
... Feeling Familiar

"Hehehe! That was a good one," I say. I want to ask the most formidable Satan this world has ever seen, how is it he knows so much about movies in the human world but I'm afraid I can't just casually speak. We are strangers after all.

'How should I start this conversation and lead it to were I want it.' I think about this, it's actually the most significant thing.

S.Sesa: Best to be straightforward.

'Yeah!' I think that's the best path. I'll either get what I want or be unsuccessful.

"Lord Beelzebub, I will tell you why I have arrived. Actually, I want to be bestowed those precious evil pieces that's awarded to those devils of high rank."

Ajuka: Evil pieces? You certainly have fulfilled the conditions by becoming a high ranking devil. There is no need to come to me, following the normal procedure will suffice in the underworld.

I feel aggrieved to be turned down by Ajuka just like that, however, his reaction was something I was expecting. Even a super devil can't make out that I'm really a human. I take in a deep breath of air and exhale slowly, then I continue.

"The truth is I'm someone with no background, my origin is something you won't believe. My name is Sesa Purusa and I'm a servant of no one." I spoke and again I inhale before I started speaking again.

"As you can see I'm a teenager. Next year I'll be attending Kuoh Academy, this is thanks to the heiress of the Sitri house. I'm also acquainted with the heiress of the Gremory house in passing but I have no intention to join any of them or any other house. And thus I've personally come to you, even if I've got the qualification, who from the the old devils side will allow a stray dog to sit on a throne."

Ajuka: What would make you think that I'll help you...

"Why not? It was you who made the evil pieces, you've also made the rating games. You alongside Sirzech's and the Satan rangers are the ones that fought against the Satan faction all those years ago wanting to change the nature of that tyranny, besides, I'm not asking without offering something in return."

Ajuka: You've certainly piqued my interest, what is it that you have for me?

"Well... firstly I'd like to say," I started, trying not to break under pressure. Ajuka was a man of integrity, being a researcher, I believe he will hear me out before making decisions. Plus I have S.Sesa and Ddraig to coach me.

"I already know about the kings piece, that the top players in the rating games possess and that they are being controlled by the old devil faction. Of course, this is not what I want to tell you. By telling you this, I'm just letting you know that my information networking is quite capable."

"Further more I know the reason why you have so many hideouts in the human world, you're going after the Khaos Brigade. For that alone I'm willing to render my services."

I paused then continued again.

"What I'm about to say is very important, this information concerns Lucifer-"

Ajuka: Sirzech's!?

After I mention the name Lucifer, Ajuka Beelzebub is actually thinking of his rival. That wasn't my intention.

"Lord Beelzebub, I wasn't talking about that Lucifer. But the one whose name it was originally. I'm not to sure but I can guess you are familiar with one of them."

Ajuka: One of them, are you saying there is another?

"Yes, he was raised in the Grigory."

Satan looked as though he was trying to pierce me with his eyes, no one could tell what he was thinking, much less me.

Ajuka is someone who likes to be ahead of others, he was a meticulous thinker. For that reason, other than his unique power, he was feared by all three factions. All devil houses had to think twice before marking this super devil as a target.

I wasn't bold enough to act casually, especially while in the same room as Ajuka. On top of that, the current place I'm in is on the other side of the dimensional gap. Where am I going to go?

"Can I continue?"

I said, wanting to end this hurdle as soon as possible.

Ajuka: Go ahead.

"Thank you, as I was saying... you should know very well about the white and red dragon emperors, any faction that has the presence of a Longinus holder will be formidable. It just so happens that the white dragon emperor's host is the great grandson of Lucifer. It can be said that the Grigory has quite a trump card"

Ajuka: Are you serious?

"Of course, now you know. Unlike the old devil faction in the underworld, the old satan faction is a bigger threat." After replying, I can see that Ajuka's expression has become serious, it is the first time I'm seeing him not so indifferent.

The only reason I brought up this topic about Lucifer and the White Dragon of Supremacy was exactly to agitate Ajuka Beelzebub.

Lucifer, Beelzebub, Leviathan and Asmodeus are the names of the most powerful devils in the history of the underworld before the war. They were the original Satans. But in today's devil society, those names are nothing, just mere titles. More unfortunate are those blood descendants of Satan after the war, they didn't inherit those titles that could once cause the other factions to be afraid.

It is a difficult situation and I'm sure that Ajuka knows that I'm baiting him. What can he do at this point?

