
“Gardens... float up.”

A few months ago.

Jason came home as usual. He greeted his parents and went to his room to leave his backpack, some cats jumped into Jason's arms. Jason hugged them and stroked their fur, then left them on the floor.

"Welcome, Jason-sama" The only cat who had not jumped to Jason greeted him.

"I'm back, Nekohime" Jason stroked the cat's head.

"Jason!" Jason's mother called him from the living room. "Come down! Your father and I need to talk to you."

"I'm coming!"

Jason quickly took off his school uniform and put on his white hoodie and black shorts, then headed for the living room.

In the living room were Mikoto and Martin, on the table were some papers. Martin pointed to the couch in front of him and Jason sat on that couch.

"Is something wrong?" asked a curious Jason.

"How's your English?" asked Mikoto.

"Quite well," Jason replied.

(I was originally born in England, it would be a joke if I didn't know English)

"Then I want you to read what those papers say." Martin pointed to the papers.

Jason looked at the papers curiously in his eyes. He read the contents of the paper pretending to be serious, but inside he was smiling.

"XXX Secondary School in London?"

"That's right, they've told us they'd be interested in you joining their school," Martin explained.

"As far as I know, it's the best high school in England," commented Mikoto.

"Have you accepted?

"Not yet, the final decision is up to you," Martin shook his head.

"We'd like you to study there, but we're not going to force you," Mikoto said.

"You can think about it for a few days and give us an answer when you're sure"

"All right, in a few days I'll tell you my decision."

Jason went back to his room and lay in bed. The cats climbed on top of him and huddled on his chest.

"Medea, good work"

Medea materialized next to Jason.

"It was easy" Medea put her head on Jason's shoulder. "With the poison that Semiramis created, I could control their minds, the rest was to send the letter and reserve a place for you"

Jason nodded satisfactorily. He was planning to go abroad until the major events at DxD began to happen, attending school in England was just an excuse to get out of Japan.

Back to the present.

Akeno entered the tent accompanied by Ingvild, she was confused when the purple-haired girl arrived and told her that her mother and Oni-san wanted to talk to her.

Jason got up from his seat and approached Akeno. He looked her in the eyes seriously and she gave him back a naive look.



"Do you want to go to school with me?"

Both Akeno and Shuri were surprised to hear Jason's words.

"But Oni-san, you're too old to go to school with me," Akeno said innocently.

Jason realized he was in his teen form. He shrank quickly, Jason was a head taller than Akeno.

Akeno opened her eyes in surprise as she saw Jason shrinking.

"I'm the same age as you, so I don't think it's a problem," Jason smiled warmly at Akeno.

Little Akeno blushed as she saw Jason's beautiful smile. She nodded unconsciously.

"Well" Jason stroked Akeno's head. Akeno's face looked like a tomato and smoke came out of his head.

Shuri was excited, Akeno's education was one of the things she was worried about following Jason but it looked like she wasn't going to have to worry much about it.

"What school are you going to go to?" asked Shuri, she wanted to know where her daughter was going to study.

"XXX Secondary School," Jason answered casually.

Shuri opened her eyes in shock. Wasn't that school called the best Secondary school in the world? She felt that the decision to follow Jason was becoming more and more correct.

The months passed quickly.

Jason lived a relatively quiet life. He followed his usual routine of going to school in the morning and spending afternoons in the woods.

Issei kept bothering Jason to play with him, Jason took advantage of those moments to "educate" him properly. Jason hoped that when he returned to Kuoh in the future, he would find an Issei different from the original series.

"Jason-senpai, the other day I shouted Oppai when I saw the new teacher and then Katase and Murayama have beaten me up" Issei complained to Jason.

Jason sighed, (I really must teach this pervert a lesson).

"Listen Issei" Jason hit Issei's head. "Even if you like Oppai a lot, you shouldn't scream every time you see one."

"So what do I do?" Issei asked anxiously, Oppai were the things he loved most in this world.

"You have to appreciate them discreetly, then you have to conquer the girl who has them, and when you conquer is when the important thing comes," Jason patiently explained.

Issei looked at Jason with bright eyes, this scene was like when an older brother seriously explains to his younger brother the most important thing in the world (Although for Issei it was true).

"Cough-Cough" Jason coughed shamefully at the sight of Issei's bright eyes.

