
Dragon's Treasure


What are they?

Gigantic lizards with wings just like the ones famous in the west or those snake-like forms that look like it got a mustache, making an appearance of wisdom. Dragons certainly do have some similarities to reptilian lifeforms when glancing at them at first sight, some depictions indicate dragons to be no better than animals. Treated as such, they were even being poached.

Dragons in this world fall into the category of fay. They, the origin dragons, came into existence through the intense condensation of the worlds magical energy known as mana. In the beginning there was no worldly laws, thus, the mana continued being pulled in until it hardened into a tiny sesame seed. No known being could tell the number of millenniums it took for a tiny mana seed to grow. Absorb, condense, refine and grow.

At some point the tiny seed of mana grew into a crystal the size of an egg, then it grew into an orb the size of gigantic boulders in due course. As time passed that orb sparked the radiance of life, like the lifeforms born of raw pork left under the sun after pouring coke over it. The world gave birth to the fierce magical beast at the top of the food chain, dragons.

The origin dragons upon their birth never stopped consuming mana, mana became their source of nutrition and when they had their fill they would enter dormancy. Just like that the first habit of dragons manifested.

As kings amongst magical beasts, their slumber isn't ordinary. For a normal person that has eaten more than their fill will most likely need a bed to lay on, unfortunately a normal body would not be able to absorb all the energy thus leaving it to waste. Dragons aren't like that though, while in slumber, mana is refined to increase their strength and excess mana doesn't go to waste. Excess mana exits a dragons body through the pores condensing and hardening over their massive body's giving it a grand scaly lustre.

Every part of a dragon is valuable because it is mana in actual form. The scales alone can be turned into a magical weapon or armory. What to speak of blood. Dragons blood is a magical resource that has been used to make legendary potions by alchemists and surgeons... dare to implant a dragons heart in the body of a 'carnomancer'.

All dragons, even the most insignificant, will be able to trace their heritage back to the origin dragons. Yes, dragons as in plural. From the beginning the origin dragon was never singular but dual. In this world one bacame known as the Dragon God and opposite to the God of dragons was the True Dragon who's potency equals the other.

In today's era it could be noted that the Dragon God resembles the form of eastern dragons whereas the True Dragon resembles the dragons of the west.

The only misfortune that can be accounted for is that dragons not born directly from the world can never reach the peak and forever look up to the Dragon God and True Dragon. Of course, by the nature of dragons, they never stopped trying their best to break the limit. The evil dragons found an uncanny way to raise their power. The great dragon kings also worked hard to raise their strengths, however, only two dragons ever stepped over the limit. They were none other than the two heavenly dragons, Red Dragon Emperor of Domination and White Dragon Emperor of Supremacy.

'This kinda makes sense... sort of', I thought recalling the above bullshit. 'This explains a lot'. My original intention was to make an appointment at the reception but lady luck has my back this time. Who would've known whether the person I want to meet is willing to meet me. Now another option has come up, if I can just convince Tiamat to be favorable to me, I'll proceed with my plans more easily

Ddraig: Hey! You know the Chaos Karma Dragon?

S.Sesa: Yeah, we know everything. Past, present and future.

Sesa: Wait a minute. How were you able to spot her? Isn't she supposed to be expert in stealth? Even with the Mask of Deception I had to put a lot of effort to find her.

Ddraig: What are you talking about? There's no one greater than this heavenly dragon.

Sesa: Okay?

S.Sesa: I feel like I'm not trusting of this dragon emperor's reply.

"Whatever the case is, let's go", I say while standing at the centre of the ground floor. The reception area hadn't come close when we realised the presence of Tiamat. No longer do I plan to make appointment to meet with the game designer. By directly getting the favor of the strongest dragon king, Tiamat, I might get a direct audience with the owner of this building. "Yeah, time to move."

