
Return to Renaissance City (part-5)

"Why?..", a voice came to their ears, a voice they all knew too well a voice that made their blood freeze while their complexion paled.

Aubriella was the first one to react as she spoke with a slight stutter, "Nathan what are you doing here? I thought you would be playing games.", the serious look on his face made her heart leap out of her throat.

"There has been a new update taking place that has forced me to log out until the completion but enough of that but why are you…"

Tristan sighed as he dreaded on how to tell Nathan the truth no amount of training, experience or praying to God would help him as such he began with a deep sigh as he held her wife's hand hard praying for strength, "Son you see…"

"Nathan what are you doing here?", Nikola's voice came to their ears as Nathan who was standing near the door turned back as he spoke, "Oh I came here and saw everyone sitting looking tensed and sad as such I was inquiring what has happened?"

"Really..", with that Nikola made her appearance as she spoke with a worried tone in her voice, "Did something happened to you all? Nathan mentioned you all looked sad."

A relief washed into the occupants of the room as Maksim spoke with a soft smile, "Ah why don't you take a seat I believe having more of family around would help Uncle Dominic overcome his grief."

Both Nathan and Nikola looked worried at that as Nathan moved swiftly towards his grandfather as he spoke in a worried tone, "Grandpa what happened? Why are you so sad?"

Tristan gave a small nod of thanks to Maksim grateful for his ability to think on his feet.

Dominic gave him sad smile as he spoke with a sigh, "One of my close colleagues of fifteen years was found murdered in her apartment."

Nathan gained a horrified look on his face as he spoke, "Did they catch the culprit?"

"The cops are working on it and I hope they would catch the murderer soon."

Saniyah gave another comforting squeeze to her husband as she spoke, "She was a very good friend of ours as such it hit your grandfather hard, she was such a nice person she did not deserve such a cruel fate."

Nathan frowned at that as Ryle spoke with anger in his voice, "Animals more like, and whoever that person was how they could do such a thing is beyond my reasoning."

"Do I know that person?"

Saniyah gave him a soft smile as she spoke, "No dear I do not think you have met her."

Isabella decided to add her own two pieces as she spoke, "Though I would like to tell you that because of her murder many would be questioned including our family members by the cops as well reporters might be snooping around so I request you all not to venture out too much."

Nathan nodded before he spoke with a frown, "Do not worry grandma, we are kind of extremely busy if it were not for the update I believe we would still be playing the game the next few days, as would be extremely hectic for us."

Dominic decided to try to get his mind from the sadness as he spoke with a small smile, "So what has kept you so busy?"

Nathan slouched a bit at that as he spoke with a sigh, "War grandpa, I am about to start a war inside the game."

Ryle leaned forward as he spoke, "Why do you need to start a war?"

"Well the game has something called the race and it so happens that one of the higherups of the Church has problem with my race."

Nikola snorted at that as she spoke, "Please you have hundreds of people who have problem with your race."

Dominic straightened up as he spoke with a frown, "Why is that?"

Aubriella looked at Nathan with a frown before she spoke with a nod, "Ah I remember Nathan once told me that one of the people with the same race married a Goddess and another Goddess was jealous which started the whole debacle."

Nathan nodded as he spoke, "Well you are correct mom, now I have someone by the name of Cardinal Boudier who is after me, I suspect that he is a worshiper of that jealous Goddess and wants me dead."

Dominic gained curious look on his face as he spoke, "And how did you deduce that?"

"A few things actually, first he forced us to take a quest almost at a gunpoint, either take it or be thrown in jail for eternity."

As Nikola nodded Nathan sighed as he spoke, "In a way, it was my fault that I carelessly approached him."

Nikola huffed as she spoke, "Nathan it was not your fault, all of three of us agreed it would be the best choice, not to mention we did not specifically approach him, we approached the church and asked for their help but unfortunately he was there present as well cleaning traitors of the church."


Nathan looked towards uncle Maksim as he spoke with a frown, "Yes uncle, he deals with traitors and heretics, not to mention he has an extremely bad reputation like he burned down an entire village including the citizens to ash because of a rumour that they were harbouring a heretic."

Tristan frowned as he spoke, "He is dangerous, and pray tell me why the church was needed."

"It was because we found the rare job 'Necromancer', as rising an undead is believed to be sacrilege and carries capital punishment as such we thought that if we hand it over to the Church we might earn something if nothing else a few favours but clearly we were wrong."

Nikola picked up from where Nathan had left as she spoke with a sigh, "We were given a month to get an item and we crossed through the desert reached a fortress and met an elven lady."

"A demonic lady"

Nikola gave a small nod to Nathan as he corrected her before she continued, "Yes, she is but only to you after all you are her apprentice."

Nathan simply puffed up his cheeks as he grumbled making Nikola snicker at his antics as Aubriella spoke curiously, "Why are you calling your teacher demonic lady."

