"Welcome brother Maksim welcome.", Nathan's father stepped forward as he welcomed his wife's cousin by hugging him which was returned by a smiling Maksim.
Maksim with a grin on his face spoke, "It has been so long since we met brother."
Tristan nodded at that as Aubrielle stepped forward as she spoke with large smile on her face, "Welcome big brother welcome I am so glad that you could join us."
Maksim nodded at that as he spoke with a smile, "Me too sister me too, so where is my nephew?"
"Uncle Maksim, how are you?", an excited voice came to his ears as he looked towards a smiling Nathan as he spoke, "My how you have grown Nathan, it seems soon my sister will have to keep girls off of you with stick."
Nathan blushed at that while many were discussing about the newcomer trying to identify him when one of the guests was able to identify him as he spoke with awe, "No way isn't that the infamous Oil King of Russia, Maksim Sergeievich Ivanova."
Furious discussion broke all around as they tried to discern their relationship as a few of them scoffed after all many times they had seen Ivanova and Henderson getting together and rumor was that they were related rather distantly.
Zeus looked at the strange creature that his teacher had roasted and had offered him a part of it as he looked at it while using 'Observe' on it.
Name: Roasted Fire Gecko
Type: Rare
+10% HP recovery/second (For 2 minute)
+10% MP recovery/second (For 2 minute)
+10% Stamina recovery/second (For 2 minute)
Zeus's eyes widen at that as he read the attributes it was a incredible, to thing Vessha could cook something so incredible, it was completely beyond his imagination a completely game breaking item, within 10 seconds anyone could have full health it was amazing the respect for his teacher went up by a whole lot only for it to come crashing down as he read the rest of the attributes.
Aromatic: A unique stench that will drive away all creatures or NPCs away from you because of disgust (30:00 minutes), you may be attacked upon entering the city.
Rumble in the Belly: You will suffer discomfort for some time (30:00 minutes) caused by intense stomach ache.
Description: A dish prepared by Vessha with intense care for her one and only disciple Zeus, her cooking is famous or rather infamous because it causes severe negative effect thus feared throughout her tribe to the point her tribesmen prefer suicide.
Zeus gawked at that as he was unable to decide what to do with it, but his decision was done courtesy of Vessha who grab the roasted food and shoved it down his throat.
Vessha had an angelic smile on her face while Zeus was forced to swallow on reflex lest he choked as she spoke, "You should eat while it is hot or the taste will become bad when it is cold."
Zeus would have glared at her but suddenly stopped by incredible pain in his stomach followed by color disappearing from his sight plunging the entire world into black and white and what was worse he was unable to speak, as such he glared at the woman whose action caused him to suffer so much.
'How am I putting up with so much abuse after everything is over I am so cutting ties with her.'
Zeus was incredibly incensed by her latest stunt as he glared at her with hatred a number of notifications popped in front of him.
You have been poisoned -10% decrease in HP, MP and Stamina per sec
You have gained Skill 'Poison Resistance'
Skill 'Poison Resistance' gained 1 LvL.
Vessha looked at Zeus as she spoke, "Do not give me that look hatchling did I ever lead you astray or did anything that would cause you not to gain something."
Zeus sighed at that but he was still unable to say anything causing Vessha to smile brightly as she spoke, "See you have been forced into silence by the truth."
The glare returned full force as Vessha laughed at that causing Zeus to grit his teeth with frustration before the laughter stopped as she looked seriously at him as she spoke, "Eat it fast, we have places to be and the animal repellant will be needed very much where we will be going to, so eat up fast.", Zeus looked at her as she bit off from another 'roasted fire gecko'.
Meanwhile in the middle of the desert a little bit away from the fort a group was sitting for the clock to strike midnight.
TacoGirl shivered from the cold as she spoke, "This is desert is really something the morning it is unbearably hot and no it is bone chilling cold."
Azi snorted at that as she spoke, "It is the same for any desert in our world as well morning they are hot and at night they are chilly."
Tarasque's suddenly had a serious look on her face as she spoke, "It is beginning."
Jingling of bell was heard followed by a loud villainous laughter as a sled was seen moving halfhazardly through the sky.
"Fire! FIRE!" was the cry of the group as they let lose all kinds of ranged based attack to make the guy fall and fall he did as a crater with dust cloud formed where he fell.
The only thing they could see was the name on top of the person and level as BarbarianLady sighed at that as she spoke, "I kind of miss Zeus now at least he could be able to tell the stats all we know that his name is 'ATNAS' and it is 'Level 50' also from the name it is simply reverse of 'Santa' such lack of creativity."
TacoGirl nodded at that as she spoke, "Not to mention level 50 at least 6 levels higher than even the strongest of us."
Sylphy looked forward as her face formed a cruel smirk as she spoke, "If anyone wants to drop out they can but I am not letting our prey escape, Zeus had helped us pass through various difficult situation he was even part of the team that was able to capture a dungeon in hell mode, even If he is not here others from the team are here and I want to show that each of us have earned our right to be on this team and we are not solely depended on Zeus, without his skill and support it will be difficult but we will prevail."
Azi laughed at that before she send a glare at the enemy as she spoke, "I could not say it better sister let us make this fight so epic that will make Zeus jealous of the chance to fight with us."
With that they charged forward meanwhile back in the real world the situation was tense in the Opshrey Manor.
Tristan jaws tighten as he growled, "How sure are you of this information."
Maksim sighed as he looked a lot aged then he usually was as he spoke, "I am a hundred percent sure, when the raid took place many of those blasted thrice damned sobaki were killed but lot were unaccounted for, as such I decided to keep a track of those kids who were rescued, except Nathan either they are dead or are missing."
Hearing that the frown on everyone's face deepened as he placed another folder on the table as he spoke, "Brunhild the woman who tracked Nathan down and tried to kidnap him, unfortunately no one knows her real name and looks because of how well she can disguise herself, but from what I was able to find out from the files that we retrieved she was his handler, she taught him everything and by everything means everything no one was allowed interaction with Nathan except her anyone who tried was killed off, she is very very possessive of him, as such I fear she might try again."
Aubriella snarled at that as she spoke, "Let her try I will kill her if she touches a single hair of my baby boy, I have lost him once I would never let anyone take him away from me again."
Maksim looked at her before he spoke with a smile, "You have changed sister, when Nathan was younger both you and Tristan were so busy that your servants raised him, he probably would see you once a year."
Both Tristan and Aubriella winced at that as Tristan spoke, "It was not the proudest moment of my life to say I was actually ashamed of myself after we lost him it was then I realized how important he was to me, to both of us, we were the worst of parents."
Isabella snorted at that as she spoke, "Worst please you were deplorable I once wanted child service to get involved and take him away from both of you after all we raised you better."
Both Tristan and Aubriella looked ashamed of themselves it was true they had money status and everything but nothing can compensate love and they had failed to provide as such during his childhood, no matter how they would act now they will never be able to repent for their sins."
Maksim cleared his throat as he spoke while drawing everyone's attention towards him as he spoke, "Now the big question is when are you going to tell him the truth?", seeing almost everyone save for his wife about to protest he raised his hand in a placating manner as he spoke, "As much as you want to shout and deny eventually you have to tell him, he is smart boy either he will figure it out or the enemy will inform him and I believe both of them will be worse."
The entire family deflated as they felt a severe headache approaching them on how to break it to Nathan as well as dreading the conversion they will have.