"The most important thing is to "eat" the Oppai, you need to follow a series of 4 steps for that."

"Say it, say it."

"Step 1, massage the Oppai gently and apply pressure little by little."

"Massage... gently." Issei had a notebook and was pointing the steps.

"Step 2, thumb around the nipple, turning gently."

"Nipple... gently" Issei didn't dare leave a word unmarked,

"Step 3, once the nipple is erect you must take your index finger and thumb and squeeze it."

"Nipple... index and thumb... Jason-Senpai, how do I know the nipple is erect?"

Jason smiled remembering Medea's Oppai. He started to think about how to explain to a 10-year-old how to tell if a nipple is erect.

"You will know it when the time comes" Jason decided to leave it in the air, something he will have to learn for himself.

Issei nodded seriously, he anticipated that moment.

"4 and last step, you suck the nipple as if it were a baby and depending on the situation you can also bite it".

Issei wrote down every last word in his notebook. Jason placed Issei as a hopeless case when he read the name on the notebook.

Sacred book of the Oppai cult.

"Well, these will be the commandments of the Oppai," Issei murmured low when he finished copying.

Issei never shouted "Oppai!" again from that point on, but he was still being beaten by Katase and Murayama. No one knew why.

Jason went to the forest in the afternoon.

There he trained and spent the afternoons in the company of Medea, Semiramis, Ingvild, Shuri, Akeno and Andrea.

There came a time when Jason realized that he had stagnated and was no longer improving physically. Medea's barriers were no longer enough to increase his strength.

He remembered a famous manga about a man who had become the strongest on earth by doing 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats and 10 km running.

He decided to do that training, but decided to multiply it by 10 when he saw that it was too easy. The first few days were quite easy to bear, but the physical load increased as time went by.

Jason was sure that if he met Saitama in the future, he would kneel before him and call him master. Well, no.

At present, Jason was inside the tent accompanied by Semiramis, Medea, Shuri, Akeno, Ingvild, Nekohime, Blair, Kuroka, Sarashiki, Chloe. Shirone was at home with Kaida.

"Today is the day," Jason seriously said.

They all looked at Jason confused, only Medea and Ingvild knew what he was talking about. Semiramis smiled proudly from one side.

"Semiramis, it's your turn to shine" Jason smiled at Semiramis.

They all looked at Semiramis, she had a proud look on her face that made you want to hit her. Semiramis got up from the chair and headed out of the tent.

"Follow me"

Jason was the first to get up and the rest followed. Everyone realized that none of the maids were in the area.

Semiramis opened a secret passage and entered, the rest followed. Soon they came to a strange room with a kind of throne in the middle. The throne had a strange gem in one of its armrests.

Everyone looked at the room curiously, including Jason and Medea. No one knew anything about the construction of Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Semiramis had built everything herself.

Semiramis walked to the throne and sat on it. Most of the girls present frowned.

"Hey, aren't you being too disrespectful?" Nekohime asked Semiramis.

Nekohime spent most of her time at Jason's house so she and Semiramis didn't know each other very well.

"Do you think so?"Semiramis smiled mockingly, Nekohime frowned at Semiramis' smile.

"That place should be for the leader."

"And what do the leader thinks?"Semiramis smiled and looked at Jason.

Jason smiled and appreciated the sight of Semiramis on the throne. Semiramis seemed to be born to sit on a throne.

"I think it's the perfect place for the Wise Queen of Assyria, Semiramis."

Nekohime and the rest looked at Jason in disbelief.

"Is she the legendary Semiramis-Nya?" asked Chloe.

Few knew the true identity of Semiramis. Jason, Medea, Ingvild and Kuroka were the only ones who knew her as she had been away for a year and had spent the last few months busy building her Noble Phantasm.

Jason then looked at Semiramis and gave her a deep look, she understood his look.

"Let me show you the castle in heaven that no human touches. The hanging gardens──Hanging Gardens of Babylon!"

They all looked at Semiramis in confusion, Jason instead waited for what was to come in advance.

"Gardens... float up."

And here is today´s chapter. I finish my exams this friday so how about a mass release?

If we finish these week at top 60 = 5 more chapters

1 extra patron = 1 extra chapter

GreatSage_Master1creators' thoughts
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