl.

Thanks for your time. Enjoy!

Sesa_Nagacreators' thoughts
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