
Going Eight Stations Away

Donhaseek: They arrived? They are earlier than expected.

Priest: Y-Yes they had just arrived.... they were content with themselves but...

Donhaseek: But?

Priest: But-but they learnt of our losses, not only with our supporters being robbed without a trace left in the till. They found out about the high ranked excorcists who's bodies were found on the streets.

Donhaseek: Did you'll tell them about our weapons going missing to?

Priest: How could we not tell them, ah... my-my apologies you grace. It was the first thing that Kalawarner asked after learning of the excorcists death.

Donhaseek: Kalawarner, ( She may not care about the lives of human trash, she definitely cares about the valuables. they cost money and materials. ) She's always on about Lord Azazel ( Azezel this, Azazel that. It makes me sick. ). What about Mittelt?

Priest: Ah-ah S-She was very angry. She k-k-killed one of the excorcists that was present.

Donhaseek: As expected. I was amazed that she joined Raynare. Usually Mittelt doesn't trust anyone. It must be the doing of Lord Azazel.

Priest: ...

Donhaseek: I cannot return immediately. You not be able to see it... there are devils present among us right now.

Priest: W-W-What?

Donhaseek: Look over there, there's a barrier that's concealing the incident of yesterday. Those that are present inside the barrier are not people that Raynare would dare to offend. Yesterday when I came here, others also appeared here as well.

Priest: ...

Donhaseek: The heiress of the house of Gremory along with her company appeared, even the followers of the heiress of the Sitri house made themselves present... If I didn't back off from there, I may not have been here right now. Me being here is still a risk.

Priest: Your grace, bravery is to be admired.

Donhaseek: ..... You can tell those three that I, Donhaseek, will meet them in an hour or two.

Priest: Yes, of course. O-Oh yes! Your grace, ehm, Mittelt may not be there.

Donhaseek: I thought that might be the case. She is not someone who will sit idle upon arriving in town. Still it might not be a good idea to go touring when the other faction is active.

Priest: I understand, she was happy though. I heard her saying something like 'the hunt is on'.

Donhaseek: Hehe, sounds like her. ( With Mittelt gone and Kalawarner too focused on Azazel, I can finally get closer to Raynare. ) Nothing much has changed, I will meet Rayn- I mean those three later. I will observe the devils for now.

Priest: I will pass on your message.

Donhaseek: Is there anything else I should know about?

Priest: No- .... Ah, yes. I remember Lady Raynare instructed to arrange a room for a nun she recruited.

Donhaseek: I see.

Priest: Apparently one off the churches that the nun stayed at classed her as a heretic and banished her. From what I heard, Madam Penemue was merciful and grave the nun a second chance at church under her authority. Lady Raynare made arrangements to recruit her here for our church. The nun may arrive in another couple months I believe.

Donhaseek: Thank you for the information, you may return.

S.Sesa: ...

Ddraig: ...

Sesa: ...

Ddraig: So we going to kill him?

Some distance away, hidden behind a tree is me. Leaning back against the bark I, the protagonist of my story, is listening in to the conversation of the priest and the fallen angel. I have one leg folded with the sole of my shoe planted on the tree.

"Nothing much has changed from the 'original', Raynare and company are here to search for the Boosted gear under Azazel's instruction. And Asia is already plotted against by 'what's his name'", thinking about that girl sure makes me feel under the weather. It is not the same when you just read the plot, that girl had to really go through some suffering. I know what's going to happen in the future but I haven't decided whether to interfere with Asia's fate yet. Well I don't even know where she is, there's still time to decide my actions until then.

S.Sesa: With the fallen angels around, you have to act more cautiously.

Ddraig: You're ignoring this great one?

"We not killing yet. We can though but if we do, it will alert Rias and that big devil at her side. Just because I can move around without being identified doesn't mean the same for that Donhaseek. I guess he has already been noticed by the other party."

