He, wanted Zeus to suffer. Him, only wanted to live peacefully along with them. His, was the most painful and unbearable memories. And Zeus feel lost, needed love and only wanted to be accepted. Four personalities, one body, they call it... DID. A/N : This is my first time writing my ideas in pure english and since it's not my native language, I apologize if there are grammatical errors. Thank you for reading :)
"Mom,when are we going to leave this place?" Tears rolling down his face when he asked his mom who seems half-dead with all her wounds and bruises she get on his father. He wanted to end her pain and miseries but he can't. He can't do a thing for his mom. And he loathed himself for that; For being weak. For not being able to do a thing for his mother.
His mom touch his face gently, applying medicine on his bruise that he also got from his father last night. Pity, is clearly seen on his mother's eyes or was it his own reflection? He doesn't know. All he knew is that he badly wanted to end the misery they got themselves into.
"When is dad going to stop hurting us? Mom let's just go back to our old home please." He begged that made her tear up.
Zeus tried to wipe her tears but seeing her flinched to the pain, he was slowly dying. But what killed him the most was her smile. How come she can still manage to smile even after her husband beat the hell out of her every time he'll get drunk? And humiliates her every time he is sober? Was that how love should be?
"I'm okay, Zeus. Don't worry about me. Don't hate your dad okay? He doesn't know what he's doing. Don't mind me and your dad. Just focus on your studies and everything will be alright. You should live like how we used to. Live freely and don't look back on all the bad things that happened. I'm okay. I assure you I'm okay." She said as if telling that will make him feel that nothing is wrong when everything is so damn wrong. It pains him seeing her like this. Telling him those words.
I'm okay.
It was the biggest lie he'd ever heard. Those words. It deepens the cut that is already made to his heart. If only those words were true. If only she's really okay. But from how she whimpered every time he wipes the dry blood on her beautiful face; It says it all. That she's not okay. That she's in a deep pain. That her life is in hell.
"Promise me that you'll do what I told you." His mom repeated as if it was the only thing that matters now.
As much as he wanted to refuse, he can't decline his mother's wish. That's all he can do for her.
"I promise." Zeus answered trying to hold back his tears when he saw her smile again. The kind of smile that he used to see before every thing goes wrong. It is warm yet heartbreaking smile.
He wondered why they end up in that wretched state. Why they end up imprisoned in that white room bruised and scared, beaten to death by the man who once promised a happy life. He was truly happy when her mother told him that finally, they will be reunites with his father. After ten years of being alone with his mom, he can now finally tell his friends that he has a father. That his father is not just any other man like their neighbors always tell, but a well-respected man. And he was the most happy person on earth when his parents decided to get married after his father got divorced to the woman who his parents chosen for him.
Having a complete family is all he asked for. He's contented on what they have even before he met his father. But he felt fortunate when he could be able to study in a prestigious school. Even though they always get ridiculed by his father's relatives. He was always mistreated by his half-brothers and no friends wanted him that came from a high society, he always get bullied in school. All kinds of pain and abuse, physically and mentally, he tried to endure everything and put it on the deepest part of his heart because the only thing that matter is they are now complete. He now has a complete family.
He thought that he will only feel happiness for the rest of his life because he has a loving mother and a very protective and supportive father. But he was wrong. Every beginning has an end. People change, things change, situations change. Nothing is permanent in this world as the saying says. His happiness has expiration date. He just felt happy for two years.
His loving father changed to a monster. Shocked was an understatement when his father went home one night and pulled him inside the white room,- the room where punishment happens for those who did wrong, - and almost beat him to death.
He didn't know what he did wrong but he still begged forgiveness for his unknown sins. And that's the start of his and his mom's nightmares. Because they always get punished not only when his father gets drunk but also when he is sober. That white room becomes their room. It becomes the only witness of their suffering for four years in the hand of the man who vowed to protect them.
As much as he wanted to run away from his father, he can't. His mom keeps on insisting to live like they used to. So he endured everything. Every torture he gets from his father, he bears it for his mom. But he promised her that after he finished his studies, he will take her away from his violent father no matter what.
For four years of their miserable life, he wanted to fulfill that promise he made. But as the saying goes, Promises are made to be broken. Because that night when he woke up, the monster is inside the white room again beating his mother to death.
"Dad Stop! Please stop!" He begged his father. But he continued assaulting his mother so he pulled his almost unconscious mom away from his father and hugged her tight hiding her from him. Protecting her from being beaten up too much.
His father was in rage and throw everything that is in his way. The music player inside the room played on his surprised when the play button accidentally hit by something that his father throw away. A very soft melody resounded the room when a familiar song played but somehow it gives shiver to his bones.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
You make me happy, when skies are gray.
You'll never know dear, how much I love you...
Please don't take my sunshine away...
"This is your fucking fault you bastard!" He said full of hatred and throw him lots of kicks and punches as if he wanted him dead. All he could say is 'sorry' and 'forgive me'.
"No Dimitri! It's not his fault! Stop it please! Listen to me!" His mother begged when his father pulled his hair and keeps on punching him anywhere.
He has blood all over his body but his dad keeps on kicking him. His mom begged trying to stop him but he's deaf to her pleads. She tried to stop her by pulling his shirt but she got slapped loudly on her face.
The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head and cried...
"You liar! You think I didn't know what you did?!" He said in his most hateful tone and starts assaulting again his now helpless and powerless mother.