Falbium, Serafall, Serzech and Ajuka have no reason to fear the blood descendants, as far as they are concerned, they are merely trash.

But, if a heavenly dragon is added to the equation the possibility of surviving can be questioned. Heavenly dragons are in a rank above Satan class devils.

"It's all not bad news, I have good news as well," I let Ajuka know. "The red dragon emperor has also been discovered. If my cards are also played right, the devil may get their own heavenly dragon."

Ajuka: I see, I guess rewarding you for this information isn't half bad. Looks like I can prepare ahead of time before these hidden powers emerge. Follow me, Sesa Purusa.

S.Sesa: We actually got on track. Here comes the path of the king.

Ddraig: I already knew that the white one had awakened. To think you knew the exact details...

'Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Lets get our chess set leave.' I reminded. Following Ajuka down a corridor, we eventually walk into another room. I'm not to sure what to expect, maybe I do. Have to touch a big rock and say a phrase to be acknowledged as a high ranking devil and complete the ritual. The evil pieces will be handled after that.

Walking into the new room my cursed gear immediately gives a reaction. Naturally it has to do with 'Detect', my entire surroundings can be felt along with the presence of another entity. it wasn't Tia.

What was it then, or rather, who is it?

My eyes followed the direction of the life force. Usually I wouldn't bother to think about another's personal activities but curiosity got the better of me this time, the only living entities that I've met in this place was Ajuka and the Chaos Karma Dragon. I stopped my pace behind Satan to glance at the other entity.

I couldn't believe what I'm seeing right now.

Maybe I can, the owner of this place is more of a researcher than a combatant. He was the one who created the evil pieces system.

Before my eyes stood again the wall was a coffin, no, it was more of a capsule. If I had to think about it I'd usually expect just to see a glass covering it's open section, I'm not seeing that now. This capsule is completely open.

The open capsule was nothing to be concerned about. It was the silhouette that was inside that intrigued me.

Inside the capsule, layed upright was the figure of a naked girl. In her sleep like state she layed bare before me, a lovely contrast between her bust, waist and hip ratio could be seen. Other than her pink areola and blonde hair, around her neck a metal-like collar was worn. A broken off chain hung from the collar.

She some how feels familiar to me.

S.Sesa: Chaos!


I repeated after Second Sesa.

Ajuka: Do you in know her?

I want to say 'not really' but I really feel like I've seen her before. It would seem that Ajuka has gotten interested in me in another way from how I reacted to that sleeping beauty. I can even feel that Tia has gotten agitated from my reaction. I did address someone other than her as Chaos.

Ajuka: How 'bout we get a closer look. She, I found her some time back.

Ajuka lead me towards the girl in the capsule. The Chaos Karma Dragon also made herself present from wherever she was concealing herself.

When we three come in front of the silhouette. Almost instinctively I raise my hand to grab hold of the chain. I didn't even ask permission, however, I felt I can't lose this opportunity, if I didn't I might regret it. WAIT!

Oops, hope they don't think I'm some kind of pervert. I mean, I know my demonic power comes from my Necrossuary Abyss but definitely, definitely I am no Necrophile.

Anyway, now that I have the chain in my hand I can vaguely remember something. By holding onto the chain I automatically become the master of this girl.... No reaction whatsoever.

S.Sesa: She's definitely alive, the Mask of Deception did not detect wrong. Her life force is very weak. How about we do that...


The flash of six orbs shone in green light, the Mask of Deception had long since been active. Now my power is piling up with the energy of a dragon.

Tia is looking at me suspiciously, how could she not be familiar with Ddraig's multiplier ability. She doesn't say anything though. On the other hand Ajuka looking amused.


Twenty seconds later my gear flashed in green light again..... and again.

I move my hand and touch with the tips of my fingers the area between the sleeping beauty's breasts.


That accumulation of power that I gained leaves my body and directly enters the place that I intended it to. The heart!

Not long after, the girl in the capsule is actually agitated. She half-opens her sleeping eyes which gave a neon glow of the color red.

She didn't appear to be aware of her situation. Instead, she spoke.

"Beginning. Imprinting."

I can see the chain on her collar starts lengthening, it's consciously aiming for my hand. When it wraps around my palm, she starts to speak again.

"I. Am. A. Pet. Class. Angeloid."

"Type. Elypson."

"Code. Name."


Author: AnantaKesh


1) Phantom Instinct ( original )

2) Crossing Over: Chronicles of ( fan fiction )

3) _ ( coming soon )

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