
A Runaway

Ruruko: Aaaah! You killed them.

Only a few seconds had gone by. Two exorcists lay on the floor, lifeless. My original intention was to restock. Many times before I had to use my exorcist weapons, those adventures had left me to lose most of my stock of bullets. Now I can find more when I search these corpses.

I ignore the girl, Ruruko, I leave her to Tsubaki Shinra. I could sense Sona's queen presence approaching quickly. As for myself I start heading to the bodies to start looting.

Ddraig: ( Hold up, Sesa. Danger is lurking. )

S.Sesa: ( What you mean by that? I don't detect anything. )

I also haven't understood the Dragon Emperor's meaning. Combining both sensory abilities of mine, 'Detect' from the Mask of Deception and my devil perception, I still can't figure out were the danger is. Freed has long since left, the runaway exorcist had just left my detection range and other than Tsubaki coming this way. No other danger seems to be present, even though no danger is present I'm still cautious though. Someone could really be able to bypass my cursed gear's sensory.

"I can't find anything Ddraig, can you sense it where abouts?

Ddraig: ( Not exactly. Actually, you rely on your unorthodox powers but you've yet to develop any combat instinct. Comparing your age to me, you're nothing more than a child. It would take many years for you to develop your sensitivity to enemies. Look... the danger is still there and it's directed at you. )

After hearing all that, I put down the idea of looting my spoils and glance around to find someone who may be after me. I probably look funny, turning around and around again in search of my opponent. Ruruko and Tsubasa must find it funny seeing me like that.

Tsubasa: What are doing?


Turning around and turning again, I can feel the air getting caught in my wings. Realizing that my wings are still out, I decided to withdraw them then I realize another matter.


S.Sesa: ( Perhaps the danger we're looking for is not on ground level... but in the sky. )

This revelation astonished me, it was so simple, yet I almost missed it. Raising my head, I start to check things out again... Still no luck, I'm beginning to feel a bit timid. Ddraig did say that I was the target.

The night sky was clear, specks of stars where everywhere. I'm trying my best to find something out of the ordinary.

S.Sesa: Breath and take it easy. Letting anxiety overcome you will make you skip the surrounding details.

Ddraig: Hmph! Look up there, I can see something through your eyes.

Great Ddraig emperor pointed out something that I missed. I still couldn't pick up what was shown to me at first glance. Concentrating hard, I did indeed find something that didn't match the sky above. There, in the distance, I could make out a tiny black speck. The dark color was very distinctive from the darkness of night.



Six globules flickered on my cursed gear. Certainly the eyes of those around me became attracted by the flash of green light. The new arrival, Sona's queen just entered the vicinity even she got attracted by the light that shone on my facemask. I didn't have to look at Tsubaki to know she was staring.

With dragonic power circulating my eyes, the vision of my eyes improved very noticeably. That black speck in the sky could now be seen better with a bit of detail. Although, the black speck appeared more visible to me, it was still quite small in the distance.

"This is the best I get after one boost. I feel I should experiment more in the future."

S.Sesa: I couldn't agree more, haha!

Staring up at the black speck, I see more clearly that it has a humanoid figure. Even from this distance I can make out what I'm looking at, a small gothic outfit. The color of blonde hair also comes within an acceptable sight. A fallen angel!

She's too far for me to bother about what expression she's making but it looks like she's moving further away.

I think I understand how this night turned out. Those exorcists that came out to attack, they must have been coaxed by that loli.

"Was she trying to gauge our strength?" Internally I question myself, from what I speculate, that fallen one used those guys as guinea pigs and sent them to their deaths.

S.Sesa: ( Such a cruel person. )

Mittelt is leaving the place. I'm guessing that because I got rid of the exorcists myself, I'm a threat to her that's why I'm targeted. On top of that, there's now four of us present. She probably knows she won't stand a chance against all of us.

Tsubaki: What's going here?

The queen just arrived.

"If only Mittelt knew that one of four is just an ordinary human." I mutter quietly, thinking about the fallen angel. Turning to Tsubaki I finally pull of my mask and show myself.

Tsubaki: Se-Sesa!

"Tsubaki, you look lovely this late night." I complemented her, she appeared surprised for a moment then went back to a serious demeanor.

When school starts again, this girl will be the student councils vice-president. Looking at me with cold eyes, she didn't say anything further. No one spoke again after me, Ruruko also stood awkward.

Tsubasa: Tsu, this how things went down...

Tsubasa finally broke the silence. Like 10 minutes went by. Tsubaki was informed about what had transpired, followed by another explanation from Ruruko.

I didn't bother with listening to those girls and went to collect my loot. Not much could be gathered from the dead. I managed to stock up a bit with bullets, two rune swords came to my possession as well.

Ruruko: Hey boss, can you teach me magic?

"Eh! Can I?" I wondered, I don't think I could but maybe there's way to pass on my knowledge. Thinking for a moment I said to the girl, "I can't teach you anything. I can't feel any magic sensation coming from you.

Hearing my words, Ruruko made a sad face. Just looking at it made feel responsible and I didn't want that. Not far from us, I see both Tsubaki and Tsubasa glancing at us. I looked back at Ruruko Nimura and said, "Although you're a fairly ordinary person but that girl can help you become a devil like me. Then you can start doing all kinds of things."

Tsubaki: Sesa, you can't say-

"Just tell Sona I'll return the favor." I cut off Tsubaki's words and continued to speak with the girl in front of me, "Ruruko, how come you're out here late at night?"

Ruruko: Oh! This... it's a funny story... you see... I... ran away from home. Ahahaa!


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