When that guy on the bench said that being here was a risk, I immediately thought of myself. If I killed Donhaseek, I'd be dead before I can react. I can't draw attention to myself because I'm not invisible. I'm not yet strong enough to face off against bigger powers.

Ddraig: Hmph, I knew that. That swordsman by the girl with crimson hair is out of your league, brat.

"I'm aware of that", I say.

"I got other plans anyway. That fallen angel is going to die by Rias in the end. Lets go to the train station. We leaving town for a few hours", I continued. Taking a few steps away from the tree I begin spell casting. A magical circle forms on the ground with me at the centre then I get teleported away.

Little did I know that after disappearing, the power of Camouflage and Concealment cancelled off. This meant that the fallen angel as well as the devils present were startled. They all felt the remaining surge of mana right before it dissapated.

Donhaseek jumped off the bench, swiftly got into a defensive stance. He even called upon his light spear that shone in blue color. The mana surge frightened him

On the other side of the barrier the Gremory team also became alert. What was going on? Will they ever find out?


A flash came from no where high up above a random building and then a figure materialized, that figure was non other than Sesa Purusa..cough, me.


I don't know what happened after I left Kuoh's central park but right now I'm falling, appearing in the air was something I've been doing all of a sudden. Still though, I need some time to get used to it.


While falling I call for the constitution of a devil to manifest. Devil wings that are thin looking and shaped similar to that of a bat spreads out from my back. With a flap I can feel my body resisting the pull of gravity. Safely both my feet touch the roof of the building.

The reason I chose to appear here above ground was simply to avoid the ordinary people of society. More so, I would prefer to appear inside the station. That can't happen, too many eyes are present there. Thus my solution was to appear away from prying eyes.

I touch the Mask of Deception and cause it to unmanifest, no longer need to use it at it's highest potential. The wings on my back are also called back, even so the devils constitution is still active as I need it still. I am planning to jump buildings.

S.Sesa: Time to move,

Ddraig: Where are we going?

S.Sesa: To see a game designer.

Ddraig: WHAT!!

S.Sesa: What, what?

Ddraig: You've obtained the the Boosted gear, you wanted to kill a fallen angel.... What about that lass with the crimson hair, you were looking at her naked body. Were you not? Now you, now you want to find a game designer. Are you taking life to be a joke?

S.Sesa: What? Everything we do, we do seriously. And we really need to find that game designer.

Ddraig: Are you trying to become some king of games?

"Hahaha!" I'm amused by the two, having companions is better than being by yourself. What Ddraig says is not a bad idea either. King of games, king of the rating game. "We can become number one in the rating games and get the Azazel cup as a momento", I added while hopping from building to building. Aiming to find an empty alley, that way I can get to ground level and blend into society without bringing any attention to myself.

S.Sesa: That's what I'm saying. We need the game designer for all this to happen.

Ddraig: Rating games? Aren't those games played by devils? You a human and you want to play a devils game.

S.Sesa: HAHAHA!!!

"Hahaha!!!" Second Sesa can't hold himself back and neither can I, none of us explain futher about what we want to do.

Jumping onto the next building, Detect is telling me that there is only two silhouettes in the alley way. Without waiting, I drop from the sky landing right in front of the two persons.

What were they doing? One was hooded and the other was dressed in a suit and had some big bespectacle's. Both were acting suspiciously like they were exchanging loot, the drugs kind of loot.

When I dropped out of the sky, those two guys were scared stiff. The package that was supposed to be passed over fell on the ground and... and it seems to to be a collection of lego figurines that I once saw an advert on. I dont want to know any more about what they're doing so I ignore them and leave the alley...

... After walking a block or so, crossing the street then heading towards the station. I take the stairway going below ground. I haven't been here before, what I mean is that I never had a reason to use the train before. So I got no idea what to do.

I turn my head to look around. Maybe someone can help me if I ask.

Ah, we leaving Kuoh?

You'll see next chapter.

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