
Entering Kuoh Academy 1

Upon arriving to this world, the first person to meet me was Issei Hyoudou. You can say, he is the first friend I made. It hadn't been long since coming to this world, nevertheless, the feeling of nostalgia affected me seeing that idiot.

He was once destined to be the main protagonist until otherworldly intervention took place. Seeing the dude coming over, I wonder if I should hand over the boosted gear core to Issei... Nah, I think I'll make better use of it at some point.

While waiting I noticed that Chaos and Ruruko are waiting with me. Not wanting to delay them. I said, "You guys can go ahead. I'll catch up later."

"Are you sure, Master?"


"He looks sure, let the Boss be. Come, I want to speak to you privately." Ruruko cut in, wrapping an arm around Chaos. She proceeded to drag my familiar away.

Well, that was that. I had nothing to do for next few seconds, because of that my eyes were drawn back to the girls walking on. Watching their gaits swing from side to side was quite fulfilling.

'I wonder what Ruruko wanted to ask Chaos privately.' I thought

"Hey, man!"

"Issei, long time."

"It's just been a few long weeks. Hey, tell me, who were those cute girls?"

I expected him say that, actually. Even now he was ogling at what was mine, I chuckled at the sight. I went on to tell him who those girls were, not in too much detail. Just the obvious, Chaos is my roommate and Ruruko is an employee at the restaurant.

"Aw man, you have to introduce me."

"Sure, you can look but can't touch. They're mine." I assert my position with the girls.

"But sharing is caring."

"Ya I don't care though." I laughed.

Issei and I strolled leisurely to school. Only a few minutes passed and I could feel stares coming our way. Both myself and Issei look like a pair of delinquents. Neither of us were neatly dressed, I can say for sure that uniform regulations have been broken.

Issei stepped forward, turning around he started walking backwards ahead of me. The hand that carried his school bag was raised over his shoulder leaving that bag to hang against his back. Issei started staring at me seriously.

"What's with that face?" I asked.

"I did it."

"Did what?" Curiously, I inquired. What in the world did this guy do? He couldn't have lost his virginity, right?

"I did what you told me, at first I was sceptical but guess what... it worked." Issei replied confidently, turning around again. He started to walking beside me.

What did I tell him? I can't remember. It had to be something important. I'm not the kind of guy to put something out that didn't have a use.

"Sorry man, I can't remember." I said my penance and continued, "Well, you have to remind me now."

"Come on! You know, the supernatural stuff. You told me about the Breast deity." He whispered, leaning over slightly with a hand appearing to cup his mouth partially

"The Breast Goddess, right!"

Shit! I remember now, I introduced the concept to Issei after the incident at the park. The last time, Issei received divine power from the Chichigami. It was temporary, nevertheless, it allowed him to wield the replica of Thor's hammer.

Issei was able to do it then, I only guessed that the current Issei would be able to tap into that potential this time. The method I recommended to worship the Chichigami was utter bullshit, yet, Issei pulled through. I'm thoroughly shocked at this moment.

I've learned something, Ddraig was right. Even a fool can make the impossible possible.

"That's great. Did you make a pact with the Breast fairy, Issei?"

"Pact? Easier said than done. To make a contract there's conditions to be met, I can't do anything until I lift a burden of a breast. Whose going to let me lift their jumbos?" Complained the guy next to me.

"I see, I don't think you're meant to lift physical breasts." I explain but I was cut off when Issei added to his complaint.

"You know what's worse," he said, "Every time when the Breast fairy speaks to me, she always does it through my moms boobs. It a complete nightmare."

Issei gloomily went on, "Sometimes when I'm listening to the Breast fairy, my mom catches me looking at her junk. I end up getting an ear full. I can't take it."

"Hahaha, sorry man. Look at the bright side, the number of twin peak kingdoms are plenty in the academy. Just check for the best ones." I comforted, patting Issei on the back.

"Haha, Yeah?"



What's this? I shuddered, someone yelled all of a sudden. Next to me, I can see Issei flinching. Being addressed as a pervert seems to be natural for him. Merely, thinking of myself, I was also taken aback. The fact that I had reacted is proof that I, myself, am a pervert too.

Luckily, right when we came to the street corner. We were able to trace the direction of the shout.

Across the street, I can see two boys about my age running like their lives depended on it. One was clearly faster than the other, however, both managed to keep good distance from their chasers.

"Yo, that's Matsuda and Motohama." Issei confirmed.

Motohama was struggling to keep up with the other. Matsuda on the other hand looked pleased with himself, aside from carrying his bag, he held a digital camera in his hand.

Chasing behind them, I see two girls sprinting. Kuoh Academy's school uniform was admirably worn by the young ladies, in addition to their attire, they had wooden swords grasped in their hands. I somehow felt that they were familiar merely, my recall of their names were absent.

"Who're they again?" I asked.

"That's... ah, ya, that's Murayama and Katase." Issei seemed to be having difficulty recalling their names to.



Hearing the girls shout, I get the gist of what happened. One of them, Murayama or Katase probably had a picture of their underwear taken out.

Suddenly, I hear Masuda's voice.


"Hahaha!" Motohama started laughing, unfortunately it caused him to miss step. The result lead him to fall on the ground.

"MOTOHAMA!" Matsuda called out after witnessing his friend's fall.

"Go on without me. You must survive." Motohama pleaded


"Just send me a copy later." Motohama said his piece while picking himself off the ground. He was ready to brace himself since the only chance to getaway was lost.

"Looks like it's our turn to save the day."

I say that confirming with Issei. Like veterans gone through countless battles, we knew what needed to be done. We both dashed forward, onwards to rescue our comrade before the kendo girls get him.

I get much closer to the two girls before Issei, with the Mask of Deception's 'Impersonate' granting me the devil's constitution, I'm able to exert more prowess than the ordinary human.

Almost instantly I find myself right behind Murayama. Like a decent pervert, I let my hand wonder under her skirt. My intention is, naturally, to slap her butt.


There's something wrong, my slap successfully landed but the problem was the lack of panty material present. All that my hand witnessed was the elasticity of the girl's flesh. I could understand, I could understand why these girls desperately chased the fore eyes and the baldy. Matsuda isn't really bald though.


Immediately Murayama started slowing her pace and simultaneously blush covered her face. She dropped her school bag along with the practice sword. Using both her now free hands, Murayama covered her butt.

She stared at me as I stared back. The situation was unexpected for both of us. What to do? I saluted her with the same hand that touched her ass, "Good morning, my name is Sesa. Please take care of me."


Looks like Issei finally caught up. When I glance there way I see Katase drop to a crouching pose. The reason being, Issei flipped her skirt.

There's no more time, to slow down. Actually, right now is the right time to speed up.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Issei shrieked. He intended for Motohama to wake-up from his stupor and escape.

I reach Motohama first, at the juncture of passing him. I twist myself, swinging my leg I round kicked his bum.

"Move, you bastard!" I commanded then twisted myself again to run away. I don't look back as I expect Issei and Motohama to be following.

We three remainders bullet down the street trying to catch up with Matsuda. I was feeling that the first day of school might just turn out to be pretty fun... or so I thought.


Danger suddenly came out of the blue.

Writing skills are lacking somewhat but seems okay.

Sesa_Nagacreators' thoughts
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