No one is paying any attention to me anymore. When I entered with Bradley and Tommy, it couldn't be helped. Just by entering this building we drew everyone's attention. Now it is a totally different matter, my power of Camouflage and Concealment are showing immense value at this moment. Someone at the same level as a satan class devil isn't able breakaway from The Mask's effect.

Heading to the stairway going up to the next floor I make sure not to lose sight of Tiamat. It would've been more relaxing to take the elevator but then who knows where the Dragon King will disappear to. Of many who are adept at stealth, none come closer to the beauty in blue. If I hadn't focused my attention I might not have figured out the presence of Tiamat.

I make my way up the stairs and approach her, who is still leaning on the ledge. She is an exceptionally beautiful young lady. These eyes of mine are drawn to her exposed skin, especially those firm legs revealed from the thighs going down. 'I wouldn't mind those legs wrapping around me', I think to myself.

Ddraig: Don't approach her, she's dangerous.


Ddraig's right! I'm thinking with something other than my head. Why approach the lady directly? Instead I can said a doppelganger to probe things out. Who knows how this dragon will react.

I casually walk over, instead of coming next to her, I do like I'm heading past her. In the next second a figure leaves my body like that of a ghost. It's not me for sure but it is me. That one there is my second self. Quickly, he arrived before the maiden in blue.

S.Sesa: Cough, cough. Howdy, I'm Sesa and you must be Tia.

Tiamat: Mm! You know me, kid.

S.Sesa: Sure I do. Who else can be the secret referee in the rating games.

Tiamat, or should I say Tia had a really nice smile. She playfully gave a seductive glance to Second Sesa when he introduced himself. It's pretty easy to see as I'm standing opposite them, My stealth is superior to the dragon king as she hasn't notice me as yet.

Tia suddenly started to view my other self with suspicion. Not many will know her existence in the rating games, not even even the old devil faction thats controlling the games in the dark would know of her presence. How can a seventeen year old kid know about her? I can only guess why she hasn't grabbed S.Sesa, it is because this is the human world and there's a bunch of hunters on the floor below.

Tiamat: I can only make out that you're human... Tell me, who are you really?

Ddraig: ( HAHAHA! She can't tell that illusion isn't real. )

From what I can see, Ddraig is right. Tia can't tell that the one before her is just an illusion, she was spot on though. I am human, that's correct but she's thinking that it is a cover. 'S.Sesa, I guess we should just play along then', My thoughts synchronizes with my double.

I reveal the skill of my Cursed gear secretly. Combining it would the doppelganger ability.




That's not all, my devil constitution is actually of a low class devil. To make up for my short coming I show the demonic power of Necroussary Abyss.

Tiamat: H-High class devil!

S.Sesa: I guess you can say that.

Tiamat: Why is someone off your rank doing here in the human world?

S.Sesa: Well... You see... I have some things to discuss with A. Astaroth or should I say Ajuka Beelzebub. I'm hoping that a kind hearted dragon king is willing to bring me to him.

Tiamat: Hah! Why should I help a brat from the underworld.

S.Sesa: Because you're kind hearted.

Tiamat: Eh! Are you trying to be funny? You are not worth my time, much less Beelzebub.

S.Sesa: The information I have is really important, ey! It's definitely worthwhile... Wait, some of the things I have to say relates to Ddraig.

Tiamat: D-D-Ddraig! That Bastard of Domination. Only those who have personally associated with him would know his true name. Aaargh!!! That bastard lost my precious treasure.


Sesa: ( Shut up, ey! we not giving you to her. )

S.Sesa: Will you help me now, Tia? You know what? If you find a lead, I'll help you find your treasure in Ddraig's stead.

Tiamat: Tia? You not qualified to give me nicknames. But... If you can get my treasure back I'll let you do a lot more than play with my name.

S.Sesa: Huh!

Sesa: Huh!

Ddraig: Huh!

Author: AnantaKesh


1) Crossing Over: Chronicles of DxD (fan fiction)

2) Phantom Instinct (original )

3) _ (coming soon)

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