Nathan gained a frustrated look on his face as he spoke, "Because she is harsh taskmaster, and no even the word harsh will not do her justice, in fact, she is a secret sadist that torments me in the name of training."

As every eye fell the duo Nikola sighed as she spoke, "Even if you are complaining about her did her methods not work wonders not to mention she treats you like a family."

Nathan simply pouted as he spoke, "Yes she does and if it were not for her help the quest could not have been completed, not to mention she treats you like a family."

Nathan blushed as he spoke in an embarrassed tone, "Well you are right, in a way she does."

"Then you should not complain about her."

"Well, I guess so."

Dominic smile slightly as he exchanged a glance with his wife before he spoke, "So, what kind of adventures did you have in that place?"

"Well...", with that Ryan began to recount his tales while playing Isera.

It was an enlightening experience for them until he came to a part of his adventures, "Ah, I almost forgot during that whistling cave incident I triggered a trap, a trap that was placed in the safe zone, can you imagine a trap placed where we should be safe and then the weird glitch occurred."

Ryle tilted his head as he spoke, "A weird glitch? I thought the game was touted as glitch proof."

Nathan simply snorted as he replied back, "That was their marketing strategy."

Saniyah gained an amused look on her face as she spoke, "Really and what happened because of the glitch."

"Well the trap caused me to fall down into the day abyss, and I was hurt badly but nothing that any potion cannot heal, but even after I was healed I was presented with a real problem, a very powerful enemy was standing in front of me, so powerful that I could not even scratch it."

Isabella frowned as she spoke, "Then what happened."

Nathan scowled as he spoke, "It destroyed me literally, and in fact, it knew I was weak as hell as such I was toying with me, till I was dying, then the glitch happened one moment the creature had raised its legs to deliver the finishing blow and my vision blacked out, and in the next moment I found myself standing on top of its broken and bleeding carcass."

Yelena who was listening to him spoke with a smile, "Actually it was not a glitch."

As every head swivelled towards her Nathan spoke with a frown, "What do you mean aunty?"

With a kind smile on her face Yelena began to speak, "What you saw was not a glitch, a power surge occurred which caused at the exact same time as you were about to die and from what I had inquired it caused the algorithm of the game to be confused and as such it caused the death of the creature instead of you."

Ryan frowned as he spoke, "How does it work?"

Yelena shrugged as she spoke, "That was what the technician told me, I was in your room when it happened and when I had called the technicians that were all they had said as such with their professional advice we are going to add a few measures in your rooms."

Nathan scratched his chin as he spoke with a contemplative look on his face as he spoke, "That���s a shame, if we could have managed to somehow exploit it, then it would have been great."

"You are planning to cheat."

Nathan looked towards Nikola, who was giving him a death glare as he replied back with a sigh, "Nikola, I am not cheating, is it my fault the algorithm had a fault, it is simply like getting an extra helping of dessert without asking, just simply enjoy it."

Nikola gained a contemplative look on her face before she spoke with a grin, "An extra helping of dessert I like it.", then her face gained a sad look on his face as she spoke, "It really is a shame that we can no longer exploit it."

Their chat was interrupted by the timely arrival of Katrina who simply bowed at the occupants of the room as Dominic spoke with a smile, "Yes, Katrina what can we do for your?"

"Young master wanted me to inform him when updates have finished."

"Sweet let us go Nikola, we have a war to fight."

The others smiled as they watched the group leave only for Yelena to jump up with a slightly scared look on her face, "Damn it, we have work to do, if a similar incident happens to him it would be very dangerous."

Dominic leaned forward as he spoke, "Is he truly dangerous."

With a grave look on her face, Yelena nodded as she spoke, "Extremely so, those sons of bitches wanted a perfect and dangerous weapon and I believe they succeeded, that day I watched the entire thing as such I know, trust me when I say he is very dangerous especially when that part of him awakens, he will paint the battle field with blood."

Yelena shivered for a moment before she continued, "That creature was way above his level when he went unconscious other him awakened, he was like an artist, even with injuries he quickly found the weak points then systematically began to hit the creature at the weak points at the same time dodging with such finesse that if you did not see you would not believe me, as such I strongly recommend taking precautions against him."

Both Tristan and Maksim stood up as Tristan spoke with a sigh, "Brother let us start preparing for it then."

Heya everyone, howdy, first of all, a very HAPPY NEW YEAR, and I hope this year will be much better and rejoicing than previous one bringing smile and happiness to you all and your family.

Now, first of all, I would like to apologize for the delay in the chapter, for those who are patiently waiting for the new chapter thank and once again apologize, stuff happened which caused me to neglect this novel a lot doing a grave injustice to you all, but I hope with this new year as things would improve I would also be able to meet out justice to the novel as well.

SagelyDaoistcreators' thoughts