
Seeking Ancestors' Blessings (part-1)

"But why can we not?", Azi asked Vessha with an angry snarl, "We have been in this quest together so why can we not go with you?"

Vessha looked up from the report she was reading, she had the look of poor boredom on her face as she spoke, "Pray tell me why I should take you with me?"

Azi growled at her as BlizzardQueen spoke with anger in her voice, "As she said that we are sharing the same quest."

Vessha raised one of her eyebrows at that as she spoke, "And it would matter why?"

Tarasque frowned at that as she spoke, "We are his teammates and friends that is why we would want to continue together."

Vessha smiled at her as she spoke, "Well good for you then but unfortunately I am his teacher as such I decline because I neither do have patience nor do I have enough man power to do so."

BlizzardQueen slammed her fist hard on Vessha's desk causing Vessha's eyes to narrow as BlizzardQueen spoke, "I do not care about that we are a team and we do not want to be broken apart."

Vessha nodded at that as she spoke, "Well if you say so, but what about Zeus? What does he say about it?"

Sylphy frowned as she spoke, "Well he is missing so we thought he was busy training."

Vessha had a grin on her face as she spoke, "Well he agreed and has left already, did your teammate not tell you."

The girls except Azi and Tarasque were taken aback at that as Sylphy snarled in anger, "That no good idiot."

Her tirade was stopped when Azi raised her hand to stop her from ranting as she spoke with frown, "What did you do to him?"

Vessha raised one of her brows as she spoke with a happy look on her face, "Well I persuaded him and he agreed and has already left now I am about to leave or might not catch up with him."

Azi suddenly had a feeling of dread she knew that from various interactions with Vessha that a happy Vessha means she is torturing Zeus by calling it training, when Zeus told him that her teacher had said that he would be going there alone, she thought it as a joke but she should have expected something from the crazy woman and now she must have done something to him.

Vessha sighed as she spoke, "Well it was easy to convince him, a hammer, ropes and a bag, and a couple of my man to carry him."

Tarasque's brow twitched as she spoke with a snarl, "How dare you kidnap him, you…"

Veesha raised her hand stopping her as she spoke, "Listen I am busy and I have given you more than enough time now leave.", with that she made a shooing motion with her hand as the group was flung out of her room as the door closed behind them.

As they stood up CelestialMaiden spoke in a worried tone, "Everyone I think she might have really done something to Zeus I have been sending him message for some time now but he has yet to reply."

Sylphy narrowed her eyes as she spoke, "I hope he replies soon enough."

Azi and Tarasque simply sighed they were getting tired of Sylphy's antics they knew that she had a distrust of her opposite gender but this was getting ridiculous treating Zeus like that.

Zeus woke up with a headache only to he greeted by over a dozen messages that he had missed but what made him a bit afraid was his hands and legs bound tightly with his mouth gagged not to mention he was inside a burlap sack.

'Why have I been kidnapped? The last thing I remember was my teacher calling me to his office before my screen turned black and a message was shown that I have lost consciousness. Did someone kidnap me but how and why? But most importantly should my teacher not have helped me or was she forced to surrender as I am a hostage.'

Befpre he could brainstorm anymore the sack was opened as he was thrown outside, he winced as the rays of the sun hit his eyes as a voice came to his ears, "Rise and shine dear rise and shine."

With that he felt the ropes binding him being cut off and the piece of cloth that was used to gag him removed from his mouth as he was finally able to look up he was greeted with the smiling visage of Vessha, who was looking towards a certain direction with a nostalgic look on her face.

As Ryuu looked at the direction he was greeted by imposing walls of a large city, and its beauty was oddly enhanced by the large growth of vegetation yet it did not lose its glory it looked like a veteran soldier who had seen and spend his entire life surrounded by the fires of war.

"Beautiful and awe inspiring isn't it, no matter how many times I have seen it, it never seizes to make me amazed, it reminds of the time when I was a young child learning from my father how to hold a sword before it went all bad, my father was one of the top generals in that woman's army, one of the people who protested against corruption as such he was dishonorably discharged because he was friend with him, only his achievements kept him away from the gallows, but if you ask me for a proud man like him death was a better choice than dishonor." As Zeus listened with rapt attention Vessha continued, "I still remember your predecessor my big brother in all but blood burning the city down and imprisoning the queen with his dying breath."

Vessha seemed to be silent for a moment as Zeus looked at her face, she then turned towards him as she spoke "Zeus, it is a custom of our family to seek blessings from our ancestors when we take on a disciple someone to whom we pass our skills, I remember when my father took me to pray to my ancestors and today I will do the same with you and then hopefully complete the quest as well."

Zeus nodded as he stood up, 'Damn elves live a very long life and if what I have read is correct the tragedy of Yafa Esari took place 800 years ago so this person is at the very least 800 years old.'

Vessha gave a small saintly smile as she spoke, "Dear if you think about my age I am going to use you as monster bait, I hope you are not doing so Zeus."

Zeus quickly shook his head as he hurriedly spoke, "Of course not teacher I am a bit speechless upon seeing the awe inspiring walls even if the city is ruined."

Vessha gave a crisp nod as she spoke, "Follow as close to me as possible listen to my every command without hesitation and without wasting any time or you might die, try not to get distracted and trail to fair behind or you may get lost and die, and please try to keep up I am not known for my patience and if you trail too far behind I will leave you in the dust. Now move.", with that she started jogging towards the city, Zeus did not wait too long to react and he started to run behind her in order to keep up with her as the duo made their way towards the sacred place of Vessha's family.

Next chapter