
Creating a Game Studio(Part-2)

Zeus stood in front of a lake, it was so clear that even the bottom could be seen it was amazing as such he could not help but double take at that, 'I do not think that there are any such water body in any corner of the earth.'

"It is so clear", he could not help but remark out loud as Vessha grinned at him as she spoke, "Well come to the Sacred Pool, and the Sacred Tree of Eternity."

Zeus never felt so free, so alive before as he breath in the fresh as he spoke with a smile, "I wish if possible to spend my entire life in this place, it is so mysterious and otherworldly."

Vessha smiled at him as she spoke, "It sure is hatchling it sure is."

Zeus looked towards the tree that seemed to be growing at the middle of the lake as he spoke with awe in his voice, the tree itself looked alive and homely.

'Wow how did they create such atmosphere kudos to the devs.'

"It is amazing"

"I know it is amazing hatchling now let us finish our objective and leave and stop giving me that look, you cannot stay here forever."

Zeus slouched forward as he pulled out a pitcher which he handed to Vessha who offered some prayer before she stored some water into it from the scared lake, before she handed it over to Zeus, who promptly stored it.

"Well since our work is done let us leave.", Zeus nodded at that before he spoke, "Teacher is it possible for us to return here."

Vessha gave him a small smile as she spoke, "Why not? I would love to accompany you again, though if you want to bring others then make sure you are strong enough to bring them here."

Chain Quest Update:

Quest: Help church to destroy the Necromancer job

Gathering of sacred water complete.



Reward: ??????


Failure: Imprisonment for eternity

Zeus sighed at that before his eyes fell on to what seemed like a seedling, two small leaves were peeking out of the seed, making it more like a sapling, the seed itself was bigger enough to be held on his hand, as for you're the leaves they were some of the healthiest he had seen he could not help but use 'observe' on it.

Name: Tree of Life(Seedling)

Tier: Mythical

Level: N/A

HP: 100/100

MP: 100/100

Effect: ?????, ????, ??????

Zeus frowned at the seedling on his hand he sighed as he turned to look at a gaping Vessha who looked as if she had died standing causing Zeus to wave his hand in front of her face.

"Oi teacher did you fall asleep?", he could not help but question her, which jolted her awake as she spoke with a voice full of disbelief, "Do you know what you are holding?"

Zeus titled his head as he spoke, "I used observe on it and I know that this thing is called the 'Tree of Life', something like that, but why are you so shocked?"

Vessha looked at him as she spoke with disbelief, "What is with you and your luck? Are the love child of some God of Luck?"

Zeus frowned at that as he spoke, "You should know that I am no such thing and my luck is extremely bad."

Vessha looked at him like some crazed being as she parroted his words, "'My luck is extremely bad', oh dear student of mine how did you come to such a conclusion your thinking capacity is truly astounding, this seedling is something from legend, a single seed like this has the power to transform an entire desert into forest land, it is not a simple seed from the sacred tree it is 'THE SEED', a seed of this is given only once by the Sacred tree and you found it and now you say that you luck is BAD!!", she shouted at him causing Zeus to wince as she continued, "If we had something like this we could have transformed this entire desert into forest like it once was."

As she gained a tired look on her face Zeus spoke with a frown, "If were such a thing then why did you not use the sacred tree to do so already."

Vessha sighed as she spoke again, "The fool who planted the tree made a mistake, the tree should be planted during night under moon light and on the day he did it was the new moon, so the tree is not only small but stunted as such its effect is limited, if it were not those creature might not have spawned here not only that the other tree would not have grown so close to this one."

Zeus looked at the seedling in his hand before he offered it to Vessha as he spoke, "Teacher then please accept it, it might sav…", he was stopped from speaking as Vessha placed a hand over his mouth as she spoke, "Do not hatchling do not offer me this precious thing, since you have found it you keep it with you and if possible do not mention it to others or else you might face a calamity, others will not be as temperate as myself and will kill you for it. But still I envy your luck."

Zeus looked at the seedling as he placed it back into his inventory as he whispered so low that even his teacher did not hear him, "I myself envy the luck I have in the virtual world as if all my luck from the real world had been transferred here."

Vessha patted him on his back before she spoke, "Well let us return and I hope your teammates did not burn my fort down."

Zeus snorted in amusement as he followed after her with a smile on his face only for her to stop as a vial full of foul concoction promptly found itself shoved on his mouth which made him swallow its contents it tasted so horrible that Zeus wanted to hurl and then came the smell as his screen lost color and went black and white he wanted to scream but he was once again muted, as Vessha looked at her handiwork with approval as she spoke, "Well the preparations are complete so let us leave.", as she dragged an enraged Zeus with a rope behind her.

Nikola fell from her sofa as she struggled to breathe, as did many others who watched the recorded video only for Nathan to send a scathing glare at them as he spoke, "Yes yes laugh all of you, one day I will have my revenge on that old hag."

Suddenly Retsuko gained a look of horror on her face as she stood up abruptly as she spoke, "Sorry Lady Vessha we did not…", that was the only thing Nathan heard before he was on his feet trying to appease and lower his teachers wrath only to remember that his teacher was a NPC inside the game, he turned towards others as they howled with laughter as he gritted his teeth as he shouted, "I WILL HAVE MY VENGEANCE."

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