Even though he's out of strength, he tried to crawl towards his mother. He can't let that monster to hurt his mom. He won't let him touch her again. But why does it feel that she's too far from him? As if even though he keeps on crawling and crawling to aid her, he can't get to her.
"You fooled me Diane! You didn't think I wouldn't know that you lie to me about that bastard of yours? You didn't think I wouldn't know that he's not my son?! That it wasn't me that got you pregnant but that damn best friend of yours?! I gave up everything for you! My honor, my family! I choose you even though you have nothing! But you lie to me! You lie to me so that bastard of yours won't live like yours!" My father throw a bomb in me but it makes me feel like there's a thousand of knives struck me and not a ball of grenade.
I'm not his son?
"He is your son! Why don't you believe me? They manipulated everything! Believe me Dimitri!" His mom tried to explain but he's not only blinded by anger, he was deaf to her explanations as well.
Zeus caught into dazed upon hearing those words. His mom's cries as well as his strength were slowly fading.
I'm not his son?
I'm not his son?
I'm not his son?
I am not this monster's son.
His gazed went to them but all he could see is the blurry visions of his mom getting kicked over and over by a monster. And then everything went black.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away...
"Z-zeus..." He went back to reality when he saw his mom. She was sitting on a dark corner her trembling hands reaching him. On his side was his dad, or so he thought. His eyes narrowed in terror when he saw his hands covered with blood.
"M-mom!" He tried to stand up but he lost all of his strength. He crawled to her crying. Trying to reach out her hand.
"M-mom!" Terror. One word to describe what he feels when he saw his mother with a shattered mirror piercing her heart.
"M-mom? M-mom! I-I'll bring you in the hospital mom! Don't close your eyes mom!" Weakened, but with trembling hands she touched his face like how she used to when he's upset or hurt. As if telling him it's okay. That she's okay.
"Z-zeus my son..." She said in soft and weak voice that tightened his heart.
"I'm...I'm here mom." He wiped the tears that escaped his eyes and tried to look calm.
"R-remember w-what I t-told y-you? Y-your p-promise?" She said while trying to raise her pinky finger to him.
"Stop it mom please!" She hushed him and smile. The kind of smile that always kill him ever since this shit happened to them. Slowly, she took his hand and made a pinky promise that made him cried harder.
"Y-you w-will l-live..." She gasped and smiled again. "F-freely a-and n-never l-look b-back. O-okay?" He nodded and grip tightly on his mother's hand while his tears keeps on falling on her beaten yet still beautiful face.
"I will mom but remember that I also promise you, after I graduated we will leave this hell right?" But all he got was a smile. And then she peacefully closed her eyes.
"MOM NO! Dad! Dad! Do something please I beg you! Please save my mom! Please!" But the man just stood there, doing nothing but to look at them horrified.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away...
As the song ended, the white room is filled with the sixteen year old boy's cry. The white-painted room tainted with blood. Shattered mirror scattered on the floor. And then everything turned dark. He found himself trapped in a dark white room. His hands and feet tied. He tried to shout but no sound escaped his mouth. But the funny thing is, he doesn't feel a thing. Nothing at all. And it feels great.
To not feel a thing.
Let there be light! On the First day, God created light and he separated the light from the darkness. The lights he called day, and the darkness he called night. -Gen 1:3-5
He squinted through the blinding light passing to his bedroom's window. He stood up and scanned the place where he was before his eyes stopped on his own reflection in the glass window. Just like a scene in the movie, everything flashed back to him. He clutched his hand in rage.
Fuck! That bastard really don't know how to fight. Damn it! He just let my handsome face turns like this! He said in gritted teeth.
He pulled his dextrose in rage and starts smashing everything inside the room. He turned over his bed and throw the flowers vase to the glass window making all the other patients look into his room. Seeing every thing in chaos brightens his eyes. a devious smile casted on his lips upon seeing his bloody hands. He loves the feeling of him getting hurt. The feeling of making his body suffer.
Then God said, "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters." Thus God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which are above the firmament; and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. -Gen 1:6-8
"Doc! He's awake!" The hysterical shout from the door of his room gets him back to reality. From her outfit, he knew already that she's the in-charge nurse for him. And right after her is his doctor.
That bastard is truly rich. He thought.
"Oh my god! What happened here?!" The doctor asked in terror while trying to approach the guy who's behind all the mess.
"Z-zues? I know you're mad because of what happened to your m-mom but-" He just looked at him blankly and smiled deviously that made him stopped from talking further. The nurse gasped in terror when he clutched the doctor's neck with an impossible strength. His own blood dripping on the doctor's coat making the nurse run away to probably call the security. While the other patients scurried back to their rooms.
"I'm not Zeus! I'm not fucking weak! Because of his weakness my mom is dead! You hear me? That child is the reason my mom died! You understand?!" He said in rage before he pushed the terrorized doctor away.
"W-who are y-you then?"
He looked at him and smiled. The kind of smile that will truly gives you chills to the bone. The color of his eyes changed. From dark brown, it turned black.
And on the Third Day, God created dry land in the midst of the lower waters, He called the dry land, Earth and he called the gathering of the waters, Seas or oceans. He separated the oceans from the dry land. He also created every plant and tree according to its own kind, each bearing its own seed. -Gen 1: 9-13
"Genesis." He simply answered after putting on his prepared clothes and walked closer to him making the doctor crawl backwards with a horrifying look on his face.
"Genesis is my name. Keep that in mind. And make them know I exist." He said wearing his hair-raising smile and leave that goddamn place whistling with the song that's playing in someone's radio.
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you...
Please don't take my sunshine away...