
Exercising with Exorcists 1

It's after 8 p.m.

Several days has passed since the meeting with Sona Sitri. It's not like I, Sesa, didn't want to see her. Just the method or opportunity to meet with her didn't present itself.

I didn't let my mind linger on those thoughts for long, I have Chaos so I've got the best companion. Still though, that information about the ruckus caused by the fallen angel side intrigued me. So every night like tonight I've been exploring the town, trying to find some action.

In these few days, at least two more incidents have taken place. One in an apartment, resident murdered, and another when an entire family got wiped out. Although it was a small family of three, it was a sorry sight.

While I've been checking things out, carrying out my own investigation. The thing I found about all the homicides is that each place had a victim whose age should me no better than mine, all victims would seem to be a potential sacred gear wielder, presumably. That's only a guess, though. It's possible that the stray exorcists are just plain crazy.

Again I'm out, under the cover of night. Standing on a random roof, I start to check things out.

"So far nothing interesting has happened."

S.Sesa: Let's check out another place.


Dressed with white sneakers, black track pants and a hoodie in matching color, I feel like a chameleon blending in with the darkness of night.

I know perfectly well I have 'Concealment' and 'Camouflage' at my disposal but like many times mentioned before, it doesn't make me invisible. My experience with the Ithaqua monster solidified my conviction to be extra cautious. What if they have a way to hide there presence like that monster until it's too late?

I'm pretty sure to be done in. If I'm noticed by the slimmest chance.

I jump from roof to roof, devil wings spread out to increase every leap I make.

It's not that I can't fly or anything, simply put, flying to low will make me visible when I'm near the street lights, that will cause shadows to appear. Flying to high will place me in my safest position but will be to far for me to pickup anything that's hidden, plus I don't know if they can hide from my 'Detect'.

Another reason why I'm out here is to replenish my stock, my stock of exorcist arms. I'm running out of bullets especially.

In another leap moments later, I find myself in another district in Kuoh.

Again I'm on another roof. Surveying the situation here, seems to be just as normal as the last district.

"What's that?"

Not far from me, I see a girl casually dressed and running along the street. She has her dark hair tied back in a pair of ponytails. There is a backpack held in her arms, she's holding it tightly as she jogs along. Eventually, she passes me.

"Wonder where she's heading to?"

S.Sesa: And so late at night such a small girl is roaming around. What adultery she must be doing?

"Want to go and find out?"

S.Sesa: Got nothing better to do at moment.

Stealthily, with my special skills I follow the girl. At the end of the street, she turned left and ran along road as well. It felt almost like she didn't know where to go. In a matter of 20 minutes we passed many roads, I started feeling like I was watching someone try and get out of a maze.

????: Woah... OW!!

Suddenly the girl fell. It's not like she fell on purpose. As she headed to the next bend, she collided with a an unexpected person. Yet another one out late at night.


The girl shouted, quickly rolling over, then got back on her feet, that impressed me quite a bit.

????: Hoh! Did I just enter the red light district? God must be on my side today, to give me someone so young for my enjoyment.

I know who that is. Those clerical wear on his person and jacket that extends right to his feet. That cocky smile is to vile for even me to look at. This is an exorcist and the very worst of the lot. This white haired man...

"Can only be Freed Sellzen." I knew he was going to show up sooner or later. But now he's standing before me. Now will be a good time to take care of him and avoid all the hardships that's to come.

????: W-wwhat are you doing?

Freed pulled out a gun. The girl was startled at the sudden development, holding the straps of her backpack, this girl was getting ready to bail.

Freed: I've been working so hard lately. So long has it been since I tasted pussy, you want me to taste your pussy, don't you? Hehehe haa!

????: Like that will ever happen, Fart face.

The girl spun, dashed away from the psycho exorcist.

"Smart girl!" I thought, she was smart enough to not stay with Freed but that left her open to receive bullets.


Before I could do anything, a shot was fired.

????: AAAAH!

The runaway girl didn't even move more than a meter before collapsing on the floor. She got shot. The bullet pierced her waist from the back and her clothing started absorbing the flow of blood, staining her clothing red.

Freed: No, no running away! Your daddy hasn't had something tight yet.



I'm closing in to the stray exorcist. While I move, I retrieve to exorcist guns from my Abyss. The first shot was a headshot, aiming to kill. I followed up with random fire to slow the bastard down just in case.

As expected, the bastard was able to react in time. Headshot missed but I was still able to put forth damage. Two shots managed to hit the right arm, one in the gut and another on the left shoulder. All other bullets missed then Freed started to retaliate somehow.


Freed: Fuck! You you shot me. I'ma kill you!

Freed is indeed firing back at me. He's also retreating at the same time.

"Are you running away?" I ask, speeding to him. There's no need to avoid the incoming bullets, in seconds I welcome them with my barrier shield. My own bullets also leave the barrel, if Freed is getting away then I can't let him go.

When I'm close enough I secretly manifest Necrouassary Abyss, splitting it from it's cover. It immediately appears above the head of the madman, face down. I'm planning to get him sucked into the darkness of the coffin, I'll be able to smoothly finish him off once he's inside.

Alas, that only remained a desire. That madman dropped to a knee, simultaneously kicked off, rolling out of the way as the blue coffin crashes to the ground. The tar cracked all around the box and the floor sank due to the impact.

Freed was too skilled in his maneuver. In the time he managed to dodge, the man threw a cylindrical object in my direction.


An explosion occurred right after and the whole area lit up in white light. Luckily, I was able to pull in the coffin cover by my will. I used it to protect myself, my eyes that is from the blinding light entering my retinas.

I sense that Freed was fleeing, I also detected the presence of others coming over. I put one gun in my hoodie's pocket and the other at the back of my track pants. I don't forget to call back Necroussary Abyss.

Instead of going after Freed, I turned to the wounded girl. Surprisingly, she was still conscious. Holding her own wound, failing to stop the wound from bleeding. I approach her, not concerned about her reaction to me I start healing her with magic.

Crouching on the ground next to the girl, both my hands over her wound. A calm light begins repairing the damages done.

????: Hold it right there!

A girl hollers at me from behind but I ignore it. I simply concentrate of the healing process. As for the girl coming behind me, if she's planning to attack then she's welcome to try. That will remain a dream, though.

The girl does indeed launch an assault against me, I simply summon a barrier, a small one, at her feet causing her to stumble forward and hit the ground.

In the meantime, while I'm healing the girl that got shot. I find that she looks familiar. Those twin tails, that face. I started thinking. "Isn't her name Ru-

????: Ah, So good. Thanks, boss! Is that magic? I'm Ruruko Nimura by the way.

Thanks for reading.

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