
Chapter 16: Ship wrecked.

Annie woke up to be stranded on a island. She coughed as grief was stuck in her chest. Where was she? The only thing she could remember was that she nearly drowned as she fell into the cold, frightening water. She felt unconscious after that. Annie nearly fell as she tried to get up. She felt so weak in the knees, she didn't have the strength to give up.

There, she saw a body, it was...

"James!" Annie got up with all her might to walk towards him.

His skin was pale as snow, his lips looked as if he was in the cold for many hours. Annie touched his forehead to feel the freezing body temperature he had. Annie kissed him for good luck, and set out to explore. The island looked warm and nice, however, Annie didn't know where she was going.


After a couple of mikes, Annie saw a village. The village was filled with all kinds of people washing to cooking. Annie hurried over to one of elders.

"Excuse me, can you please help me take care of my friend?"

The elder looked at her weirdly, as a foreigner. She then muttered something that made Annie smiled.

"You speak Japanese?" Annie fluently said in the language.

"Y-yes. You frighten me because I thought you were a foreigner." The elder smiled, while talking in Japanese.

"Well, I am. It's just that I studied Japanese, while I was overseas."

"You talk very clear and fluent." The elder chuckled.

She then took Annie's hand toward her home. It looked like a clay made house. Must of been due to poverty. The elder gently gave Annie some tea.

"So what did you say you needed help with?"

"I needed help to take care of my friend. He is weak and pale." Annie worried.

"No worries. My husband can help you. He is the chief of this village." The elder quickly got up and informed her husband.

As Annie walked with a group of people, she there found James. The chief poured an antidote into James' mouth making him cringe.

"It's a bit bitter." The chief chuckled.

James opened his eyes and sat up. Annie tackled him to the ground hugging him.

"James, you're alive!" Annie excitedly said.

"Silly girl, a little ship wreck won't destroy me." James hugged her back.

"Oh, so you are a couple?" The elder blushed.

Annie face remained expressionless, while James held his head high.

"Yes. She is my beautiful, perfect girlfriend." James held her closer.

Annie looked as if she been stabbed in the back. James lied to them saying she was his girlfriend?

"What a cute couple." The chief smiled warmly.

"Please, join us for dinner." The elder held her husband close to her.


The village dinning place was very natural. The desert was made from fresh fruit, while the protein is hand caught fish.

"I must say, the food over here looks delicious." James said clearly in Japanese.

"My, my, my. You speak fluent in Japanese too!" The elder chuckled.

Annie smiled widely. She never heard James speak another language so fluent like hers.


Together, they decided to set sail tomorrow, as they both slept in the villa of the village...

what do you think is going to happen next??

heartxmangacreators' thoughts
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