
Blood pact cult.

Standing in front of a large red church, with the trees around it looking like it's slowly losing there life. The church is stationed a few kilometres away from the kingdom. There are only trees near the church while the outside of it are a barren field of land however there is a red energy sphere surrounding the church that conceal it from other people. So only people with strong perception or sensitivity to magic would notice the distortion but, unless you have a key to enter, you would need to be very strong to break this sphere.

How did I get into this situation? Well after talking to Zurie, she gave me a bracelet with some magic symbols implanted on it and a red stone in the centre of it. She told me the bracelet will allow me to impersonate a vampire. Turns out as long as I wear this bracelet it will give me the scent and aura of a vampire but she told me it won't trick noble vampires. Also if I use my magic then they will know I am not a vampire due to the different aura from the bracelet and myself. It will also allow me to enter there camouflaging sphere which is nice.

So the plan...go in there and "join" there cult, then find the blood reforming Rose while not blowing my cover. Zurie told me I have two days before the old man dies and I must get it before then. *sigh* never in my life did I think I would have to get friendly with VAMPIRES.

Knock, knock, knock. I bang on the stone door.

The door opens.

A pale skinned,light long brown haired and expressionless girl stares at me. She is around 5ft10 with not much noticeable features. Well I say that but if others saw her, they would consider her above average but I have seen so many of these blood sucking assholes that most look ordinary to me. It's always the same features, smooth skin, slim body, long eyelashes and long hair. Though nobles look way better then vampires since there blood are "purer" so they have more power and thus more control of there features thus making themselves look better to "blend" in with society. I don't think I have ever met a vampire that has a thought other then blood. Ordinary vampires only care for blood and would drain every ounce of blood from people, nobles are a little better as they have more intelligence but in the end they are the same with wanting blood to grow stronger.

However the problem vampires face is that they will reach a limit to how much they can grow. If an ordinary vampire survives and feeds on countless, the strongest he would be is equivalent to the weakest noble vampire and the strongest noble vampires would be equivalent to the weakest royal vampire. So I guess ordinary vampires can taste what it's like to be a noble but they will be a weak grade noble. Now that I think about it that's a sad life for these vampires since they can't overcome there barriers because there blood isn't pure like the royal vampires, who to my knowledge are the purest blooded vampires and thus considered immortal. Which believe me they are....I once had some fight with a royal and no matter what I managed to do they wouldn't die but the royal wasn't able to kill me as well,though he was a very strong opponent, so it was a stalemate between us and in the end I agreed to let him go as long as he doesn't cause trouble, which he agreed on. In fact that's probably the first ever vampire I didn't get annoyed at or hate, he actually was quite civil except for the part where he kept calling me a mortal but it was more of a surprise instead of an insult. It was very weird.

"Hello fellow vampire, what brings you here?" She looked cautious then changed to a friendly expression and asked.

"I have heard about a cult called 'blood pact cult' from a fellow vampire and I decided to come and visit it" I reply with an excuse and forced smile to look friendly.

Her face brightens up. "Of course! We always welcome new vampires to our cult! Come in, come in!"

Wow Zurie did not lie to me about this bracelet.

She leads me inside and the interior is what a typical church would look like. It has long benches on both sides with each side having 6 benches. There is also a red carpet between the two sides, which go all the way to the end where an alter lies. The room is lit up by torches and on the side of the alter there are doors leading to other parts of this church (I am guessing the upstairs area).

There are three other vampires in the room ,excluding the girl that lead me inside. Surprisingly they are not wearing capes like typical vampires from my time but just regular clothes but with better quality, making them look a little rich.

The three vampires stare at me for a few seconds and as Zurie said they are around level 70...

Though there aura aren't suppressing me, probably due to them not feeling I am a threat and one of there 'kind'.

"Who is this?" The first vampires ask.

"He heard about us and decided to see us. Ah! Whats your name? I forgot to ask..." she responds.

Umm...my name...should I use the name Jack Frost? But it might bite me in the ass later if they hear that name and hunt me down...especially early on when I barely have any power compared to them. They have already seen my face but if they know the name I use, it will be easier for them to track me down after I steal there rose. Ah! I know a name!

"My name is Lawrence,May I ask what is it that you do? I have been mainly hibernating so I am sorry if it's a wide known fact about your cult" I reply.

With my experience, I know I have to cover as many grounds to my story to reduce the chances of others finding it fake and with these high levelled vampires, I better hope they don't find any holes to my answers.

"Ah..so have you been heavily injured and had to sleep for a few hundred years to recover?" The second Vampire asks in surprise.

"Sadly yes.."

Technically I didn't lie there since I was heavily injured but instead of sleeping for 100 or 200 years...it was more like 1000+ years...

Seems like vampires hibernate due to injuries now a days, since that's the first thing they assumed. In my time they usually did it to preserve there remaining life, if they are nearing the end of it naturally. Nobles would hibernate because nothing big is happening at the time so they don't feel the need to waste their life source. There are other reasons but I can't be asked to think about them.

"Well, our cult does work like the ancient times where we get stronger by feeding on the blood of the humans. Nowadays most vampires get stronger by absorbing the essence of the dead like humans and other species."

Sigh..these vampires don't think deeply. If they are doing tradition of ancient times then wouldn't someone who only slept for a few hundred years know about this. Dodged explaining that. Though this is news to me about the vampire new ways of doing things. Though hearing they like to suck the blood of humans, doesn't make me angry like it used too.

"I see...I must say I too prefer the traditional way of doing things. Human blood is just so delicious! How could we give that up?!" I reply, trying to blend in and say the words they would most likely want.

"I am so glad, another fellow vampire has the same views as us." The first vampire answers and puts his hand out.

I reach my hand out and shake his hand.

After a few more exchange of words, I learnt the first vampire is named Keir, the second one is called Darick and the third is called Maxius. The female is called Helena. Turns out there is a ritual tomorrow night however they told me I can't participate as I am new but I got told they will be using a very special item called the "blood Reforming Rose". There ritual will be using the very item I need and turns out the Rose is usually hidden however they bring it out for special occasions as its the most rarest thing they have.

Well they didn't tell me it's the most rarest thing...it was actually Zurie who told me that. She seems to know a lot about this vampire cult.

They told me that I could not meet the others as they are currently busy preparing for tomorrow and I came at a bad time. However they were still kind to me and even offered me some red liquid...

Of course, I declined making an excuse that I recently drank the blood of a small girl. Ok my creativity is lacking but why should I care? After tomorrow I will most likely forget about these vampires and the only reason I am doing all this is to repay my debt with that girl. Furthermore my mind is mainly filled with other thoughts like how I can't truly have my revenge since no one I knew is alive!

They let me go after an hour of talking. They seemed to enjoy talking to me and honestly I was quite surprised how civil they are to each other...did they get smarter while I was sleeping or something?

After I left, I went back to the inn Zurie was staying at to tell her my little experience with the cult and tell her my plan for tomorrow.

Hope your enjoying the novel. If you like it then Remember to add the novel in your collection!

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